TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris walked over to her and hugged her. "It's ok. The past is the past. You've been so understanding with my problems. It's time for me to forget about that too." He pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. "I don't even care that you were once married to him. This is the here and now. You're my here and now. And I don't want to do anything to edanger that." He smiled at her and wiped her tears away.
Christine brought her arms tightly around his neck, "Thank you," she was wiping the tears from her face. "Do you mind if I keep the tape," she sighed, "I mean, it's a big part of my life, he was really my first love, we grew up together in Ohio. We aren't married now because we got married right after college, three years later I found out I was pregnant. And he was really proud that he was going to have a kid, then I had a miscarriage and he was so upset that we got a divorce. A couple months after that, he came to me asking forgivness, I forgave him, but I told him I couldn't be with him. Then I moved up here and worked with the police department before getting this job, you pretty much know the rest. And I'll go ahead and tell you, we still keep in touch." She took a breath, it was kind of like she said that all in one, "Oh and I got the promotion."
Chris hugged her tighter. "It's ok...I love you and I know you love me." He smiled at her. "And congrats on the promotion! Let's celebrate!" He winked at her and stood up. "If you want to I mean...I mean...I dunno..." He looked away, feeling a tad insecure with his position in this relationship and hoping that she'd either reassure him or just break his heart now.
(Like I said in the PM, I'm sorry if I offend you with this, but Christine needs to be hurt, Chris has been the one hurting in the past. Let's give a girl some of that hell :))

Christine gave a soft smile getting what he was hinting at, "I'd love to, but it's just," she gave another soft smile, "It's that time of the month," she whispered looking away kind of embarassed. "But can't we go out and do something together, maybe go and see a movie? I've been wanting to see the movie Zodiac?" She looked up at him with a small pout on her face. He kissed her gently on the lips and nodded grabbing both of their coats and were both on their way.


"That was a really good movie," Christine told Chris, "Thanks for everything." She gave him a romantic kiss before they got in the car to continue their car ride back home.

When she walked in the door, she was greeted by Johnny and picked him up and placed a small kiss on the top of his head. "Hea boy, did you miss us?" he gave out two little yaps. "I take that as a yes," she gave a small laugh and scratched his ears letting him fall asleep and she placed him, like a little baby on his blanket on the sofa. She headed over to the answering machine, which was flashing with two messages."


Hea Christine, it's David, look I know it's a short notice, but we need you to go to a Forensic Convention in Las Angeles California, come by in the morning to get your plane tickets, I'm sorry again for the short notice.


Hea Chrissy, it's Jon. I'll try calling you later, bye.

"Wow, I've never been to LA before." She said to Chris with a look of awe on her face. I better get in bed, I have to get up pretty early. She placed a kiss on his lips, grabbed a sleeping Johnny, went into the room, placed him on the end of the bed towards the middle and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was gone.
((It's ok. Let's just see where this goes first. ;)))

Chris smiled and then called Jon back. "Hey...what do you need?"
Jon answered, "Let's hang out tomorrow...I miss you."
"Jonrika, this is not funny anymore. I've moved on."
"Just give me a chance. Let's meet at Smith's Bar tomorrow."
"Fine...just to talk though."
"Fine..." she said in a pouty voice, "Just to talk."
"Ok. Bye."

He hung up and then joined Christine in sleeping.
Christine got up early the next morning, she saw Johnny was asleep on Chris' stomach and she didn't want to disturb either of them. She went and showered, packed her bags and wrote a quick note to Chris, "I love you. I'll call you when I arrive in LA. Hugs and Kisses Christine."

She headed down to the office to get her ticket and at 5:00 she was seated on the plane, flying through the sky.

At one that afternoon, she landed at LAX and headed over to her hotel and put her stuff in her room. She had three days of nothing to do, so she did what anyone would have done, she went shopping. After hitting a couple of stores, she headed over to a Starbucks to get a Caramel Macchiato, she sat outside and drank it and looked at her watch. 9:00, subtract 3 hours, makes it 6:00.

Christine decided to head back to her room, take a quick shower and change into something more comfortable to get ready for what she was about to do, party! She asked the bellhop what a good club would be and he reccomended a club, Circus Disco.

She headed over there and showed her id and in she went. She'd been there for about a hour and a half dancing on the dance floor when she felt someone walk up behind her, who pulled her closer into them, she turned around ready to kick them in the shins. But she froze, "Jonathan!" She had a big smile on her face, "I never thought I'd run into you."

"Yeah, I just finished a movie and decided to go clubin. What you doing in LA, I thought you were up freezing your hands off in Canada?" Jonathan said with a grin.

"I can't believe you remembered that." She had told him when they were in college that she had low circulation in her hands.

"You've had anything to drink?"

