TalkCSI: RolePlay

"I can't wait until you meet everyone. They'll love you. I'm sure of it." He smiled at her and put his hand on her knee. "I'll give you a tour when we get in." He pulled into the parking lot. "Now or never. :D"
Chris showed her around the entire lab and introduced her to everyone there. He started with their supervisor, Alyssa, Amber really liked her. She met another coworker named Sara and she was really nice too. As soon as she went into the lab, one of the investiagators came in with somekind of a liquid. Amber ran the substance through the whole technique and looked at the print out, "It's mineral oil." :D(had a greg moment)

The investigator and Chris looked shocked at Amber, they had never had a newbie process that fast before.
"Woah Speedy. How'd you do that so fast?" He looked at her with a look of shock in his eyes. That look was mixed with a "that was totally awesome AND hot" look. The final touch was the shocked and happy smile plastered across his face. "I'd swear you'd been doing this since birth."
"I don't kid around when it comes to this," she said. "I know what I'm doing, plain and simple." Another one of their investigators came in, with a scraping from under a raped girls nails, she ran it through the computer and it beeped and spat out a page. "The dna matches a guy by the name of Robert Horton, priors for rape and domestic violence, here's his adress."

The time had come for them to go home, she was really tired and fell asleep in the car on the drive back.
Josh smiled at her sleeping, then carried her into his house, covering her up in his bed. He then snuck out and took a small drive. "I hate to do this to her, but it appears I need to have a little talk with a certain someone."
Amber awoke, searching for Chris. It appeared that he wasn't there, then she saw a note on the night stand, I went to get us somthing to eat, so we don't have to cook tonight, I'll be back soon, Love Chris. Amber walked into the living room, laying down on the couch and turned on the tv. Her sister's favorite tv show was on, she was never a big fan of That 70's Show but she did like to watch it from time to time, Fez made her laugh and she needed a good laugh right now, lying to Chris was making her feel like hell.


Nicole was reading over a script for her and Josh's next movie when her cell phone rang, she looked down at the caller id it read Chris. "I wonder what he wants," she said outloud. She picked up the phone, "Hello?"

(I hope that was what you had in mind).
((It'll work, but you'll have to assume I told Nicole something.))

"Hey. I didn't know who else to call. Remember what I told you about my sister? We found the guy. He's raped again. I gotta talk to him, but I don't want to overdo it. I dunno...I guess I'm asking for your help." He pulled up in front of his destination. "Or maybe the help of someone you know who is closer to me."
(I hope it's ok to add a made up character.)

Detective Simpson just got a call to go to 11 South Vault Drive, to assist Chris with talking to a suspect in a rape case. She pulled up to the address to see Chris still sitting in his car outside, she had a surprise for him too, she was already givin an arrest warrant to bring him into police custody. She walked over to Chris who had gotten out of his car and they walked over to the door and knocked, the door opened. She looked down at the most recent mug shot for Robert Horton. The door opened and it was their guy.

"Robert Horton, you're under arrest for the rape of Christina Farrel." He didn't even give any type of fight, he put his hands behind himself and allowed her to put the handcuffs on.

"It's about time, take me straight to prison, let me rot there. I'm haunted every day at what I've done to those girls."
Chris stared blankly at the man with the smirk on his face. "You say you're sorry, but it doesn't show in your demeanor." The man smirke again. "You son of a-" He pulled his arm back and punched the man square in the jaw. "I'll kill you!" He continually punched him until Simpson had to pull him off. "You're lucky she's here!"
"Look, I raped all those girls and it's haunting me, take me straight to jail. I did it, you hear me, I'm confessing."


Amber still was sitting on the couch watching That 70's Show. Amber was laughing a lot during this episode, this show was always one to make her happier and when she felt down about something, she would always watch it.

Fez: AH. This is tomorrow's school paper. Oh my god, on the front page, there's a picture of me kissing Kelso by the lake.
Eric: Fez why are you kissing Kelso by the lake?
Fez: We caught a fish, I was excited. I kissed the fish too, but of course they don't show you that.

She didn't even notice the door open.

Amber burst out in a cute little laugh, anything with Fez, cheered her up.
Chris mosied in and sat down. He looked tired. But that's no shock because he was. There was also annoyance on his face. Again, no shock as he felt very annoyed with everything that had just gone on. His posture showed his emotions, as if he was wearing them on his sleeve.
Seeing Chris like this, really hurt her, her being cheerful didn't last long. She looked at his face and saw that he was tired, but she also could tell that something was annoying him. She thought it was the show that she was watching, because of it being Nicole's favorite, so she turned it off with the remote.

"I'm sorry, I know it's Nicole's favorite." She looked at his face, it was something else. And where was their food, something was up. "Chris, what's wrong, where did you go?" It looked like she wasn't the only one keeping secrets anymore.
He hated to lie to her, but he had to. "I went to get out food and ran into traffic. After I got through traffic, I couldn't find a place that was open, so I tried coming home, and I ran into traffic again, which really aggravated me even more. Plus I'm really tired." He gave her a fake smile, hoping she'd believe him. He covered up his fist with the obvious fight bite on it.
She gave him a half smile, "Why don't you go and lay down and I'll bring you a sandwich." He got up and went into their room. Amber went into the kitchen and fixed him a roast beef sandwich and fixed herself a turkey sandwich, she poured two glasses of tea and headed back to the room. They ate in peace, only the sound of the televison which was also turned to That 70's show filled the air. They finished eating and both went to bed.
Chris lay on his side, his back to Amber. He thought in silence, tears streaming down his face. 'I hate lying to her. She'll find out eventually. But...I know when she's lying too. Her right eye twitches every so slightly and I saw that twitch when I would ask her if she was ok. But maybe I'm seeing things. Who knows? I'm probably just being paranoid now. Amber is perfect. Perfect person. Perfect personality. Perfect body shape.' He smiled to himself and rolled over, forgetting about the tears, still on his face.