TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris smiled at the act he pulled.

"Can't wait til they find out that isn't Daniel. I'm not that stupid. I have him in a special place where I have access to after the heat dies off of me. One that noone but I and the person there will find. I knew this alternate plan would help. :D"

He sat back and waited for the plane to land.
As much as Amber kept thinking that the baby looked like Matt, the more she stared, the more he started to not look like Matt, then it hit her, this wasn't her son.

"Matt that bastard has Daniel, this isn't him! See the birthmark on his foot is missing." They called the police in Canada and told them to keep a good look out on Chris, they got a hit that Daniel was staying with Chris' brother and went to check it out, and sure enough Daniel was up there.


Mean while in the lab, the new dna tech was getting bored of her cd and she wandered out of her lab, just as a new face walked in, and who ever this guy was, she fell instantly in love with him. He looked like a bad boy, and those she loved. But it looked like he had been through hell lately, kind of like she was going through right now. She was wearing the long sleeved shirts, even though it was pretty hot in the building, to hide the many bruises on her body.

Her name's Christine, she's being abused by her boyfriend, and she's an alcoholic, but she tries to hide all of that, and she's getting away with it too. But something's missing, love.

(Maybe we should go in a different direction.);)
((Ok. Ok. I concede defeat. lol))

Chris had just gotten off the phone with his brother and didn't want to deal with anyone. Then he saw Christine. He dropped the stack of papers he was carrying when he saw her and just gazed.


He stopped and then started again.

"My Chris name is Hi. I mean..."

He stopped talking, and turned away.
Christine smiled as she picked up the papers he had dropped, "Excuse me, Chris Name is hi, but you dropped your papers." She handed the papers to him. "My name is Christine Dumas, I'm the new dna tech here. Are you new here, I haven't seen you around?" She extended her hand to Chris as he grabbed the papers in her other hand. 'I'd really like to get to know him.' she thought.
"I was off...on vacation."

He hated to lie to such a beautiful woman, but he didn't want to scare her away with his baggage.

"My name is Chris actually. I was a little nervous before. So...DNA, huh? I'm a coroner here."

He smiled at her.
"Yeah, I've been here a couple of weeks." She pulled her hand away, Unknowingly revealing one of her bruises on her arm. "If you ever get bored, or need to talk, just visit the lab." She headed back to the lab turning on her Rob Zombie cd and getting back to work.

He who gets slapped and he who gets saved,
He who brutalizes the timeless stage.
He is the mongrel, he wants it all,
He lives for relics, hang on the wall.

Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?
Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?

Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?

She who looks back, and she looks away,
She internalizes the motion wave.
She is the butcher,
She wants the air,
She hides the scars under her hair.

Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?
Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?

Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?

Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?
Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?

Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?
Foxy, Foxy, what's it gonna be?

Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?
Don't you wanna ride
Educated Horses?
Chris couldn't help, but notice the bruise, so he followed her to her lab. When the song was over, he decided to talk to her about it.

"I know this may seem blunt, but, do you have a husband or a boyfriend?"
Christine looked up at Chris from her microscope, "Well it's kind of difficult, I've told him that it was over and he still shows up at my house. I just can't get him to leave me alone."

She had a look, that kind of looked like she was going to cry, but she tried her best to hold it back. He didn't want to hear about her screwed up life.
Chris could see her close to breaking down and walked over to her rubbing her back.

"I couldn't help but notice them earlier."

He looked at her, concern in his eyes.
"I've tried my best hiding it, but it hurts more. He's abused me both physically and mentally for the last three months. I don't think I can take it anymore." By now she was crying. She turned around and gave Chris a generous hug and cried into his shoulder. 'This feels so right,' she thought.
He smiled at the position she was in on his shoulder.

"It's ok. Let it all out. I understand. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk or a shoulder to cry on...or anything."
Christine smiled, "Thanks," she brushed the tears away from her eyes, "You want to get something to eat?" Her eyes kind of lit up when he nodded. He grabbed her hand, sending chills up her spine, he must have noticed that it was making her uneasy, because he let go of it quickly afterwards.

They headed out to her SUV and headed off to get something for lunch. Christine couldn't help stop thinking about Chris, and of course, what hell her boyfriend would put her through if he found out.
Chris saw her uneasiness. "If you are scared, it's fine. I just feel this odd need to protect you somehow. Noone deserves to be abused. Especially not you." He smiled at her and pulled up to the cafe. "Ready?"
Christine nodded and they entered the cafe. As soon as she walked through the door, she looked to the right, 'Crap,' she thought. He was sitting to their right, with his back turned. Christine quickly whispered, 'Let's go sit on this side, that's where I always sit.' But it was too late. He had noticed them.

"What the hell are you doing in here with another man?" They had made it outside.

"We're not together anymore, I told you it was over. Why can't you leave me alone." His eyes got filled with rage and he backhanded her, with enough force to make her fall completly backwards. They decided it was best to take Christine home, after her boyfriend had been arrested, because the owner called the cops and told them about him hitting her. Chris headed back to work.


That night he got a call right as he had laid down to go to sleep.


"Chris, we're short CSI's and since you've got experience, I won't you to take this one."

"What's the address?"

"125 West Falls Drive, it's Christine's house."


Meanwhile, Christine lay in the back of the ambulance, crying. While her boyfriend lay dead on the living room floor. The EMT picked the glass from her face. He had entered her bedroom window, his sister probably bailed him out, and had started to beat her. In self defense, she pulled her gun out from under her mattress and he threw her into the living room and she shot him, one time.
"Oh God. No..." He got dressed as quick as possible and then drove to her house as fast as possible and ran over to Christine. "What happened here?" He looked at her, thanking God she was alright, but also concerned about her. He was standing at her side looking at her, his eyes showing his emotions perfectlty.