TalkCSI: RolePlay

He hugged her close and just sat that way for a couple of minutes, savoring the feeling. The only reason he pulled away was because there was a sudden knock on the door. He walked over to the door and opened it. "What in God's name are you doing here?"
Christine looked past Chris, to find a woman standing there. She didn't know who she was, but she looked mad about something. She kpet quiet and decided to go and get her something to drink, besides wine.

Who ever this girl was, she was with a guy that Christine had seen somewhere but she couldn't quite place it.
"Come in." His relationship with the woman had bettered over a little time. "Nice to see you Josh. How are you feeling?" He smiled at the two. "I'm so shocked to see you out here. Is their something wrong?"

((Sorry if you didn't want for it to be Nicole. I was leaving the identity up to you and since you didn't ID her, I took that as the go-ahead and did it. :)))
(No, I just hinted at the guy looking familar, so you could lead it in the direction of where you wanted it to go :))

Christine re-entered the room, noticing the silence between the three of them. That's when she noticed the guy, he was Josh Lucas, she saw him in a movie once, something about Alabama. Her sister had a huge crush on him. Christine didn't like actors, except for Christian Bale, but she just admired his work. She got a look at the girl, only then noticing that it was Nicole Lucas, she saw her in a movie with Johnny Depp :D a couple months ago.

"We were just filming a movie up here, Amber called me and told me to pick up the rest of her stuff from up here. How have you been? I've worried about you, you know."

"Heck, we've both worried about you." Josh added.

Christine sat, sipping her water, when she noticed pictures sitting on the coffee table in front of her. The one on the right was a picture of Josh, Chris and Nicole with two kids, a boy and a girl, probably twins. The one beside that one was a picture of Chris and an English Bulldog asleep on the couch, it was a really cute picture. The one on the other side of that, had cracked glass, inside was a picture of a girl that looked sursprisingly like Nicole, with Matthew McConaughey of all people. Maybe later Chris would get the chance to tell her all about these.
"Her stuff is all packed in the closet. I've been ok, thanks to Christine here of course. She's really helped take the thoughts my mind. have you guys been? I mean, relationship and children-wise." He smiled at them both, hoping he didn't create an akward moment.
Nicole and Josh kind of smiled at eachother, "Everything's good, it's amazing at how quick they're growing up. Junior said his first word the other day, 'poot,' not what I expected his first word would be. Jenna's firt word was Unc Mattie." Nicole noticed Chris get a little angry at that comment, "I'm sorry, we need to get going, I'll go and get her stuff." Nicole got Amber's stuff and her and Josh left.

Chris sat down on the couch besides Christine.

"What's with all these pictures?" She asked, not really expecting to get a reply. She just simply took the picture of Chris and the dog and looked at it with her head on his shoulder.

(Remember the dog's name was Hyde.)
He frowned at the memories.

"That was Hyde. It was the dog me and Nicole had...when we were together...But that ended when she went with Josh. We are still pretty good friends. I gave Josh a blood transfusion when he got in an accident. The last picture is of Amber, my other ex, who is also Nicole's sister, and that jack-anyways, she left me for him and it got really nasty. We still never talk. Long story short, she basically has a restraining order against me. There's my screwed up life for ya."

He got up and walked over to his counter, his head down.

"I understand if you're ready to run." He looks at her in the eye. "I would be."
Christine looked deep into Chris' eyes and noticed all the pain in them, the same pain that she held in her eyes the whole time she was with Travis. He needed the same thing that she both needed and wanted. She took a hold of his hand and looked deep into his eyes.

"I'm sorry,"

Chris gave her a sad look.

"But I can't leave, we both need each other. I'm not going anywhere." She placed a kiss onto his lips.
Chris smiled and kissed her back. "I'm so glad you said that." He kissed her deeper, loving the feeling he got from the complete satisfaction of having someone who didn't plan on leaving him. "You're so gorgeous. The best day of my life will be the day that I met you, because I really needed someone who understood me, and you do." He smiled at her.
Christine smiled up to Chris, "And you understand me better than anyone else has before, too." she grabbed his hand and smiled up to him. "Really, I'd don't know what I could possibly do without you. I guess what I'm trying to say."

Christine smiled again, "Is that I love you."

She hoped she didn't say it too soon, they had just gotten together.
Chris picked her up in his arms and kissed her. "I love you too Christine." He kissed her as soon as he finished the sentence and refused to pull away until he needed air. He was happy to feel this content and completed. He never thought he would feel this way ever again, but yet here he was kissing this gorgeous woman and feeling the same feeling he had felt long ago with Nicole. He had, since his break-up with Amber, realized that Amber was only a lustful relationship and it was only to help him bounce back. This was more serious than he ever would've though possible.
Christine yawned, "I really think I should get to bed, are you tired too?"

Chris nodded. And the two of them headed into the bedroom. It was kind of awkward feeling for both of them, but they felt comfortable. Christine grabbed Chris' hand and placed a kiss on his lips before snuggling into the crook of his neck and going asleep.
Chris wrapped his arms around her and nodded off. He woke up the next morning and slipped out of bed to make breakfast. "Pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns. What else? Coffee...duh." He walked over and put a pot on. "This morning needs to be perfect." He smiled to himself knowing what today was.
Christine woke up the next morning, alone, but the smell of bacon enterd her nostrils, telling her that he was most likely cooking breakfast in the kitchen. She grabbed some of her clothes and entered the restroom and took a quick shower, got dressed and fixed her hair. She placed on just a little make up and entred the kitchen, walking up behind him and giving him a small hug. "Good morning,"
"Yes it most definitely is." He glanced at his calender and smiled at the confirmation of the date. "Do you know what today is?" He put the food on the table and poured them each a cup of coffee. He then pulled out her chair for her and then when she sat down, took his seat across from her, still smiling.