TalkCSI: RolePlay

There was a link that you had to push to get to what ever the kidnapper wanted you to get to, when Chris pushed the link an audio message link popped onto the screen. Chris pressed it.

(I don't own this idea, I'm just borrowing it. :D)

Hi there Chris, I take if you're listening to this, you haven't found dear old Christine yet. And I take that you have found out that she's carrying Jonathan's baby, and I have a feeling he's right there with you now. Hi there, Mr. Hollywood, how ya doing? And by the time you've found this message, I'll be dead, you'll find me hanging in my basement. Just like you found dear old Lizzy. That's right, Sophia didn't kill Lizzy, I did. But I didn't kill my sweet Scarlet, that was Sophia's doing. I loved them both. It all ends here, you'll never find Christine. All my love. Phoenix Miller Chris pressed the next link and it jumped to Christine laying in, what appeared to be a glass coffin.

As Chris stared blankly at the screen, Jonathan fell into the chair to Chris' right, staring at the screen to as his head collapsed into his hands. He sat there and cried. He was going to lose the only woman he ever cared about, Christine. And he was going to lose another baby.

Chris looked at him, actually feeling sorry for him, but he didn't really know what to say. Jonathan looked at the screen, finally pulling his head out of his hands. "Chris, does that look like an Internet Modem to you?" He said pointing to a blinking light squinting his eyes. "Isn't that traceable?" He never knew that he was such a good investigator.
He hated to admit he was right. "Yes...It is." He looked away, feeling himself shed a tear. "So you really love her, huh?" He started to trace the modem, hoping he'd get somewhere and this idea would work. At the same time, he was kinda hoping Jonathan may've been wrong just for his rubbing in.
Jonathan sighed, "Yeah I do, we grew up together went to the same Elementry School, Middle School and High School. Then we went to college. She was the first girl that I kissed," he let out a little laugh, "the first girl that slapped me for kissing her and then the next day, she kissed me back. In high school, she was my first, you know. We dated all through college and right after graduation we got married, then she had a miscarriage and I think it just hit me harder than it did her. I really wanted to be a father, you know? I still want to be a father." The computer beeped, Chris was actually getting a reading. He turned towards Jonathan, ready to tell him how he felt about what heppend between them and about him being there. Hopefully Chris could see that he cared about Christine, and the baby, he wanted to be there for the two of them, just in case she did make it.
Chris shook his head and looked at the computer, trying to focus on the results over his feelings. "I'm so tired of you people." he muttered. He was done being nice. He was so tired of all of these people taking the ones he loved from him. He could feel tears steadily trickling down his face now. They had clouded his vision, so he couldn't even see the results. He wiped away his tears and read the results. He turned the computer to show Jonathan.
"I'm so tired of you people."

Jonathan just acted like he didn't hear Chris' comment, but he did. It hurt him that he would compare him to the other two, Christine told him about Matthew and Josh and how they took advantage of the girls, Nicole and Amber. Why couldn't he just understand that Christine being pregnant with his kid, was going to put a strain on her and Chris' relationship. How was that going to work out? In Jonathan's eyes, he couldn't imagine ever loving any other girl but his Christine. Jonathan looked at the computer that Chris had turned towards him, "2331 Lake View Road," Jonathan just happened to glance towards the box to his left, the one Chris had found the USB drive in, "that's the same place the box came from, it's probably this guys home. He wasn't so smart after all," he kind of went on mumbling.

At that time, a woman stepped up to the door. She was 6 foot tall to say the least, with baby blue eyes and long silky auburn hair. She resembled Christine a lot, but this girl was a lot more taller. "Excuse me, which one of you is Chris?"

Jonathan turned around, "Christa?"

And Chris was staring at her, and it seemed he was undressing her with his eyes. Had he taken a liking to Christine's older sister?

She smirked and glanced towards Chris, "Yeah Jonny. I take by that open mouth stare, that you're Chris." She gave him a small smile, "Any word on Christine?"
Chris smiled at her. "You look a lot like your sister. I'm sorry...I thought it was her. And we have the address. I'll be going now." He left and decided not to take Jonathan with him. He took Christa though. "Sorry about that back there. Me and him...Not really the closest of people right now." He pulled up to the house and got out. "Don't move." He knew Jonathan had been following him, so he waited for Jonathan to get out.
Chris looked towards the back yard, and saw a patch of land that was nothing but dirt. He noticed two shovels and grabbed two giving one to Jonathan and keeping one for himself. They walked together, on a mission, over towards the land and started to dig. Then Jonathan's shovel hit something solid, "She's under here," they started to displace the dirt until Jonathan looked down and noticed her face. She was freaking out and he noticed that her hand was covered in what seemed like some kind of ants.

