TalkCSI: RolePlay

Nicole desperatly tried to remove the ties from around her feet, but to no avail. They were on there too tight and she didn't have anything to cut them off with. She scooted around the small room, noticing that the doors were bolted on the otherside by looking through a hole in the door. There was nothing sharp to cut the ties off with and they were on too tight to get off with just her hands, Nicole started to cry, she was left here in this tiny room to die. But she had faith in her coworkers, her friends, really her family because she really spent more time with them then she did with her actual family. They were going to find her, she knew it.

She slid back towards the gun, using her jacket to wrap it in, at this point she felt like wiping the rest of his spit off of her face, but his DNA was on her and she wanted him caught.
"Khan....It's Hibachi. I have a bad feeling that Nicole is in trouble. She left her cellphone at this crime scene along with a rag drenched in ether. I have a VERY bad feeling that she's been kidnapped. Now I do see tire treads leading from here into a nearby warehouse, but I didn't want to go into a potential suicide mission. Really, I am only calling to ask if I could possibly get someone to cover me while I am checking it out. I know I'm no CSI, but I'm not really here to collect evidence. My main priority is finding Nicole."
Nicole began to lose a battle with conscieness, the blow to the head had taken its toll. She would drift in and out of conscieness, and the only thing she had to eat that day was a Pop Tart. Gradually, she couldn't help it any more and her possible concussion won over.
(Aha, I just realized something. My brother's wife & my daughter have the same name. The wife was supposed to me Tara, not Hannah.)

Alyssa layed Hannah gentley back in her crib. She stood back and folded her arms across her chest. With tears in her eyes, she watched her baby sleep.

"What's wrong, babe," Dan asked, concerend, and stood up to put his arms around his wife.

"She's so beautiful," Alyssa whispered, and lay her head against Dan's chest, "I thought there was something really wrong with her. I was -" she choked on a small cry "- so scared."

"It's okay, she's fine," Dan nodded towards Sara who was still standing by the door. Alyssa composed herself and stood tall.

"We're going to go back to work now, Dan. But I think I'm going to take Hannah with me, just incase she acts up." Dan started to protest, but Alyssa lifted a finger and put it to his lips, putting a shiver through his spine. "I'll call you later. Don't wait up," she winked, flung her curly hair over her shoulder and walked to the sleeping baby. She lifted the infant up and put her over her shoulder, gathering a pre-packed baby bag, and heading out the door.
Sara followed. A light smile was on her face, which showed she was happy that Hannah was okay, but still showed her sadness of what had happened earlier.

"So, where are we going?" Sara asked as they got into the car.
"Not work," Alyssa replied with an intriuging, devious, playful tone, sticking the small infant in the car-seat behind Sara, so she could watch the baby as she drove.

Sara sat in the passenger seat as Alyssa packed the baby in, and when she got in the car, Alyssa turned to Sara and said, "Girls day out. They won't miss us. I'll phone the lab and tell them we're taking a break." And with that, they were off.
Nicole awoke, tried to move, but was unable to. She tried to scream but couldn't form even one syllable. She did the first thing that she she could, cried.

"I'm going to die here!" She told herself.
"Khan....It's Hibachi. I have a bad feeling that Nicole is in trouble. She left her cellphone at this crime scene along with a rag drenched in ether. I have a VERY bad feeling that she's been kidnapped. Now I do see tire treads leading from here into a nearby warehouse, but I didn't want to go into a potential suicide mission. Really, I am only calling to ask if I could possibly get someone to cover me while I am checking it out. I know I'm no CSI, but I'm not really here to collect evidence. My main priority is finding Nicole."

Hearing this made Khan stop dead in his tracks...

"Doc..Don't you dare move a muscle..We've already suffered enough damages today..I'm not going to let that damages to rise..Stay there..I'm on my way there..."

