TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris nodded. "That's your victim." He scrolled down on the page and saw the name of her school. "Gotcha." He ran to place the call. "I need a Ms. Sophia Taylor at Lesterly High School to be brought into police custody. She is a risk for murder. Yes we have evidence. Ok. Thank you." He walked back to Christine. "I can't do anything about Lizzy until we question Sophia. There could be plenty of Lizzy's at that school. We can't bring in each and every one." He sighed. "This is one case that I don't think is gonna be over without bloodshed."
Christine felt a vibration in her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. It read DB Lesterly High School. She placed a quick call to the school, "Yes, this is Christine Dumas, I'm a CSI from the crime lab. What's this talk about a dead body."

"Yes Ma'm, we sent someone to find Sophia and stumbled onto our cheerleading coach Ms. Elizabeth Stewart, hanging from her door way."

"Well, I'm on my way there to investigate."

She made her way into the hallway, approaching Chris. "We're needed at Lesterly High School," she looked at him sternly, "I have a feeling Sophia's beat us to Lizzy."
Chris sighed and grabbed his kit. "Let's do this." Chris hopped in his car and felt Christine hop in next to him. Once they got there, he got a creepy feeling, but pushed it to the back of his mind and got out, going into the school. He saw Elizabeth's body hanging in the doorway. "Hello Lizzy." He sighed and waited for Christine to approach where he was in the school.
Christine started to process the scene, while Chris worked on the body. She found a couple fingerprints on Lizzy's desk and on the window, "I think she got out by the window, principal said she didn't report to last period's class." She snapped a picture of the window and caught a glimpse of some blood on the sill she took out a swab and swabbed it up and then poured some Luminol on the swap, watching it turned purple. "We got blood on the window," she looked under the furnace that was below the window. "Look what she left behind," she grabbed the knife and placed it in a bag. She looked over towards a big file cabinent and noticed a little blood below the door, she opened it up and was surprised at what she saw. Laying in the cabinent was Sophia, throat slashed and covered with knife wounds, "Umm, may want to see this," she took a glance at her arm, there wasn't a tattoo.
Chris walked over and gasped. "Who is this? This isn't Sophia because there is no tattoo, but they look almost identical." He walked back to 'Lizzy' and took her down. He gently removed the noose and placed it into an evidence bag. "COD definitely hanging. Defensive wounds. Skin under her fingernails. And a light bulb broken on the floor. I think that her killer told her the light bulb needed changing, but when she went to change it, slipped the noose around her neck and finished her off." He walked over to Sophia. "Definite loss of blood. I can't tell her COD definitively until I'm back at my morgue."
Christine sat down at her station, she placed all of the evidence she had to examine in front of her. She was tired, her and Chris were working over time for this case. First, she swabbed the noose and got epithelials off of the ends of it, she ran it through CODIS, no hits. She printed out the dna for it and put it to the side. She yawned as she grabbed her next item, the knife dropped at the scene and tested the blood. It matched the blood from the girl found in the cabinent, which wasn't a shock. She ran the fingerprints and they came back to Sophia Taylor. She ran the blood found on the knife with the blood found on the window sill and that's when she got a major bit of evidence. The blood from the knife had 13 markers in common with the dead girl from the school. She grabbed the fingerprints that Chris had given her from the girl and ran them against the ones that she had belonging to Sophia. A picture of a girl that looked just like Sophia came up on the screen.

She walked with her findings to Chris and yawned when she saw him, "Chris," she pointed to the girl, "say hello to Scarlett Taylor."
"Twins...Not a shock. Unfortunately I have bad news. There was a note stuffed in Sophia's mouth." He showed the note to Christine. It read: "My sweet little sister, bloody and red. Noone would've thought I'd kill her dead. Too bad she kissed my boyfriend sweet. So it was time for her defeat. Cheater's shame. Cheater's sorrow. He'll be tomorrow." Chris looked at her, a frantic look in his eye. "The clock is ticking." He yawned. "And I'm exhausted."
That reminded Christine of something that she saw earlier while she was looking at Sophia's myspace. She went back to the computer lab, without saying a word to Chris (just think of Grissom :lol:) and clicked on the myspace. She searched the pictures until she saw the one that she was looking for. She looked below the picture, Me and Phoenix she opened up the Lesterly High School online directory and searched the first name Phoenix, and to her luck their wason only one, Phoenix Miller. She took out her phone and called a detective and told them to go and put him in police custody. She handed her findings over to their detective and he went and got them a warrant to search Sophia's home. The judge went ahead and gave them a arrest warrant, because he said the evidence wasn't lying about who the killer was. She sat down to rest for a couple seconds, when her cell went off. "Dumas," she listened to the other guy on the phone. "Thanks," she went off to find Chris again.

