TalkCSI: RolePlay

Amber opened her eyes as she felt the bed shift and came face to face to a crying Chris. "Chris, what's wrong?" she asked. She did what her instinct told her to do, she brought her arms out and pulled him into a protective hug. She wasn't going to bug him, like some girlfriends do, with his problems, she just wanted to make sure he was ok, after all, she was the one lying and keeping secrets.
"I lied to you and now I feel horrible." He sat up and turned on the light. "I went to confront my sister's rapist tonight. I lied to you. Blatantly lied. You have to promise me hun. Promise me total honesty in this relationship. I feel horrible. So, got anything you wanna come clean about?" He wiped his tears away with the back of his hand.
Amber tried her best to hold the tears in, but they began to fall. She still couldn't tell him, she was really good in drama class when she was in high school and even college. "The other night, I didn't walk into the door. I get nose bleeds when I'm nervous, I didn't tell you because I thought you'd take me to the hospital and I hate hospitals, I'm sorry." She started crying and buried her head in his chest and was soothed with the sound of him laughing.
"It's ok. You can tell me anything." He hugged her. "What were you nervous about?" He looked down at her, worried at what had her so nervous. He was confident that they could work through anything and everything, but to do that he needed her to talk to him truthfully.
Amber sighed, "It's just this whole thing, with Nicole," she hated that she had to bring that up, but she needed something to break the ice. That caused the questioning to stop. She only needed to keep this up for another month, if she could do it, that is.


A Month Later: (Since it seems like we're the only ones on here)

Amber had it planned out, she had headed to the drug store and had picked up a pregnancy test and planned on taking it when she got home. She had left a note with Chris at work telling him that she went home early, that she didn't feel good. She took the test, waited 10 minutes and looked down at the result and it said exactly what it had said last time, she was pregnant. She heard Chris' car door close and she sat on the couch and let her tears fall, another wonderful thing she learned from all those years of drama class. She looked in the mirror beside the couch, her make up was running, her crying looked perfect. The door opened and she sat there on the couch holding the test. She looked up at Chris, face filled with tears, "I'm pregnant,"


Ain't I Just Evil? :lol: :devil:
Chris sat down next to her, smiling slightly. "Is it mine?" He hated to ask the question but he had to know to see if he could go through with what he was planning. He looked her in the eye to make sure she told the truth.
Real tears filled her eyes, "I'm sorry, I lied to you. I wasn't a virgin, the night of my birthday, well, Matthew and I..." Chris looked as if he could kill her, the only thought going through her mind was, please don't hit me, and she had a look on her face that was probably saying the same thing. "I...I'm sorry, I just wanted you to move on after Nicole, probably with me. You know what, screw it, I love my job up here, but, but I can't live with a man who doesn't completly love me, I'm going to Texas, I guess what I'm saying is that's it's over." She was going to Texas because Nicole and Josh had moved. She packed a couple of bags and walked out of the door and headed to the airport.


Nicole was sat in her living room, watching That 70's Show, when a knock was heard on the door, she opened the door to find Amber standing there, with tears rolling down her face.

"Amber, what's wrong?"

"I screwed up, that's what's wrong."

"What happened?"

"I'm pregnant,"

"That's great."

"No, it's not. It's not Chris'."

"Then who's can it be?"

"You remember when me and Matthew stayed late on the beach that night?"

"Amber, no!"

"We we're both pretty drunk."

"You know he still asks about you, you can't keep this from him?"

"I know. And if I told Matthew, how would that work out?"

"Tell me what?"

Amber froze and turned around to find Josh Lucas and Matthew McConaughey standing in the door. "I thought you were filming a movie in Africa?"

"Just finished, I'm visiting my mom and dad. They live a couple miles from here. I just thought that I would give Josh and Nicole a visit. Like I asked before, tell me what?"

Nicole looked up at Josh, "Let's give them a few minutes alone." They walked out of the living room, leaving Amber and Matthew privacy.

Amber looked down at her shoes, "Nicole was telling me that I should tell you that I'm pregnant and the baby doesn't belong to my boyfriend."