With that,he ran the rest of the way into PD..Upon seeing the first police officers-
"Officers..Go to the crime scene at Fulleron Avenue..The coroner will be there...Get backup..MOVE!!DOUBLE TIME!!NOW!!!" he barked at them...
The officers were scrambling as Khan took his phone out and dialled Evan...
"Evan..Drop the findings off at the lab and make your way down to PD ASAP!!We have a situation on our hands.."
"Khan..What are you talking about?What situation?"
"Hibachi just called me..It seems Nicole has been kidnapped from the Fulleron Avenue scene.."
"I'm afraid so..So hurry up and get yourself here...I already sent a couple of uniforms there..We leave in 10 minutes!"
"I'm on my way!!"
He ended his conversation with Evan and immediately sought some more police officers..

"Officers..Locate CSIs Sara and Ellsworth immediately..Update me when you find them..Move it!!"
Nicole was finding it hard to reality it was nothing more than a panic attack but try telling that to someone who's been locked in a room and tied up.

"Come on Nicole, hang on a little longer." She told herself. Her breathing returned to normal...then she went into unconsciness again.
"Doc..Don't you dare move a muscle..We've already suffered enough damages today..I'm not going to let that damages to rise..Stay there..I'm on my way there..."

Hearing this forced him to put himself at peace, so he doesn't freak out while waiting.

"I sure hope they hurry, as I can't wait much longer."
Josefine had just stepped out of the layout room, stretching herself and whiping her eyes to make the tiredness that had fallen over her while she'd been looking through the photos of the crime scene, disappear, when she heared Khan's voice. She didn't see him and she couldn't make out the whole sentences but she heared the name of her colleague and the word kidnapping.
In shock she ran towards the voice of the detective. The moment she saw him she yelled:

"Det. Khan, what's that about Nicole being kidnapped?"

when she finally reached the detective she stopped in front of him and looked at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She hadn't been with the team for that long, but she'd quickly grown fond of everybody. Half hoping that she'd only mistaken Khan's voice she was now waiting for an answer.
"I can't wait anymore. She could be getting killed right now."

Doc pulls out a gun and follows the treads to the warehouse, looking through a window.

(Go ahead and do anything to my character. All in the interest of the RP. ;))
Nicole was slightly awaken from her little slumber when she heard footsteps outside of the building where she was.

"Oh, great now I'm having halloucinations!" she told herself. She tried to move, but she couldn't muster enough strength to move even a single muscle, she just continued to lay.
Khan was about to make a another phone call when he saw Josefine yelling and running up to him...

"Det. Khan, what's that about Nicole being kidnapped?",She finished as she stopped infront of the detective...

"Jose..Hibachi just called moments ago...Said that he found Nicole's cellphone,a rag drenched in ether,drag marks and Nicole missing from the scene.."

"What?!He sure it isn't something else?!"

"Jose..I've been around with Hibachi long enough to know when he's being serious and not..And this is no matter to joke about.."

Jose just stared at Khan,in shock at the words coming out of the detective's mouth...

"Well!!What are you doing here,detective?Why haven't you left!?"

"I'm going to leave..I'm just waiting for Evan to show up..And i've sent a couple of uniforms to the scene.."

"I'm coming with you!"

"NO!!You stay right here..This guy,or gang,has something against us,the female CSIs in particular, and i don't want anything to happen to anyone..I've dispatched a couple of uniforms to locate Sara and Al.."

-Josefine started to protest-

"No ma'am..You stay in PD,where you'll be safe and that's final..Please understand the situation,Josefine..."

**Evan's role**
Evan was bewildered...First Sara,now Nicole..Someone is really gunning for us,he thought...
Khan's phone call had shook him right to his core...He sped up his pace to the lab...
Upon entering the lab,he passed all his findings to the nearest lab tech he could find and made an immediate U-turn,and started running...
Every second they lost was lessening their chances of finding Nicole...That was the sad truth...
10 minutes,Khan said..That was way too long to wait,thought Evan..
But unfortunately,the lab was a good 10 minutes from PD..Evan cussed at this fact..And it takes another 15 minutes from PD to Fulleron Avenue...
"Dammit!!" went Evan as he started speeding his car towards PD..