"No, not yet, I was just thinking about getting something,"

"Wait right here," Jonathan said walking her over to the table he was sitting at. He returned with a waitress, she was toting a tray with 6 shots on it. Here you go, your favorite shots from college, Fuzzy Navel, Italian Screwdriver and Sex on the Beach."

"You amaze me sometimes," she said with a small grin. She picked up the Fuzzy Navel downed it and then did the same with the Italian Screwdriver and then the Sex on the Beach. She let Jonathan finish his drink, then she took his hand and dragged him to the dance floor, Sexyback was playing and they started dancing together, people who were watching were probably thinking they were a couple. They headed back to the table and ordered more mixed drinks, mainly Wild Thing, T-N-T, Tequila Sunrise, Tequila Sour, Bull Rider, and Bloody Maria. They topped it off with some body shots and went back to the dance floor, they were hot and sweaty by now.

Jonathan slurred his words, "I think we should get going, it's probably cooler out there than here."

"You're right, let's go somewhere else."

They made it outside and it was then and there that Jonathan decided to place a hot kiss on her lips, and with the alcohol clouding her judgment, she gave in to the kiss. They were headed over to a Taxi, Jonathan broke the kiss, "6381 Hollywood Blvd." They were back in the Taxi, going at it again. The Taxi stopped, Jonathan paid the fare and in what seemed like less than a minute, Jonathan had Christine carrying her up his stairs, kissing her the whole way. He headed into his room and placed her on the bed, kissing every inch of her body. He started to remove her clothes...

Christine awoke the next morning, with a big headache, she felt herself snuggled into a sleeping man's form, the first thought she had was it felt good to wake up in Chris' chest like this, then it hit her, she was in LA. She had slept with Jonathan. How could she do this to Chris? What was he doing right now? It was at that moment that she started worrying about what he was doing. She used that thought to put her at peace for the time being, she wasn't going to lie, this felt good, but it felt so much better with Chris. She got out of the bed, headed to the restroom and pulled out her cellphone, she called home and got the answering machine,

"Hea Chris, it's me, just wanted to tell you I made it here. Sorry I didn't call earlier, umm they told me it be a month or two till this convention is over, is the really big one, so I'll see you then, bye."

She went back to the bedroom and laid back down. Jonathan climbed on top of her and started kissing again, she felt like telling him to stop, but she was so upset already that she didn't say anything.

After they finished, Jonathan took her to her hotel. "It's been nice talking to you, keep in touch ok." He started to walk away.

"Umm Jonathan," he turned back around, "This doesn't change anything? Chris is great to me and I love him, I mean we were drunk last night." He just nodded.

"I've got a girlfriend too, I don't think I'm in love with her though, but I won't get between you two, I promise." She placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"Bye Jonathan."

"Bye Nicole."

She closed the door and slumped against it, tears feeling her eyes, she cheated on Chris, and she felt like she wanted to die.
In the meantime, Chris woke up and saw the note. He got all dressed up and went to the bar. He saw her from across the room. "Stunning as always Ms. Jonrika."

"Flattery will not help you. You only wanted to talk." Her thick German accent confirmed that it was really her.

"Fine. Let's talk. What did you need to say?" He sat down at the bar and ordered a beer.

"I dunno...I just wanted to catch up with an old friend." She sat down and ordered a martini.

"Sticking with the old times, eh?" He smiled and downed his beer, buying another.

"Yeah...I hope this isn't too awkward, you know...with our past and all." She quickly finished her martini and ordered another drink too.

"I don't think it is." He smiled at her.

As the night went on, they kept drinking and ordering more as they caught up and remembered old times. Eventually, Chris became so drunk, he couldn't remember where he was and was too drunk to care. He dragged Jonrika to the dance floor and starting dancing extra close to her.

"It's getting overly crowded in here. Let's take this back to my hotel room." He followed all too innocently.

They got to the stairs up to her room and Chris picked her up, carrying her in. He noted it was a two story room and they quickly started shedding clothing and feeling the heat rising. He placed her on the bed and the climbed onto the bed.

He rolled over the next morning and felt the warmth next to him. He smiled, loving the feeling of Christine. Then his eyes flew open, remembering she was in LA. 'Oh God no. I slept with Jon. What have I done?' He bolted up and felt her rouse next to him, hugging him close.

"Jon...I gotta go." he said.

"Fine then...Go...What happened last night?"

" know..."

"Oh...well I have a boyfriend, so where is this going?"

"Nowhere...I have a girlfriend too." He stared at her, regretting every moment of it.

"What are we gonna do about what we did?"

"Let's not talk about it until the matter comes up." He picked up his clothes, getting dressed, then rushed home. He checked his messages and heard her message to him. "Oh God...A month to think about the pain I will have caused her...great."

