TalkCSI: RolePlay

Amber looked around the yard, Chris had a very nice house. It kind of reminded her of her house in Arkansas and the funny thing was she didn't even miss home, she really liked it here.

The only thing that might take her a little bit of time to get used to was the weather, it was indeed a lot colder here than it is down in Arkansas.

"Wow, you've got a beautiful home," She said as Chris gave her a quick tour. She smiled to herself, I really like it here, this is just perfect.

She took a seat on his couch and he handed her a water, "Thanks," he flipped on the televison and flipped a couple channels, until it landed on Family Guy.

"I love this cartoon," Amber said.
"Good. Because I love it." He laughed and then leaned back to let Amber lean against him. He put his arm around her and then watched the show. He felt so comfortable like this and he never wanted to move, but he remembered relaxing like this with Nicole and couldn't help but to frown. He wished he could just get rid of these memories of her, but he couldn't. The memories would forever be implanted in his mind.
Amber could sense that Chris was thinking about something, when she got a look at his face she knew exactly what it was about, Nicole. It hurt her a little at first, but she knew that there was nothing that she could do. It was best to leave it be, sooner or later, he'd be over her. The question really was how long would it take?
Chris noticed Nicole looking at him. "I'm sorry. I really want to focus on you, but so many things bring back horrible memories of her." He hugged her close. "I just don't want to lose you because I can't get over the horrid memories of her." He kissed her deep, forcing himself to forget about Nicole.
Amber smiled up to Chris, "That's ok," she kissed him deeper. "I'll be here the whole time."

Chris helped her get settled in, until she pulled out a picture of Matthew McConaughey and her, both in swim wear, it looked to be taken on a beach. He looked at the picture, it looked to Amber, with a look of Deja vu.

"If you don't want me to put this up, then I won't. I just want you to know, I won't act like she did, I won't run away. I love you and you only." She looked back down at the picture. "I'm so much happier now," he didn't say nothing and she placed the picture frame on the coffee table.

Amber felt as she was going to get sick and excused herself to the restroom. She closed and locked the door behind her, she turned on the sink and lost all that she had eaten that day in the toilet. A thought ran through her mind that she might be pregnant and she thought to herself, "There's no way it could be Chris', you can't conceive a baby that quick." Then she thought of the night of her birthday, 'Matthew,' she whispered. She did tell Chris that she was a virgin, but what if he knew that she lied. She and Matthew had an one night stand that night, they were the only ones who even knew about it. She was trying to get Chris to feel better, she had fallen head over hills in love with him. 'I'm just going to hide this,' she thought. 'Wait a couple of weeks and then tell him I'm pregnant.' She finished up and headed back into the living room.
"You ok hun?" A flood of thoughts suddenly rushed through his head, the main ones being, she's sick, she's pregnant, food poisoning. "Anything wrong?" He looked at her, worry in his eye, but a smile on his face. It was a goofy face, but it expressed his emotions perfectly.
"I think I'm catching a cold," she said. "My stomach's a little upset, nothing major."

She hated lying to him like that, but he couldn't know that she was pregnant with another man's baby, it would kill him if he found out. Especially after what's happened with Nicole.

"What should we do tonight?" She asked. Returning a small smile to Chris.
"I have an idea. ;)" He picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. "I've always wanted a kid, you?" He smiles at her and takes off his shirt and lights some candles. "I've always dreamed of having one little boy and one little girl." He put on some music and sat down next to her.
Amber smiled, but deep down inside it hurt that she was lying to Chris. "Yeah, I do." She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and felt his hands grabbing hers and moving her towards the bed. She felt herself fall right back in love with him again.


Amber awoke to find Chris fast asleep, she went into the other room and looked through one of her duffel bags, until she found what she was looking for. She entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She needed to see if she was really pregnant.

After waiting 10 minutes she looked down at the test and gasped, she was pregnant. She was a little happy, but she knew it couldn't be Chris' so that made her cry. She took the test and wrapped it in paper and went to the trashcan outside and threw it into the trash.
Chris rolled over and felt an empty spot next to him. He walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Honey, what's wrong? You ok?" He heard her crying and began to fret. "Open the door honey. And tell me what's wrong. Was it something I did? Did I push too far, go too fast?" Chris became incredibly worried.
Amber heard a trash truck leaving the front, good thing she threw the test in that trash can, she had came back into the house and went back into the restroom and had gotten sick again. She was literaly making herself sick, she couldn't believe that she was going to keep this away from Chris. She looked in the mirror and noticed that her nose was bleeding, her nose always bled when she was nervous. She grabbed some kleenex and placed them on her nose. She opened the door, time to lie.

"I woke up and decided I needed some fresh air, and because I'm half asleep, I walked right into the glass door." Chris at first looked worried, then he laughed, then it went back to being worried again, but he still had a small smile on his face.

:lol: I've done that before and I'll tell you what, it doesn't feel good :lol:
"Oh ok. Well, C'mere. Lemme look at your nose to see if it's broken." He softly pulled Amber onto the bed with him and pulled the tissue out of her nose. "It's not broken. It's not even bruised." He looked at her, the signs of a smile wiped off of his face. "How can that be explained?"
"I didn't really walk that hard into it, I did it when I was a kid, walking full force and I actually broke it, but that's another story. I'm just crying because I can't stand the sight of my own blood, though I don't mind seeing other people's if that makes any sense. Well what I'm trying to say is it was just hard enough for it to make it sting, I didn't even notice that it was bleeding until I got back to the restroom." She thought of something to stop the questioning and a smile snuck on her face.

"Want to take a shower?" she said with a small wink. She started dropping her clothes and climbed into the shower, turning on some warm water.
Chris felt his smile return and shed his clothes, running towards the bathroom. "Such a great mind you have." He climbed into the shower and hugged her. "Such a great mind can't be wasted." He smiled at her.
Amber was crying, on the inside, on the outside she put on a seductive smile and brought her lips up to Chris'. She didn't know how much longer she could lie to him about this, but she had too. He couldn't know. She laughed out loud when he offered to wash her hair for her.


45 minutes later they were both done with their shower and were dressed to go to work, they had just ate breakfast and were in the car driving to the lab. Amber was really excited about starting her new job.