TalkCSI: RolePlay

Hibachi walked around to try and get through the door, but there was a padlock on it.


He tried to kick the padlock off, but it was too strong, so he went over to the window and broke it with his gun.

"Easy enough."

He climbed through the window and started to look around, gun drawn just in case he needed it.
Nicole heard the sound of glass shattering, her eyes didn't open, but as if she were talking in her sleep, because she didn't have the strength to open her eyes she somehow was able to say, "Help me." But it somewhat still came out as a whisper.
Comte, I have to ask you, please don't play other people's roles (unless you have their consolation, such as Evan) Thanks a bunch :D (and if you do, please say so.)


Alyssa reached for her purse and grabbed her cell as it started to ring.

"Ellsworth." She listened for a moment. It was Mindy, from the lab.

"Hi, ma'am. Uhmm.." Mindy paused, unsure.

"Go ahead, Mindy."

"Well, ma'am, Nicole's been kidnapped, we beleive by the same person who attacked Sara." Alyssa glanced at Sara, who was sitting quietly next to her, staring out the window. "And we were just wondering where you are, uhmm, we were worried about our boss and stuff."

"Okay, Mindy. Sara and I are out with my daughter, Hannah. We're taking a short break from work to have lunch, then we'll be back. Tell Khan I have my gun, and I'll use as much force as nessicary to get my lunch quickly." Mindy laughed and said, "okay, ma'am."

"And Mindy, don't call me ma'am." Alyssa giggled and hung up, looking at Sara. She decided not to say anything about the call except, "They need us quickly."
"How come?" Sara asked quickly. Then she realized that Alyssa might not have wanted Hannah to hear about it, because she was young. She stared back out the window.
Sara broke her gaze with the window and stared at Alyssa. "What?" She asked, unable to believe it. "Do we know who kidnapped her, or why?" Sara asked.
"Well, we know it's not the perp who got you," Alyssa noted Sara's frantic tone, "we got him, you know. But I'm thinking it might be his accomplise, a follower, maybe."
Nicole couldn't muster up enough strength to reply, she laid there, still semi-conscience, unable to move, the only noise she was making was the sound of her breathing. Her headache was now getting worse from the attack.
Hibachi ran to the middle of the room.

"Nicole...Stay with me sweetheart."

He checks her pulse and finds it weak.

"Come on Nicole. You can push through this."

He pulls out his cell and calls an ambulance to the warehouse and then waits.
"Okay, drive-through?" Sara asked, hoping that they'd get to Nicole before whoever took her got his chance to go farther than the guy had gotten with her.
Sorry, Ducky. We'll stop being lazy, and post real paragraphs, not sentences. Here that, ladies and gents?


"Drive-thru it is," Alyssa said, "Subs, burgers, salad, what's it going to be?" They decided on subs. Alyssa pulled into the closest place that sold subs. They ordered 6" veggie subs, and drove back to the lab, eating while driving.

"When we get back, I have to change Hannah's diaper and get her lunch. Then, we'll start to work."
Nicole was having a dream of the attacker, then everything turns red and blue and all she can here is the sound of cop cars and ambulances. There was something, that seemed like a hand wrapped in hers and her first instinct was to grasp whatever it was.

"I'm going to ask you to step away from her," she heard someone say. Then she felt someone feeling at her wrists. "She's got a pulse, but it's very weak, let's get an IV started on her now." Something cold was put in her mouth and up under her tongue. "Temperature is 103.5, I have a feeling she's dehydrated, get that IV started now!"
Hibachi watched her get loaded into the ambulance and then zoned out.


Next thing he knew, he was pacing back and forth in the waiting room at the hospital.

"I'm a coroner for God's sake. I'm trained in medicine. I know what I would be doing and yet I still can't get let in there."

Hibachi was making himself angrier and angrier, but eventually sat down and waited for any one of the CSIs or Detectives to show up.