TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris hugs Nicole.

"I understand hun. I'm just glad he was there. I would be nothing without you. I need you in my life."

He kisses her.

"I love the names."
Nicole smiled, "I was going to go with the name Steven Michael at first, but then I realized that you liked the name Jacquelyn, and well, with me liking That 70's Show..." Nicole trailed off, smiling, which caused Chris to chuckle.
"No, I'm fine. I wonder where everyone is? It's usuall pretty busy right now." She grabbed a crossword puzzle and started to work on it, she hadn't got a case yet.
Chris grabbed a water and sat down next to her.


He saw Nicole look at him in shock and he laughed.

"7 down."

He winked at her and took a swig of water.
Nicole let out a deep breath, "Don't ever scare me like that again." She gave him a small smile as she wrote in the answer. The other part of the paper fell in the floor, but Nicole didn't pick it up right away, she wasn't aware at what it read. Josh Lucas filming movie in Toronto.
Chris noticed it and his mouth fell open.

"Perfect." he thought.

He quickly snatched it up and placed it in his pocket.

"What are you doing putting a newspaper clipping in your pocket? What is it the recent hockey scores?" Nicole smiled, joking.

This had to be the slowest day ever in the lab, they were met by the people coming in to take over their shift, they walked out together and Chris said that he would catch up to her later, he had his cellphone in his hand.
He calls the studio when he is out of earshot.

"Me and my wife are extras in the movie, so we can make it on set, right? Great, we'll have our ID's on us. Thanks."

He hangs up and gets ready to make his wife happier than she has ever been.
Nicole sat in the car thinking, did she really have to tell Chris about the whole Josh Lucas thing. He did save her all those years ago after the car crash, but she did fail to mention to Chris that they had dated after that, that they had been married, that she had gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered how much she had once loved Josh and how much she loved Chris now. To her it seemed that Josh was her first love, even though that wasn't true, but it seemed like it to her. She still had her engagement ring and wedding band, he didn't want to take them back. She felt so bad asking for a divorce, she would never forget how he lightly cried when he signed the divorce papers. Sometimes she thinks of him, how he smelt, the feel of his lips on hers, the feel of his body against hers when they slept, what was she doing, she was married, to another man.

Chris broke her from her thoughts when he climbed into the car and told her that he wanted to take her somewhere special.

They pulled up to a building, where a lot of limozines were parked they got out and were asked for their ID's and were ushered into the building.

Chris walked away for a little while and returned with someone behind him.


Nicole looked up to her husband, only to see her ex-husband standing behind him. She turned white, ghost white, and she fainted. She fell backwards, to have someone catch her and carry her, he didn't say anything. But she knew that grip, that smell of Stetson (not sure if that's what he uses). And it wasn't Chris who was carrying her, she was conscience enough to know that Josh was carrying her.

(Sorry, I'm all out of ideas today and I just watched Sweet Home Alabama :lol: some people tell me that I look like Reese Witherspoon, I don't see it. I'm 5'10 with fire red hair, isn't she like 5 foot tall? :lol: Sorry if you don't like where this is going, since I started a new job that calls for traveling to other cities, I may have to end my stay in the RP, or just make bit pieces.)
Chris proudly brought him out, but then she fainted. Josh caught her and Chris felt himself get a tad bit jealous.

"I can take it from here."

He extended his arms for his wife, but Josh refused and continued carrying her. Chris felt himself get a bit more jealous, but let it go.
(This may be my last post for a while, I think it will cover a period of time, rather than just a little)

Nicole awoke to that oh so familar smell of a hospital room and adjusted her eyes to the lighting. She instinctly ran her hand down towards her stomach, to find it flat. She was shocked and paniced. "Chris!" She yelled over and over again, tears swarming her eyes. "Chris! What happened?"

"Chris went to get something to eat, you ok, darlin'?" She knew that voice.

"Josh, what happened?"

"You fainted at the studio when Chris had brought me over to meet, uh, see you."

"What about the babies?"

Josh sighed, "You lost them." He said quickly, he wasn't sure how to give her the news. Nicole started to cry and Josh brought himself over to her side of the bed. "Hea you remember our honeymoon?"

Nicole's crying slowed, "Yeah, you broke your hand twice and I had to take care of you most of the time, needless to say, that was one of the best trips of my life." Josh smiled and gave Nicole a wink, she blushed and then winked back. "I still have my rings, as much as I thought that I should get rid of them, somethings told me not to. Then I met Chris," she sighed. "I mean I love him, but with us it was different." Nicole smiled. "How am I supossed to live loving two different men."

Josh grabbed a hold of Nicole's hand and gave it a kiss. He then looked up and gazed into her eyes their faces inched closer together and they shared a kiss, this time, something told Nicole not to turn back, or slap him, like she had did Nick. After a couple of minutes, they heard something drop behind them, they turned to see Chris standing there, looking like he could kill, but he wasn't looking at Josh, he was looking at Nicole. "Josh, let me talk to Chris for a minute."

Josh walked out the door and Nicole told Chris about how she thought Josh was her true first love, about their marriage, about her first miscarriage, about their divorce. She sighed when she was about to tell him this part. "I think I still love him, you know how first loves are, you grow apart, but deep down inside, there's still that part of you that holds on to them." Chris smiled, like he once too had his first love that had gotten away.

"Tell me, who do you love more, me or him?" He asked, no anger or anything in his voice, it was a honest question.