With that, he slumped against the kitchen counter and started to cry, tears streaming down his face.
The day had arrived for Christine to return from her trip, she was happy about seeing Chris, but deep down inside she knew she was hurting, she had cheated on him. She would never get over that. Her flight landed at about 4 in the afternoon and she was home at about 5:30, she had a bad case of jet lag, so she went home as quickly as possible, saw on Chris' bulletin board that he had to work two shifts tonight, he always put his shifts on the board, whereas Christine just remembered them, she couldn't help it that she had a almost perfect memory. After taking a nap, she got up and made herself a turkey sandwich and sat down at the table on the couch and ate it. She fet Johnny a little as she ate and turned on the televison, as she reached for her glass of water, the glass fell on the floor and broke. She went into the laundry room and swept up the glass and made her way over to the small trash can with the dust pan, before she placed the glass into the trash, she glanced down, a woman's writing caught her eye. She picked up the piece of paper.

Jonrika, 579-2920

She thought nothing of it, until she saw various condom wrappers thrown into the trash, along with a few used condoms. She grabbed one of the codoms and headed to the lab, unnoticed by Chris and ran it through the computer, the result looked back at her sending tears to her eyes, it belonged to Chris and she found vaginal fluid on the condom, she knew it didn't belong to her. He had cheated, and she had found out.

She had cheated too, and she didn't know that that would come out sooner or later. At least he used protection, unlike someone she knew and that someone was herself. She went over to the cabinent and pulled out half the bottle of Vodka she had left and downed it in what seemed like one swig, then the door opened and the person looked shocked at the woman sitting in front of him.


She got up, walked over to him and placed a powerful slap across his face, "I don't want to hear it." She started to get tears in her eyes, "Who's Jonrika?" She stated pointing at the piece of paper and held the condom up for him to see.

He looked towards the floor, that said everything, words weren't needed.

"You know what? I don't even won't to hear it, like it or not, I'm not a part of your life anymore." She quickly packed everything that belonged to her in her car, "She picked up Johnny," petted him on the head, "Like it or not, but he comes with me." And like that she walked out the door and out of his life, heading over to her house. She didn't even care about what happend there. She went into her bedroom and laid down crying, what had she done?
He sunk down crying himself. "Why did I do this? Why???" He rushed to her house, needing to beg for forgiveness. He started banging on her door. "Christine!!! Please!!! I need you!!!" He realized how pathetic he sounded, but he was desperate. "Please." He sank down and starting crying again. "What have I done? What have I done?"
Christine heard him banging outside, but she refused to get up. She laid in the bed that she had upstairs and just wished that she had someone to talk to, right on cue her cell phone rang, she read the id, Jonathan. "Hello?" She tried to cover up the fact that she was crying, but to no avail, Jonathan was one of those few people who could read her like a book.

"Christine, what's wrong?" She heard Chris pull out of her driveway.

"Everything, Jonathan, everything. I know what we did in California, was wrong, but once I got home I found a woman's number in the trash above some used condoms. I couldn't believe that he would cheat on me, so I went to the lab and ran the semen sample through and it matched Chris', they have to keep our DNA on file and the vaginal fluids matched some unknown woman and it sure as hell wasn't me. I'm both mad at him and hurting right now. And I'm ashamed of what I done."

"It'll be ok,"

"I don't think it will ever be the same."

"You want me to come up?"

"No, no offense, but that'll make it worse."

"Ok," he sighed.

"I need to go."

"Ok bye." She closed the phone and sat up, her cell phone rang again. She looked at the id, Chris Home. She decided she couldn't dodge him forever.


"Christine, I can explain."

Could he explain about that one night? And that he got lonely after that a couple nights in a row and she came back and they did the same thing again. Christine knew she had slept with Jonathan twice, but the fact that Chris did it three times killed her even more. She decided to listen to what he had to say and after that she went asleep.

At midnight, she heard a rapping at her door. "Christine, you here?" She told Jonathan not to come, but she needed someone to hold her close and tell her everything was going to be alright. She opened the door and let him in and immediatly collapsed into his arms, sobbing uncontrolaby. He soothed her, the same way he had when her dog had passed away. He always seemed to make the pain go away. Before they knew it they were kissing, Christine wanted to pull away, but she thought, this will make it even, she couldn't believe she was going so low, but she was hurt and scared. You do a lot of stupid things when you're like that.

- - - - - -

It's now about 2 months later, Jonathan went back to LA to do some finishing tuches on a movie, Christine left her house in a hurry already running late for work. She just found out some uncomfortable news, she was pregnant. She couldn't believe she was just now finding that news out for the first time, but she was. Her monthly was never regular and the thought never entered her mind. But the little stick in her purse wrapped in a piece of toilet paper told her otherwise. The words 'I'm Pregnant, I'm Pregnant, I'm Pregnant' kept running through her mind. Did it make sense that she was both happy, mad and scared at the same time? Happy that she would become a mother, mad that the baby didn't belong to Chris and scared that Jonathan wouldn't want it, well with what happened last time. Chris was the smart one with this, he after all used protection all times, but she only used it the second and third times, boy was she dumb. She got a call from a supervisor.

