TalkCSI: RolePlay

Tears were streaking his face now. "She had M&Ms and Gatorade. I had soda and popcorn. Doctor, you gotta promise me that she'll be ok. Please...I need her." He started to cry again. "Can I at least be at her bedside?" He had a pleading look on his face. He just wanted to be by her.
'I'm sorry Mr. Hibachi, but with the way it looks, we're not sure she'll make it through the nigt.' The doctor sighed. 'I guess it will be ok for you to be by her bedside.'

The doctor wheeled him in his wheel chair to Christine's room and sat him beside her arm.

'The sooner we find out what kind of poison was used, the quicker we can administer an antidote, and hopefuly she'll accept it.'

The doctor left and called the crime lab and told them to go to Chris' house and examine the opcorn, soda, Gatoraide and MNM's.

(I guess you can be the CSI :))
Chris grabbed Christine's hand. "Sweetheart, please don't die." He started to cry, leaning his hand on her hand, lightly kissing it, praying she'd pull through.


The CSI pulled up to the crime scene and collected the items needed. He then brought them back to the lab and handed them to the lab tech. "I need these processed pronto!"

(You can be the lab tech. :))
The day shift lab tech grabbed a sample of Christine's stomach contents and extracted a sample and put it into a test tube. She did all of the procedures that would tell her what kind of poisoning was used and then took her findings and went over to the Chemical Analysis computer and enterd her findings. After a couple seconds the results popped up, this wasn't very good. She took the paper that the doctor sent her with the hospital's number and dialed it, she received the doctor's nurse.

'Hello, how may I help you?'

'Yes, this is Amy Reynolds, from the crime lab. I was told to call you with the results.'

'Let me grab a piece of paper,' the nurse grabbed a piece of paper, 'Go ahead.'

'There was two poison's found. Arsenic and Cyanide, the antidote for Arsenic, is Dimercaprol and the hospital should have that. Cyanide, has three different antidotes, amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate. There wasn't enough of each poison to kell her, alone. But having them mixed, could be fatal.'

'Ok, I'll run this to him right away Ms. Reynolds, thank you.'

'You're welcome.'

Amy turned back to her table and picked up the bag that once contained the MNM's and the Gatoraide and headed to the print lab. She sat down at her chair and picked up a spray botthe containing ninhydrin and sprayed it on the MNM bag. She scanned it into the computer and then went back to the Gatoraide bottle. She checked around the top, but there wasn't any good usable prints. She used the ninhydrin on the paper of the bottle and got one, she scanned that one into the computer. She collected two small trace amounts of some powder from both the bottle and the candy wrapper. She checked the computer and ran the fingerprints through AFIS. The print on the MNM's matched a Travis Jones.

'Wait, isn't that the guy Christine killed in self defense?' Amy thought.

She ran the print from the Gatoraide through AFIS as well, the same guy.

The doctor entered the room, with the four antidotes, 'We've found out that she has been poisoned with Arsenic and Cyanide. We've got the antidotes to give her.' He took out one of the shots, 'The first one, Dimercaprol, is the antidote for the Arsenic.' The doctor took out three more shots, 'Cyanide has three different antidotes, the first one is amyl nitrite, the second is sodium nitrite and the third is sodium thiosulfate.' The doctor administered all of the antidotes and left Christine and Chris alone.


It now made sense to her, he must have put these items in Christine's house and they got moved into Chris' house when they moved her stuff in. She remembered that, because they had volunteered to move her stuff for her, because she didn't want to go back. She picked up her cell phone and called Chris'.
Chris nodded at the doctor and left the room. His cell phone rang and he picked it up. "Chris Hibachi here." He waited for a response and went outside. He really hoped these antidotes worked. He couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty about this. The items were in his house and he provided them.
'Chris, this is Amy from the lab. I found the same prints on both the candy and the drink."

She paused as she heard him sigh.

"They were both a match to Travis Jones, Christine's ex boyfriend. It seems that he planned this before the attack at her house."

She heard Chris sigh again.

"Chris, you have to keep strong for Christine. Remember that."
"I'm trying Amy...It's just so hard to. She meant so much to me after so little time. I need to go be with her. I'll talk to you later. Bye." He closed the phone and rejoined Christine at her bedside. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, then put his head down on it, wanting to feel her warmth.
Christine felt some pressure on her arm. She slowly tried to open her eyes, finally being able. Her nose was the first thing to kick in, she was always able to notice the smell of Hospital sheets, out of all the things, that's the one thing she noticed. She decided to try to speak, and what she said came out as a faint whisper.

"Chris, Chris is that you?"
Chris sat up straight in his seat. "Oh sweetheart. It's me. It's Chris. I'm right here honey. I'm here for you. It's gonna be ok. Just stay with me sweetheart." He squeezed her hand. "I love you so much. You gave me quite a scare. You need your rest though. Get some sleep sweetheart. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Christine closed her eyes and drifted right back off to sleep. She had wanted to ask him what in the world had happened, but she did need her sleep. She was really tired. Who could've done this to her? She would just have to question him tomorrow about it.

What a wonderful way for their first intimate night together to be ruined.
Chris woke up the next morning and looked over to Christine. He saw her chest rising and falling and smiled to himself. He whispered, "Thank God you're alive sweetheart." He was still holding her hand and he gently kissed it, not wanting to wake her. He suddenly thought about the person who did this, Travis, and gritted his teeth. He would kill him if he wasn't already dead. He didn't feel that he deserved the satisfaction of getting away with what he did.
A couple minutes later, Christine's eyes opened.

"Chris, you have to tell me who did this to me." She really couldn't beleive that someone wanted to hurt her like this.

She could tell from the look on Chris' face that he really didn't want to tell her.

"Please?" She pleaded.
"Your ex Travis...He planted that stuff to kill you. Thank God it didn't work." He squeezed her hand. "I really don't know what I would've done if I lost you. I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry that I did this...I gave you those items...I did this to you." He broke down again and started to cry.
"I gave you those items...I did this to you."

"How dare you say that," I said looking directly into his teary eyes, "You know what, he planned this before he died. And he got what he deserved. It's not your fault, how dare you blame your self. I never want to hear you say that again." At this time, I was also crying.

It hurt me that he thought that it was his fault, he didn't know that the food was poisoned.
"I'm sorry." He wiped her tears away. "I love you sweetheart. Don't cry." He leaned over and gently kissed her. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" He looked at her, concern evident on his face. He still had her hand in his and was enjoying the warmth coming from the other hand.