TalkCSI: RolePlay

A flashback of events filled Nicole's head. She saw everything from her childhood, to meeting Josh, to meeting Chris, she saw what she shared with them both. She squeezed Chris' hand once.
He decides to start the hard questions.

"Do you still have any feelings for me?"

He glares at Josh, telling him not to say a word.
Nicole had to tell the truth, what she was going to answer, was going to hurt some feelings, she just knew it. She squeezed once and then after a couple more seconds she squeezed again. Nicole could hear the door opening.

"Hea guys, I can see you're trying what I've suggested, I've got something else that you can try." He placed one of those dry erase boards beside her and placed a marker in her hands. "Nicole, I'm putting a marker in your hand, do your best to write your answers to Chris' question onto the board below, can you hear me?"

Nicole simply wrote OK.

"Write your answer to Chris' previous question."

I'm sorry, I don't have those kind of feelings, I love Josh. I do need a friend.
Josh sat down in the seat Chris had gotten out of and placed a kiss on Nicole's forehead.

"I miss you."

She knew that even though she was right there in front of him, what he truly meant. She wasn't fully there. She took the marker, I miss you too.

Josh took a hold of her hand. Even though he was trying to be strong, for himself, for her, and for the kids, seeing her like this was killing him. He didn't care about his pride and about being a man at that moment, so he let the tears fall and took a hold of her hand. He reached over to the little radio that he had put beside her bed, she had always slept with her radio on. And as if God was controling the station, Nicole's favorite song had came on, and as if it were instinct, Josh started to softly sing the song to Nicole, as the tears still fell.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While youre far away dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And Im wondering what youre dreaming
Wondering if its me youre seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God were together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing

I dont want to miss one smile
I dont want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing

Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
I dont want to miss a thing

Nicole's hand grasped Josh's tighter as she felt herself dozing off, she never knew he could sing that well.

Josh felt his eyes growing heavy, he hadn't slept the whole time he was there, he fell asleep leaning back in the chair, the whole time holding Nicole's hand.
Chris glared at Josh. He had to go somewhere...anywhere to get away from him before he did something he'd regret...but he couldn't leave Nicole. He gently stood up and walked to the other side of Nicole's bed, not thinking, and planting a kiss straight on her lips. He didn't care who was watching, he needed to do this more than he had ever needed to do anything before in his life.
Nicole felt some pressure on her lips and she felt herself waking up, it felt like someone had kissed her, she opened her right eye just enough to see that it was Chris, but this went unnoticed by Chris and Josh, Nicole despised Chris at that moment, he had no right to kiss her at all, she was married to another man. And if Chris thought that she would leave Josh just to be with him, or whatever was going through his head, he was wrong. Her and Josh were perfect together, Chris needed to be a real man and move on, she was sure that they're was that special girl for Chris, someone other than her. Her heart completly belonged to someone else.


Josh opened his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a different man kissing his wife. That woke him up real fast, he jolted out of the seat and threw a punch that connected right to Chris' jaw.


The two were still fighting on the floor, each one exchanging punches with the other, when Josh was pulled off of Chris by one of the hospitals doctors. Josh looked back down at Chris, who had a red place on the side of his temple, which would probably form into a big bruise, and blood was running from his right nostril. The only mark on Josh was a busted lip. Chris had never thought that an actor could actually fight that well outside of a movie.

"What's going on here?" The doctor asked. Josh and Chris kept silent. "I got a page from this room, to get down here." Both Josh's and Chris' heads shot towards the bed and there was Nicole, looking very pissed. But most of the stares were going right at Chris. They both made their way over to the bed, grabbing at her hand. She somewhat swatted Chris' hand out of the way and took Josh's, giving Chris a somewhat dirty look. "Josh, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to Chris, please?" Josh gave a hard stare to Chris, before placing a small kiss on Nicole's forehead and turning towards the door and walking out.

"How could you huh? Can't you get it through your head that I'm happy with him? And if you try anything like your little kiss again, I may just put a sexual harrassment lawsuit on your ass!" Nicole took a breath, she was still a little exhausted. "And if you care about me, like you say that you do, get along with Josh, or I'll consider you out of my life! And if you don't like that, go away." Nicole said with tears in her eyes. It really hurt her to talk to Chris like this, but how come he didn't see it, how come he didn't see that she didn't have the same feelings for him that she had for Josh, he was nothing but a friend now, and there was no way that she was going to mess up her marriage, her family for what he thought she wanted. Just then the door opened and Josh walked in with JJ and there was a woman standing behind Josh holding Jenna, she didn't look quite like Nicole, but she did have her eyes.