"Christine, we need you downtown, the ally beside West Pine and Sizemore streets, some kind of body dump."

"Alright I'm on my way."


She arrived at the scene and started processing right away. (I kind of stole this idea from Grave Danger, only cause that's one of my favorite eppies :))Then she approached a knife that was already in an evidence bag, sealed and everything.

"Weird," she said snapping a picture.

A dark figure came up behind her and covered her mouth with a cloth. Christine struggled to get free but noticed the smell of ether on it and began to loose conscious. She was unaware of who was taking her and where she was being taken. The kidnapper left everything behind, including her purse and the camera.

John, the supervisor was getting worried about Christine not being back at the station by now. All of the CSI's were busy and he couldn't leave, and since he knew Chris had experience, he paged him into his office.

"Christine's been gone all day, she has a simple body dump, I'm really worried about her." Before he could finish, Chris was running out of the building over to his car.

Christine awakes to find herself in what appears to be a glass coffin, she's only given a couple of those glow sticks to give her some light, the first thought that ran through her mind was, "I'm going to die," then she ran her hand over her stomach, "We're going to die." And she started to cry.

(I guess it would be better to follow the time line I've did it in.)
Chris drove to the scene and saw her car there. He heard a sudden ringing and looked towards her car and noted it was her cell phone. "I have to do this as much as I hate to." He picked up her cell phone and looked at the Caller ID. 'Jonathan' He opened the phone and he immediately started rambling.
"Cristine. I heard a rumor that you were pregnant. Is it mine?"
Chris almost dropped the phone. "What..."
He heard a gasp on the other line. "Who is this?"
"This is Chris. I'm investigating her disappearance."
He heard another gasp and then a click. He threw the phone into an evidence bag and then picked up everything from the scene that was evidentiary. He raced back to the lab and sent it to the lab tech for processing. "What do we have?"
The lab tech that had taken Christine's place since she had been promoted to CSI, Gaven, grabbed the stuff. "Wait, isn't this Christine's bag?" Chris simply nodded. "This just moved on top of my list," Gaven said moving everything else away from his table. He empied everything from her purse and started investigating everything. He found traces of some kind of a liquid on the side of her purse and didn't have to run it through the machine, the smell alone gave it away, "They used ether," he started examing everything else that was on the table and opened the purse up to see if he had missed anything, he unzipped a secret compartment and out fell toilet paper, that was used as some kind of wrapping, Gavin unwrapped it and stared wide eyed at what was in front of him, a EPT Pregancy test, with a clear positive reading on it. "You better move fast, we're dealing with two lives now."

At that time someone walked into the lab, handing Chris a package, "This just came, it says something about Christine."


Meanwhile Jonathan was boarding a plane to Canada, he had to be there for her, he wouldn't lie - he still loved her, but she made it clear to him that she loved Chris more, but she had feelings for him. But it was mainly because they were best friends, he wouldn't deny that. But the fact that she's having his baby, something that gotten taken away from in the past made him want to be there for her, not with her, forever made him take that 7 hour flight to Canada.

They weren't together, because he was selfish into thinking that she was the reason they're baby had died. It was because of him, if he would've been there, except for going and filming a movie, they'd be together now raising their son of daughter. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.
Chris fell into a seat next to Gaven, head in hands. "99.9% doesn't leave much room for me." He felt tears welling up. "How could she be so unsafe?" He remembered the package on his lap and wiped away the tears, trying to build up the strength to move on. He picked up the package and slowly unwrapped it.
Inside the box there was a USB drive and a note, You took the only two pepole away from me that I truly cared about. PM On the back there was a list, Phoebe, Sophia, Scarlett, Christine. The first four were checked off but Christine's was circled. Find her if you can.

- - - - -

Jonathan pulled up in front of the lab, he hated being there, Chris was going to hate him, he just knew it. Jonathan had been crying, it was visible. He walked in and said that he was looking for Chris, he didn't know his last name. The clerk told him to go down the hall, the dna lab was the third door to the left. He walked down and looked at Chris, he was pretty sure the younger looking man wasn't him, he appeared that he just got out of high school.

"Umm, any word yet?" He really didn't know what to say. He just wiped at his eyes, he had cried so much on the plane on on the ride over that he felt that he couldn't produce anymore tears. He only hoped that Chris didn't hate him, after all he did the same thing. They were both worried about Christine, and Jonathan was worried about the baby that was inside her, his baby.
Chris just stared at the man. He turned away without saying a word and then popped in the USB drive. "This has gotta work." He sat back while waiting for the content of the drive to load and thought. "PM....PM....PM...Who could be PM?" He kept thinking until something popped on his computer screen.