"Chris, you have a fire extingusher in your truck?" Chris yelled to Christa where it was and she ran back with it. Chris placed small squirts into the coffin, smothering the ants. She was still freaking out.

Jonathan got as close to the coffin that he could, "Christine, Christine, Christy, you need to remain calm, we're here, we're going to get you out ok?" She nodded. Hearing him call her his childhood pet name that he had given her, both calmed her and reminded her how much she loved him. She didn't know what to think of Chris anymore, ever since what happened between her and Jonathan and him and that Jonrika girl, but she was certain of one thing, she would always love Jonathan, no matter who she was with. Chris and Jonathan worked together to try to ply the coffin open, finally getting it, Chris pulled Christine out of the coffin. And as thoughts of what he did to her, regarding the Jonrika girl, she broke free and collapsed down into Jonathan's arms.
Chris stood up and walked away. He sat in his car and started crying. "Not again...Not again...Please. No." He stared straight ahead, considering his options. He didn't know what to do anymore. Nothing ever worked out right with him and his relationships. He had to make a decision, and he wanted to make it quickly. He got out and walked back over to the two. "You should get her to a hospital." He remembered his tears and wiped them away quickly.
Jonathan looked up to Chris, sheding tears of his own. "Are, are you sure you don't want to come?" Chris just shook his head no and headed over to his car and sat down again. He watched in his rearview mirror Jonathan put Christine into his car and head off towards the hospital.

- - - - -

They arrived at the hospital in record time, "Excuse me sir?" a nurse asked him as he entered the door, "What happened?"

"This is my girlfriend, she works with St. John's Crime Lab and she was kidnapped and buried alive and she's pregnant." The nurse quickly got a stretcher brought over for her. She advised him that it would be awhile until he got to see her.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" She tried to think, it was some movie her daughter had watched. "Mean Girls?"

Jonathan nodded, but he didn't care about his career right then. He cared about Christine and the baby that was inside her.

- - - - -

Meanwhile Chris and Christa ( :) what names :lol:) were heading back to the lab so she could get her car.

"It's better now than later," Christa simply said, "You know with her having his baby they'll always have a special bond. I know what my sister and Jonathan had, if you two were to stay together, you'd end up getting hurt anyways." She felt like she was rambling and hopefully Chris made any sense out of it. She felt some kind of connection to him. She felt like a love sick teenager with a crush. They stopped and she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it, "Here's my number, call me if you ever need anyone to talk to."

- - - - -

"Mr. Bennett, I'm Dr. McGraw." He said extending his hand. He walked him down towards Christine's room. "She was dehydrated, we gave her some fluids, she'll be as good as new when she wakes up. The baby's really healthy too, little girl is just fine."

"My little girl?" Jonathan asked, trying to hide the smirk forming on his face.

The doctor gave him a little smile of his face, "Yes sir, she's having a girl."
Chris looked at Christa. "You seem like a great person, but we'll never become something. I love your sister and noone else. If she breaks my heart, I'm done." He decided to drive to the hospital to check on Christine. He walked in and saw Jonathan and Christine smiling. He approached Jonathan. "Could I have a huge favor? Could I talk to her alone? You can be standing right outside. If I lay a finger on her abusively, I promise you can stab me with that scalpel without any retaliation from me." He looked at him desperation and seriousness in his eyes.
Christine sighed, "I know what you're thinking and I know that I promised you that I'd never do what they did to you, but," Christine started crying. "When I'm around Jonathan, I get butterflies in my stomach, Chris. That same feeling that I had when we were in love as teenagers. What if God sent me to California for a reason? That reason being for me to run into Jonathan, maybe showing me what I was truly missing deep down. And I know you're going to hate me for this, so if you don't want to be friends with me, because that's all I can offer at the moment, I suppose you just turn right around and leave." She looked at him with tears in her eyes, it hurt her to tell him this.

- - - - -

Meanwhile Christine entered the Good Times Cavern and ordered a light beer.
((I'm sorry...But I told you more than enough times not to do this,'ll see the result at the end of this post.))