Matthew was shocked, "I'm going to be a father, that's great."

"I don't know about that, I want to raise this baby, I have a great job, one that I've worked my whole life to get, don't you think it will be too hard for you to work in travelling to visit, with all the travelling you'll have to do now."

Matthew stepped closer to Amber, with a smile on his face, "You know, I've never forgot about you. And as far as travelling, I'll travel as far as I need to, to help raise the baby." He placed a kiss on her lips and as hard as she wanted to back away, she just couldn't. She was too confused right now. The kiss deepened and somehow they managed to make it into Nicole and Josh's spare room.


Evil, I know, but I'm trying to make it a little more dramatic
Chris had followed her all the way down here. She didn't let him respond, she just left. He knocked on Nicole's door. When she answered it, he rushed in. "Where is she? Where's Amber? I need to talk to her." He felt tears already streaming down his face. He decided that he couldn't wait for an answer, so he went to every room he could reach. He eventually hit the spare room and opened the door to see the there. "Oh God. I think I'm gonna be sick." He rushed to the bathroom and started crying.
Nicole walked into the rest room to find Chris crying, she didn't know what to do. She knew it hurt him a lot, it was like he was going through all that he went through with her all over again. She did the only thing she could think about, she pulled him into a hug and his arms wrapped around her back and he cried into her shoulder, nothing was said, he just cried.


Amber got dressed in the room, along with Matthew.

"Are you going back with him?"

She shook her head, "No, he can't get over Nicole. I've actually had to hear him saying her name in his sleep, I just can't put up with it anymore." She grabbed Matt's hand and they walked out of the room together.
He wiped his eyes and stood up. "I'm sorry. I should've never come here." He rushed out of the bathroom and saw Amber. "Why am I not shocked? Just like your sister. You tell me that you'll never leave me like she did. What a hypocrite. How dare you just turn around like that." He felt tears start flowing again and quickly wiped them away angrily. "Good luck in life. I hope you find nothing but success." He leaves the house and gets in his car, just sitting and crying.
I was going to come in and say I'm sorry I'm not posting, but you two seem to be keeping it up. Thanks, guys. :) I'll post when I get the chance. I'm not on much any more. :p
Amber felt bad for Chris, but deep down inside she knew he'd never change. She couldn't be with a man who didn't give her all of his love. She knew deep inside, that Chris would never get over Nicole and it hurt her that if she would have stayed with him, she would most likely wind up getting hurt in the end, after all she was no Nicole.

She looked up at Matt, who was standing in the door sill and walked towards him and placed a kiss onto his lips. After all, she did have feelings for him, but she wasn't sure he'd be enough to replace the feelings she had for Chris.

"Want to go and get some baby clothes or something?" Matt asked.

She smiled up to him and grabbed his hand and nodded.


They decided to go to the local Baby's R Us and bought a couple outfits and other stuff that the baby would eventually need, the trip would have been perfect, if it wasn't for those stupid Paparazi, who were snapping pictures on every corner.


The story eventually wound up on the cover of National Enquirer with a picture of the two of them holding various bags outside of Baby's R Us.
Chris happened to be holding one of these issues. He held up a lighter and lit it on fire, throwing it into his fireplace. "I'll get her back if it's the last thing I do. And I know exactly how." He grabbed his jacket and initiated Plan Revenge Against Amber. "This is too perfect" He smirked.
Amber woke up the next morning, with her legs wrapped around Matt's, she wouldn't lie, she liked the way it felt. He must have sensed that she was up, because he grabbed her and started to kiss her where ever he could get his lips go go from that position.

"Good morning," he said pulling away.

"Good morning, how did you sleep, Mattie?"

"Perfect, and it makes it even more perfect getting to wake up beside you."
Amber's phone rang. "Hello. This is Doctor Thomas. We got a call that you needed an appointment today here for your unborn child. Just reminding you it's in 2 hours." Chris stood idly by eavesdropping. "Hmm...I dunno...Let's see if this plays into my plan well."