TalkCSI: RolePlay

"Ok, thanks Doctor Thomas." She looked up at Matt, "I've got my first Doctor's appointment," she took a gulp, "And it mean a lot if you went with me." He kissed her.

"Of course, I'd love to go with you. I love you and the little boy or girl you're gonna have."

They left the room and Amber had the feeling that she was being watched, but it was probably just her nerves over the doctor's appointment.

They arrived at the doctor's appointment, she learned that she was 2 and a half months along, it was too early to tell anything else. They left the doctor's office and headed back home, where they laid in bed and watched tv.
Chris snuck in and switched up the samples. He had swabbed his bed from one of their...encounters...and now separated her and his DNA. He added her DNA into the sample and then some of his. "We'll teach her a lesson. And if this doesn't work, I have back up." He replaced the sample in it's room and smiled to himself.

((I know how unrealistic that is. "Sample." But you got to be evil, my turn. ;) :devil: And trust me, my plans are so's not even cool. :devil:))
(Ok, but I'm confused at what you're doing? Are you like making a mutant baby with our combined DNA? :lol: :confused: What exactly are you doing? Or are you assuming that the doctor did a test to see if the baby was actually Matt's? :confused: :lol:)

Amber awoke the next morning, still exhausted after her and Matt's night in ;). She didn't feel like getting out of bed. Matt entered the room with a tray of breakfast and gently sat it down in front of Amber.

"Thanks baby," she stated. Eating the delicious breakfast that he had fixed for her. There was a knock on the door.
((I guess I'm making the assumption that the doctor did a test. Let's call it a forced law. :lol:))

Standing on the other side of the door was Chris. "Open up. We need to talk." the knocking slowly hardened and eventually turned into a soft banging. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I'm only here because I have some questions to ask you."
Amber stood there with her arms crossed, something wasn't right about him. Sure he looked like he hadn't slept in a good 2 or 3 days, but he had a strange look, a look that looked like he was up to something. She decided to let him talk, what harm could that do. Matthew had entered the living room too, Amber didn't think that she trusted Chris, and this showed it. She still was standing there with her arms crossed, she motioned to the chair opposite Matt and she sat down beside him.

"I want a paternity test done. I know they took DNA from the child. I feel it's mine. How do I know? I was getting a test done as I was feeling very sick...I feel better now, but that's beside the point. As I was talking to the doctor, I saw him set it down. On the label it said 'Baby Sample from Ms. Amber Gosnell.' I got a suspicion that it was mine. I want that test done. At least give me that dignity." He smirked so slightly that only he knew he was smirking.
"Alright, but before you do it I want you to know that I knew that I was pregnant or I expected that I was pregnant before we even got together." They went and had all of the tests done.

The doctor entered the room, looking kind of strange. "Ms. Gosnell, umm, I don't know how to tell you this, but it seems that the baby belongs to both Mr. McConaughey and Mr. Hibachi, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to explain this. Our lab is studying it as we speak right now."

:lol: Poor Doctor, that would be really funny if someone had that happen! :devil:
Chris smiled. "Looks like I may have a kid. Excuse me. I need to use the restroom." He left the room and headed down to the doctor's office. "Perfect. Now the follow through." He slid the doctor a wad of money and walked away and back into the room. The doctor entered moments after.

The doctor sat down. "Sorry about that. Our lab made a mistake. The actual father of your unborn child, according to your tests, is..."

Chris felt his stomach lurching. He hoped the doctor would follow through, but he wasn't sure he would.

"Mr. Hibachi. I'm really sorry for the confusion." He left the room and Chris sat staring ahead, in fake awe.

(I have a back-up plan too, and it's even more evil. :devil: :lol:)

EDIT 2: ((What was meant by the previous statement in ()s was that you can find out about the fake paternity, but I also have 1 other thing I would do. :D It was meant to sound nice. :lol:))
Amber couldn't put her finger on it, but something was really off about this. She sat down and talked to Matthew, Josh and Nicole about it, they all thought the same thing. It was nice that Matthew supported her and Nicole knew that Amber was a virgin and Amber hadn't told her about Matthew before, but she had her suspections, and the fact that Matthew was constantly asking about her kind of gave it away too.

They were interrupted from their conversation when there was a knock on Nicole's door, she went and opened it and was shocked to see a guy there dressed in labratory clothing and another person, wearing a vest that said Forensics, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm Doctor Thompson, from Nicole's doctor's office and I have something that I'd like to talk to her about."

"Alright, come right in." Nicole led him into the room.

"Hello, Ms. Gosnell, I'm Doctor Thompson, from your doctor's office, I need to tell you something really important."


"Well, I was the one to run the tests on the dna samples, both times. The first time, is when we found out that both Mr. McConaughey's and Mr. Hibachi's was found in the sample. And the second time, I realized that Mr. McConaughey's dna is more present in the sample. Mr. Hibachi's dna is only on the top, what I'm trying to say, is that I think the sample was tampered with. Mr. McConaughey is most likely the babie's father." He sighed, "And there is one more thing." He pulled out a lap top from his bag, "I've pulled the video survellience from the lab and the rooms surrounding it." They all watch the laptop screen. The video is pulled into two different parts of the screen, on one screen, it shows Chris tampering with the evidence and on the other part, it shows Chris handing the doctor the money in the hallway.

Amber watched with tears in her eyes, "How could he do that?"

"In matters like this, we have to turn these findings over to the police." He added looking at the guy to his right.

