TalkCSI: RolePlay

Amber's face made it's way to the ground, she couldn't make eye contact with Chris. But she found enought courage to reach up to his face and she brought his head down towards hers and kissed him fiercely, as he had her. The kiss ended and they both looked at each other, wondering what this would lead to.
Chris smiles. He had found someone else.

"Wanna...go out or something? I mean, if you wanna that is."

His view headed to the ground, face red.
Amber smiled at Chris, he was embarrassed, heck so was she. She smiled at him.

"I'm not the type to do the big romantic dates, I usually grab some fast food and eat at my place." Chris nodded. They head to McDonalds and they both ordered Big Macs and headed home. They sat on the couch, eating. When Chris saw out of the corner of his eye a picture of Nicole, Josh, Amber, the kids, and Matthew McConaughey.

"Josh knew how much I loved Matt, so he got him to come to to my 21st birthday party, I'm sorry what she did to you. This may not make you feel any better, but she talked about you all the time. She really missed you. Do you know how it is to lose that one true first love? That's how Nicole felt. When she first met Josh, she was 23, she'd only had one serious boyfriend before him and the bastard beat the hell out of her because she wouldn't have sex with him, she wanted to wait. She waited, and it was Josh that she had waited for. Remember the newspaper article, well it wasn't a drunk driver that wrecked Nicole, it was her boyfriend. Now she's 28, she has a perfect husband and two kids that they both love. I know you think that she should still be with you, but, maybe God intended you to find someone else." Amber stopped talking for a second. Chris' face was coming closer to hers, then his lips crashed down onto hers and Amber loved the way it felt.
"God probably meant for someone else for me."

He crashes his lips against her's, pulling her head closer to him.

"I've never felt so passionately for someone. It's odd. I always thought that how I felt with Nicole was the right way and the best way to feel. But I feel 100% better."

He leans in and kisses her again.
The kiss started to get hotter by the moment, Chris had picked Amber up, and started to carry her away from the couch. Amber used her hand to point to the door that lead to her bedroom. Chris walked backwards, pushing the door open with his foot, and walked closer to the bed and gently laid her down. She smiled up to him and her smile grew larger as he started to slowly crawl towards her.
He smiled at her and started shedding his clothes.

"You're so beautiful."

He crawled closer to her, letting her take control.
You're so beautiful

Amber's never really had anyone tell her those words, she never really had a boyfriend, and there was another secret that Chris didn't know, she was still a virgin, and just like Nicole, she had waited and found that one special person, and that person was Chris. She started nibbling on his ear and whispered, 'Just like Nicole, I waited. And I want it to be with you.'

- - - - -

Amber laid craddled in Chris' arms, and she loved the way it felt, she could really get used to this. Not really knowing what to say, she asked the first question that came to mind. "Do you really hate Josh, for making Nicole happy? Do you think you'll ever learn to trust her again?" She looked up, her green eyes pleading for an answer and when she thought she wasn't going to get one, she just laid her head on Chris' chest.
Chris had been thinking about this question.

"Honestly, I only hated them because I felt lonely and betrayed. Now I have you. I honestly feel that I no longer hate them. Trust...that's another issue. I may learn to trust them again, but it'd take quite a while. She really did hurt me. Although, it did lead me to you, which definitely makes this all worth it."

He kisses the top of her head and smiles.
Nicole woke up, and went to the bathroom. She had noticed that she had started her period, and since the doctor had told her to take it easy, she had to ask Josh to go to the store to pick her up some tampons :).

- - - - -
Amber woke up with a fever and a really bad headache, she really didn't feel like going to the store, so she asked Chris if he minded going to get her something for her fever and her headache.

- - - - -
Josh headed to the femine hygeine isle, he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. It was a good thing that he loved Nicole so much, or he wouldn't be in there. He got the kind she used and headed towards the medicine to get her some Midol, she would probably send him back later for it anyway, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chris.

'Oh Great.' He thought to himself, he was already getting weird stares from various women. 'They must be Matthew McConaughey fans.'
Chris picked up some aspirins and other supplies for Amber. He saw Josh out of the corner of his eye and walked over to him.

"Hey. Fancy seeing you here."
Josh didn't know whether he should talk to him or not, but he let his pride show and started a conversation with him, they were in a pretty long line, so he thought anything would be better than standing in line doing nothing.

"Yeah, Nicole's sent me on a tampon run." He whispered, with a smile, being a man and all, he didn't like to say that word. :lol: But the way he said it, he showed that he didn't mind doing it for her, it was just a little embarrassing, to him, at least. Josh noticed the items in Chris' hands, "You Sick?" He took a step foward in line, grabbed Nicole a couple bags of Skittles and a Sierra Mist.
"No...uh...New Girl. She's a keeper."

Chris looked away, then grabbed 2 water bottles, chocolate, and strawberries.

"She's sick. Just wanting to make sure she feels comfortable with me."

Chris took a step forward as the line moved.
"It's really nice you're doing this for her." Josh said, they still had a while to go. "Amber's allergic to Peanuts, she can't eat that candy bar, here this one's her favorite." Chris looked at him, shocked. Josh gave a small smile, "I saw it last night, it wasn't that hard to figure out." They finally got up to the register and they both paid for their things and headed out of the store. Josh headed over to his SUV, "Hea Chris, keep in touch, Nicole can't stand for you to be mad at her. Hate me all you want, but she cares a lot about you." He opened the door and Stevie hopped out and ran towards Chris. "I see that he remembers you." Josh snapped his fingers and pointed to the truck and Stevie jumped right back in. "See ya man."
Chris smiles at them both.

"Keep in touch."

He gets back into his car and drives to Amber's House. He opens the door and heads to her room.

"How are you feeling?"
"A week yesterday," Sara said to Alyssa, kinda giggling at the end of the sentence.

Sara watched as Adam played with Hannah some more, he was good with kids, but Sara knew he was an only child. Then when Hannah moved to go see her mother, Sara watched. Hannah reached up for the paint brush and Sara gave out a little laugh.

"Do you think she'll be an artist when she's older?" Sara asked, still watching Hannah as she smiled and painted with Alyssa. Adam got up from the ground and walked over to Sara. He wrapped his arms around her stomach, and Sara put her arms over top of his. He gently rocked her back and forth, in his arms.