TalkCSI: RolePlay

Amber smiled, "I'm just really cold!" She pulled the covers around her, tighter. She had took the medicine that Chris had brought and she drifted right back to sleep. The whole time dreaming of what her life with Chris could possibly bring.
Chris hugged her close for warmth, watching her sleep. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He leaned his head back and thought about everything his life with Amber would bring. He really hoped that she wouldn't leave him like Nicole did. He closed his eyes and thought about all the good times they would have together rather than focusing on the bad.
Amber awoke to find herself still beside Chris. He had fallen back asleep, fully dressed, shoes and everything. She got out of bed, the medicine really did the trick and ate the candybar that he had picked out. Chris must have noticed that she had gotten up, because he sat up in the bed. "Mind helping me pack, I'm suppose to start work next week, but I may go early. I have to drive a rental truck all the way up there. Oh and how did you know that this was my favorite candybar?"
((OMG! NICOLE!!! That sig......*drools*))

"I ran into Josh. He kinda...helped me."

He blushes.

"Ready to get started with the packing?"

He was desperate to change the subject. He didn't want things to get really awkward.
"Yeah, let's start packing." They do all of the packing in about 5 hours, she had a bunch of junk, stuff that no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't throw it away. When they were done, they sat down and ordered a Pizza. "One question, though. Could he tell it was me? Was it that obvious? What was he doing out, that early in the morning?"

Thanks, I've been trying to find one that I really like.
((I am a huge Snickers person and imho, it's freakin' gorgeous. :devil:))

"Yeah. I don't know how he knew, but he knew. I guess Nicole was going through her period. He ran out to get her some things."

He sits down next to her.
Amber laughed a cute little laugh, "Oh, she didn't. She sent him on a Tampon run!? That's something I would never make a man do! Especially a well known actor." Amber looked over at Chris, with a huge grin on her face and leaned over and placed a powerful kiss onto his lips.
He grabbed the back of her head and deepened the kiss.

"Why do your lips have to taste so good?"

He laughs and then kisses her again, deeply.
Amber deepened the kiss even more, and then they were interupted by the phone ringing. Amber pulled away to answer.

"Hello? Nicole, slow down, Josh what? OK, we'll be there shortly." She looked over at Chris. "Josh was in a wreck, they don't think he'll make it."

- - - - -

They arrived at the hospital, many reporters standing outside, and a lot more inside. They made it up to the room that Nicole had told Amber she was in. They walked in and saw Josh, they had him on life support.

Nicole looked up, tears in her eyes. "They said that he's lot a lot of blood, and the only chance that he has of surviving, is for him to get a blood transfusion and they don't have any of his blood type on hand and it can take up to a week to get it here, he doesn't have a week." Nicole clung to Chris, hugging him. "And I thought A negative was a common blood type. I can't lose him, I just can't." She cried even harder. "They can't lose their father."
Chris looked up, a glow in his eye.

"Nicole. Did you say A negative?"

He hugs Nicole in comforting.

"Don't you remember my blood type?"
Nicole looked up to Chris, tears running freely down her cheeks. She didn't say anything, just hugged him tighter. Words weren't needed for him to know what she felt. The doctors came into the room and took Chris to get his blood drawn.

It had been a while after the surgery and Nicole still didn't leave Josh's side. She sat in the chair beside his bed, grasping his hand. He didn't leave her side, so she couldn't leave his. Little did she know that Chris was standing in the doorway, watching her, and for once, he didn't feel jealous.

Nicole saw movenment on the bed as she was drifting off to sleep and looked up, Josh had opened his eyes, but he was too weak to do anything else.
Chris felt Amber walk up behind him and he turned around and kissed her.

"I love you."

He anxiously awaited her response.
Amber was shocked at first, when Chris thought he wasn't going to get an answer, she whispered into his ear, so only he could hear it, 'I love you too.'
Josh looked up, gazed into Nicole's eyes. "What happened? The last thing I remember is driving home." He whispered.

"You had a wreck, we had you on life support. You had to have a blood transfusion and luckily Josh, Chris' blood type matched yours." Josh looked at the door, to see Chris and Amber kissing, the kiss broke and they walked into the room. Josh looked up at Chris, "Thanks man."