"I'm Paul Stevenson, from the Las Angeles Crime Lab. We finger printed the test tube that doctor Thompson turned in and found Mr. Hibachi's finger print on the tube, it's in the system because of his job. If you'd like, we'd do another test, this time, you know the results won't be compromised."

Amber nodded and they went to the lab, where they ran the test.

Half an hour later, the investigator came out of the room with a clip board, "Ms. Gosnell, Mr. McConaughey is the father of your baby."

She took a big sigh and took a hold of Matt's hand.

"The next question we need to ask,"

She nodded.

"Would you like to place charges on Mr. Hibachi?"

"No, just keep him away from me. I never want to see him again!"

"Son of a-" he muttered. "I knew I couldn't trust him." He runs back to his car and speeds away. "Thank God for Plan B." He smiles to himself. "Break my heart once, shame on you. Break my heart twice, shame on me. I refuse to allow this to pass without revenge." He frowns. "Male celebrities...little do the ladies know that they're only in it for themselves. Selfish. The single word to describe them. But that's still not enough. I need her to feel the pain I felt...twice."

((This is my long haul plan coming up much later unless we fast forward. :lol:))
(Maybe we should just fast foward, since we are really the only ones keeping this alive)

Amber awoke and placed her left hand on her pregnant belly, she was now right at 8 and a half months pregnant, so fat that she couldn't even see her feet. She glanced down to her ring finger, and caught a glimpse of her wedding ring, pure platinum, with diamonds going all around it. She felt some strong arms wrapping around her.


"Mornin' Mattie." He was always there for her, he had given up two movie roles so he could be there for her and the baby, until she could be left alone.

Matt looked into his wife's eyes and placed a kiss on her lips, he loved her so much, he never thought that an one night stand could ever lead to something like this. He was awaken from her thoughts when his wife let out a scream, he looked at her, she was now holding her stomach, he noticed that there was a wet spot below her.

"Amber, did your?"

"Oh God, Matt, my water just broke, I'm going into labor."


6 hours later:

After an long 5 hour delivery, their first son, Daniel Steven McConaughey was born. Matthew sat and watched Amber sleep in her bed, but his eyes really couldn't leave Daniel's crib. It really was amazing that they brought something so small, yet so beautiful to this big world. Matthew was brought away from his thoughts when the door opened up, "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked eying the man that just entered his wife's hospital room.
The doctor who lied to the two walked in. "I know you don't like me, but he needs to be in the nursery until you get ready to take him home. Hospital protocol. You can trust this nurse."

A nurse walked in, head down. the nurse picked up the baby and carried it out of the room
"Ok," Matthew simply said. The nurse walked out of the room and as soon as he left, Matthew got a sense that something wasn't right, but he let it slide, he was just growing attached to his son.


Amber awoke the next morning, to see Matthew sleeping in the recliner next to her. She noticed that the crib wasn't in the room, "Where's Daniel?"

"He's in the nursery,"

"I'll page for them to bring him," Amber paged the nursery, "Yes, this is Amber McConaughey, could you bring Daniel in?"

"Miss, there's no record of a Daniel McConaughey being checked in last night."

"Where's my son?" Amber said getting worried.

"Miss, Daniel's not in the nursery,"

Amber broke down crying, and Matthew rushed over to her and hugged her, the hospital called the cops to investigate.


Nicole rushed over to the hospital as soon as she found out, she stepped out side the hospital and dialed a familar number, "Chris, what the hell did you do with Daniel?"
Chris smirked. "What are you talking about? I'm on vacation in Argentina with my little boy." He laughed coldly at the sentiment. "Enjoy your lives with your little boy toy. And try pinning me with kidnapping. That tool of a doctor brought me the kid. He'll go down for kidnapping, not I. I am merely relaxing with my son. The nurse costume that my good friend wore was convincing wasn't it? One day you'll realize what a mistake it was to betray my trust and love like this. Adios." He closed his phone and leaned back, watching Daniel sleep.

((There is my master plan. ;)))
Nicole hit stop on her recorder that she had used during the conversation with Chris. The cop standing to her right, nodded when she shut the phone off.

"We've got him, he's actually in New Mexico, we've got him pin pointed on the map, we're calling the cops down there as we speak."


Detective Sanchez slowly walked up to the room, that he was told was Chris' room from the hotel manager. He knocked, there wasn't an answer.

"We know you're in there Chris!" Still nothing. Then they heard a baby cry and decided to break down the door. They saw Chris sitting in a rocking chair beside the bed, "Chris, hand over Daniel."

Chris wouldn't hand over Daniel, "I'm not giving up my son."

"Chris, he isn't your son! He belongs to Matthew and Nicole! Now hand him over!" Chris began to cry and the police officer took this for the chance to grab Daniel out of his grip, giving the other officer time to place handcuffs on Chris.

"We know that you didn't kidnapp him, we arrested the doctor and the nurse. But we do know that you were all behind it." They placed Daniel in the car in the front and drove him back to California and placed Chris on a flight to Canada, "Amber made it perfectly clear to us that she doesn't want you to be arrested, that you love your job too much to lose it, even though I think you should go to prison for putting this all together. There is one thing though, you have a restraining order put on you, you can't enter California or Arkansas ever again, if you do, you will be arrested.


Meanwhile, the newest dna tech entered her lab. Blonde hair, blue eyes, built like a goddess, she sat down at the table, turning her radio as loud as it would go, with out bugging her fellow coworkers.


Amber embraced her son, she looked deep into his eyes, he looked so much like Matthew, it was kind of scary. She hated that Chris had to try to do something like this, why did he have to hurt her so much. She hoped he changed, but as far as them, they were now dead to each other.