"They got the boyfriend in police custody, and guess who their bringing to the station? Does Charles Manson ring a bell?" He looked at her, in a how the heck did she do that so quick look. He didn't know she had photographic memory, well to some extent that is.
"Woah...What?" He looked at her in his, 'What are you talking about' stare. "The tattoo?" He stood up and started to head to interrogation. "If not, explain that to me because my memory is seriously conking out over a lack of sleep." He looked at her pleading with her to just tell him what she was talking about.
She let out a cute little laugh, as big as one that she could get out with how tired she was. "I sent a detective to get, Phoenix, her boyfriend and put him in some kind of protective custody. While they were there, they caught her trying to break into the back. They said she had a gash on her arm above a tattoo of Charles Manson, which explains why we found her blood on the window." She walked over to her desk and poured him a cup of her own personal batch of coffee. "Here, drink this, it will wake you up a little. This is why I'm running around like a chicken with its head chopped off."

(Now I sound like Greg with his Blue Hawaii :lol:)
Chris drank some. "Not half bad? Ready to head to interrogation to talk to Phoenix? We might as well get this over with." He tried not to seem affected by her laugh, but in all truthfulness, it wasn't the coffee that woke him up, it was her laugh. He smirked to himself, knowing the truth. He stretched, preparing himself for the inevitable.
They went off to the interoggation room where the cop was sitting with Phoenix.

"Hi Phoenix, I'm Christine Dumas and this is Chris Hibachi, we'd like to ask you some questions about Sophia?" He looked sincerly at her, "Have you noticed any thing different about her?"

"The other day, this girl smiled at me and Sophia punched her right in the face. She then said something about taking care of her once and for all, she said she knew her, said she was in her history class. Girl named Christy Smith, I didn't think anything of it, until I saw a poster saying that she was missing," she looked over to Chris and took the picture of the first victim out of the case folder.

"Is this her?" He looked at the picture, face turning white and he nodded. "That's her."

"What about Lizzy, why would she kill Lizzy?"

He looked down at the ground, "We were, we were, you know?"
He sighed, "Sophia walked in that day, because she saw us, and she left crying." He sighed again, "Later I apologized to her and she said that she had to go and have a talk with her."

"And Scarlett?"

"We were together first, but we broke up, but you never foget your first love. We share a son together, he's with her mom in Boston. She lives, umm lived, with their aunt and uncle up here." Something hit him, "If you won't to know about Sophia, check her diary, she wrote everything in it."

Christine and Chris let the officer take him where they were going to put him in witness protection. They looked at each other and Christine sighed and they headed out to her Tahoe and headed to Sophia's house.
Chris stayed back and went to do some research on something. He sat in the research lab and felt someone approach him from behind. He tenses up and turned around, to see noone. "Hello?" He shrugged and turned back around. He sat back and finished his research, then headed to the breakroom and called Christine.
Christine pulled her cellphone out of her pocket, "Hello? Oh Hi Chris. Yeah I'm on my way back now, I'm in the parking lot now." She walked up to the door and entered the lab with all the evidence she needed to put Sophia away for the rest of her life, the diary filled with detailed entries of all the killings. Not to mention the murder weapons. She went and found Chris sitting in front of his desk in the morgue. She put the evidence in the evidence vault and made sure to lock it back and headed over to him, placing a small kiss onto his lips. "You wouldn't believe the stuff she has written in that diary, and yes it matches the writing from the letters. You Ok, when I came in you were having a dream?" she said with a tiny laugh. She looked down the hall at the holding cell and saw Sophia laying in her bed, but as she took a closer look, she noticed a pool of blood below the bed. She stepped closer and found Sophia in the bed dead, it looked as if she had killed herself with a piece of broken glass. "Chris!"
Chris snapped up and ran over to her. "Son of a-How did she get that piece of glass?" He checked her pulse just to make sure. "She's definitely dead." He sighed and walked over to Christine pulling her into a deep kiss. "Let me lock up here and then we can head home for some long due sleep." He stretched and yawned.