The woman looked over to Chris and gave him a weak smile. Then she walked over to Nicole and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Nicole, I'm so glad you're back with us."

Nicole could see Chris eyeing her sister, "Chris, this is my sister, Amber." Amber was taller than Nicole, right at 6 foot tall, but she wasn't one of those freaky looking tall women, she had athletic build, piercing green eyes that were a jade color, red hair that went down to the middle of her back, big lips (that would probably give Angelina Jolie a run for her money) she was dressed simply. She wore a pair of really low, low rider jeans, with a Lynard Skynard baby tee with some black boots. Her hair was up in a french braid and she had a small tattoo of Stewie, from Family Guy on her stomach and one of Bart Simpson on her back.

Nicole looked closely at Chris' reaction, it seemed that he had a I can definatly get to know her look on his face.

"Chris, you know what Amber is going to be going to the lab, she's looking into being the new Lab Tech." Nicole saw Chris' face light up, nobody else saw it, but she knew that look. "Well I really need to get some sleep guys." Amber said goodbye to Nicole and Josh and then looked at Chris.

"I can't wait to work with you, Chris." She extended her hand for him to shake. He excepted her hand.

Josh took the seat beside Nicole's bed and let it out so it could be used as a recliner, he saw Chris coming towards him out of the corner of his eye. He was kind of scared, maybe he wanted to finish what he had started earlier. But Chris extended his hand, which Josh shook. He then said he had something to say to Nicole, Josh offered to leave, but Chris told him that it was best if he stayed.

(Is it ok for me to be two characters?)

(I'll be the first person to admit that I can't write worth a crap :D but my moms telling me all the time that my writing's pretty creative, but I think it sucks!)
((It's good. :)))

Chris glared at them both.

"I'll see you Amber. And it's been nice knowing you Nicole. Great to see you value morals, such as til death do up part."

He marched out of the room and decided to go to a strip club. He needed the escape.
Amber had dropped the kids off at Josh's parents house and headed to to the grocery store, she pulled her hoody on, because the air was pretty cool. She really hated that this grocery store was in one of the bad parts of town, it was located right by a strip club of all things. She headed into the store and got all of her grocerys and on her way out she felt as if she was being watched and turned around and was pushed up to her SUV. She tried screaming for help, but her attacker covered her mouth with his hand, Amber silently prayed, with tears in her eyes that someone would help her, before it was too late.
A sickening squishing sound was heard and her attacker dropped to the ground. Chris was seen with a knife in his hand when the attacker dropped.

"You're welcome."

He dropped the knife and started to walk away.
Amber pulled the hoodie away from her face, with tears in her eyes. The guy had made his way to his feet and had ran away from the scene. He knew better than to run off to the police, he would be arrested. She caught up to who ever had saved her, "Thanks," the man turned around and she saw the face of the man she had met in her sister's hospital room. "Chris?"
Chris nodded.

"I was driving by and saw someone under attack. I didn't know it was you. I'd better get going...unless you have something to say."
Amber had to think twice about what she was getting ready to do, she felt some kind of attraction to Chris, but she didn't want to put her job in jeopardy, one that she hadn't even started yet. She had no idea if he even felt the same way, but she risked it and stepped foward and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips, she pulled back, looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," she started back towards her car.
Chris realized his attraction to Amber too and ran after her, turning her around and kissing her back, long and hard.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist."

He stands by to see her reaction.
"She's nine months," Alyssa replied, watching Adam and Hannah interact, the soft grass tickling at her side.

"Cute," Alyssa whispered in Sara's ear. Sara smirked. "How long now, have you two been together?"

She lay back on the grass, staring at the bright blue sky, the soft puffy clouds. She turned to her baby bag and pulled out a stretch canvas, and a large bag full of paints and brushes. She looked up again, got a point in which she could see some of the ground, and started to work at a tree. The soft brush strokes soothed her, and she let her hand take control. She then turned to where Adam and Hannah were lying, and painted blurred shapes of a man and a baby under a tree.

Alyssa then turned her head back to the tree and painted the sky above it, her skilled hands moving quickly. She mixed cyan blue and white on her palate and tapped the brush in, leaving streaks of white. She dragged it over the canvas, forming clouds. Sara watched as Hannah crawled over to Alyssa.

The small infant nudged into her mother's lap and put her hand around the brush handle, painting along with Alyssa.