"Fair enough. Bye Christine...forever. Enjoy living with this on your conscience." He ran out of the room and jumped into his car. He drove right to where he wanted to. He saw the mountain getting steeper and steeper. Eventually, he reached the top. "I'm ready to be free of this pain. It's my time God!"
( :( You jumped to the conclusion on that one. Umm I was trying to make it look like she was kind of drugged up, you know :) I was thinking of getting Jonathan and Christa together later on :) I changed my mind about what I had originaly had planned, I should have PMed you, sorry about the problem.)

Christine woke up from her nap, she didn't remember anything. The last thing she remembered was hugging Jonathan when they found her in the coffin. Jonathan's voice awoke her. "What are we going to do about all of this?"

She sighed, "Tell me something, did they give me any medication."

"Yeah, they gave you something to help you sleep."

She started to cry, "I think I want to be with Chris."

Jonathan smiled, "You remember when I told you I had a girlfriend that night in California?" She nodded. "It was Christa, that's how I heard about the baby, from when you told her. She wasn't mad when she called me and told me, she knew how much I wanted a kid and me and her had been trying, but we weren't lucky enough to have one."

"Where did Chris go?"

"He left a couple hours ago."

"Jonathan do you love Christa?" he smiled and nodded.

"Do you love Chris." She nodded.

"Look, be with him, we'll find a way around," he pointed towards her stomach, "This."

"Can you give me a moment alone." Sure.

Then she remembered what Chris had said, Fair Enough. Bye Christine...forever. Enjoy living with this on your conscience. She took her cell phone out of her pocket.

Please don't be too late, I love you not Jonathan, please answer.

She heard the phone turn on, she didn't know if he heard her or not. She cried her eyes out. "Please don't do it Chris. Jonathan told me you were here earlier, I don't even remember what I told you, but whatever it was, forget it. I want you. I want you. But if you'll take me, you have to understand that Jonathan's going to be in the picture, this is his baby I'm carrying. Please don't do it Chris." She could hear breathing on the other end. "Please come back to me." She heard a door shut and an engine turn on. No, don't leave me she thought. He was going to kill himself.


Christa sat crying in a secluded booth at the bar, she could never tell Jonathan that she couldn't have babies, she blamed herself for him cheating on her. She still loved him. She couldn't believe that Chris thought she was flirting, she just wanted to help him if he needed it. She cried even harder. Right now she needed someone to tell her everything would be alright. Where was her help when she needed it. She realized that no one wanted her and she sat and placed her head in her head and cried. Crying in a bar, but she didn't care, just like no one cared about her.

- - - - -

Christine sat in the hospital bed, looking towards the phone. She really hoped Chris didn't do it, she truly meant what she had said. Jonathan had stepped to get something to eat. She looked towards the window and opened it and stood out on the roof. She looked towards the sky, "God, if you're going to take him. Go ahead and take me too." She knew this would kill Jonathan, but she just couldn't live without Chris. She stepped over to the edge, but hesitated. Deep down inside she only hoped that someone would stop her. But it had to be the right person.


Christa sat and wondered what else she did wrong, except for Jonathan despertly wanting a baby. She couldn't come up with any good thing. She couldn't believe she was flirting with Chris, she was only trying to make Jonathan jealous. She hoped it worked, because, deep inside she knew she loved him. And she only hoped he felt the same way.
((That's why I didn't commit it. I just drove up to the top of the mountain. I honestly didn't know your plan, so I just wanted to wait to see what would develop. :)))

Chris closed the phone and revved his engine before driving back to the hospital. He saw her on the roof crying and ran up the stairs. He ran to the edge just as she stepped over, dragging her back with him, toppling him to the ground. "I'm here baby." He hugged her close to him, loving the feeling of her in his arms again. He started to cry in pure joy. "I love you sweetheart."
She brought her lips up towards Chris' and placed a kiss onto his lips. And started to cry with him. She looked him deep in the eyes. "I love you to Chris, but." she sighed. "I love Jonathan too, but I'm not in love with him. He's my best friend. And he's going to a part of our lives, like it or not." She looked away, "It's just that with the baby and all, you know. But you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, I'm 100 percent in love with you," it was at that moment that she realized that she wanted to be married to Chris.


Christa looked down at her cellphone, and she saw who it was. "Hello?"


"Jonathan, what do you want?"

"You, I miss you, I'm sorry about everything."

She started to cry, "I miss you too."