"I'm sorry," Nicole told Chris, removing her wedding band, "I think those years ago, God wanted us together for a reason, he wouldn't have been there to save me," Chris gave Nicole a hug.

"Keep the ring, it can be a souvenior, of your life up here in Canada, I have a reason you're going back to the states."

"Yeah, if Josh wants us to be back together, I'm going to Arkansas, to live with him. He's always told me I have potential to become a great actress, I don't know how true that is."

"It's true, you're perfect to be a actress."

Chris gave her a kiss on the forehead and exited the room, outside, he shook Josh's hand and exited the hospital.

- - - - -

Nicole looked down to the divorce papers, both her and Chris were now free people, her not for long. Josh had proposed a couple weeks after the accident and they were to be married in Texas. She had sent out an invitation to Chris, she didn't know if he'd come or not. To her surprise, he did.

- - - - -

She had just shot a movie, alongside Josh and Matthew McConaughey, it was a drama, called As You Were. Today she was at the Oscars. She had zoned out during the whole speech leading up to Best Supporting Actress in a drama, until she heard, "And your winner for Best Supporting Actress in a drama is...Nicole Lucas." She stood up in utter shock, received a big kiss from Josh and headed up to the stage.

"Umm, wow, to tell you the truth, I really don't have a speech, I didn't think I could win, but I'll wing it, I guess. First of all I'd like to thank god, who's pushed me in the right direction all of my life. He's the one who pushed me into his arms," she said pointing down to Josh. "I'd like to thank my father," she said pointing to the sky, "And I'd like to thank a good friend of mine. Chris, thanks for always being there for me. This one's for you."

- - - - -

Chris grabbed a newspaper during his break and was flipping through it. He stopped when he saw a familar woman, with blonde hair. Josh and Nicole Lucas were spotted in Manhattan recently walking their twins, a daughter, Jenna Elizabeth and Joshula Christopher, they're recently filming there second film together New York New York.

(Well it's been fun!!! I think it be better if you go with how I did it, to have you reactions to each situation (Chris). Sorry if that's not the way you want it to end, I was just trying to be creative. Well unitl I get enough time to continue, See you next time Nicole.

Not really, but still. WAHH! That's horrible, but excellent at the same time. Poor Chris, he's heartbroken. ;) We'll miss you Nikky.

Soon to post!

ETA: Post!

I suppose we'll skip ahead 2 months, giving Nicole some time do have out what she did. So, that makes me 2 months pregnant, and Hannah 9months. Have fun with the jump, guys!

Alyssa sat at the kitchen table with a coffee in her hand, nursing it tenderly. She was wrapped tightly in a fleecy salmon bathrobe, and had the newspaper propped up in her hand, reading the headlines. She skimmed through as Hannah wobbled out into the kitchen, trying to stand up, and failed. She plopped down on her pink dress clad bottom and started to wail.

Alyssa jumped, leaving her coffee on the table. She scooped up the 9-month-old curly-haired brunette like 3 times before that day and shushed her.

"Hannah," she cooed, resuming her place at the table. It was a bright amd sunny spring saturday morning, the first Alyssa had off in a while. "How about we go to the park?" Hannah sniffled twice, reaching her tiny balled hands to wipe at her cheeks. Cocking her head in an understanding fashion, Alyssa stood up and walked into the green-striped livingroom and lay Hannah in her playpen. She abandoned the baby for minutes as she ran up over the stairs. She pulled a pair of large overalls and a white teeshirt out of the closet and hauled off her bathrobe.

Dressed with her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, Alyssa pulled on some socks and a pair of white tennis shoes. She quickly applied foundation and eyeliner, and some clear lipgloss, and trot down over the stairs. Hannah was sitting quietly in her playpen, mumbling to her dolls in her own language. Alyssa peeked down around the stairrail to check on her, and satisfied she was fine, ran to brush her teeth.

Within moments, they were suited up and decked out in babybags, a lunchtin and two waterbottles, and walking down the street, Hannah in her stroller. Alyssa walked the ten minutes to the nearest playground, and unclicked the seatbelt in the stoller, setting Hannah on the ground. She stood upright for seconds, looked around and fell again, putting grass stains on her old dress. Alyssa sat on the bench next to another mother and kept her eye on Hannah as she toddled around cutely.
(alrighty, two months ahead? I shall give myself a boyfriend, that MIGHT seem like someone i have a crush on now.:rolleyes:)

Sara walked along the sidewalk, beside her boyfriend of one week, Adam. Sara laughed as he told her a joke, no matter what mood she was in, he could always make her laugh, and he knew it. He reached for her hand nervously, she gently slipped it into his hand, and smiled to put him at ease. They hadn't been dating long, and were still nervous around each other.

Sara sighed and started humming a little song quietly. Adam still heard it, no matter how quiet she tried to keep it. "Sing," he said to her. Sara stopped humming and looked up at his green eyes that almost matched hers.

"No way, I only sing to myself," she said, a slight giggle in her voice.

"At least you are good enough to even sing to yourself," Adam said, dissing himself.

"I doubt you sing that bad," she complimented.

"Doubt is different than truth," Adam recited out of some book he had read at some point in his life. Sara was amazed at his intelligence and ability to remember practically everything. They kept talking, or rather, argueing playfully, but Sara wouldn't give in, as they started walking through a park.

"I think we're near my supervisor's house," Sara said glancing behind her down a street.

"Nice try changing the subject," Adam said and smiled.

"I thought it was worth a try," Sara repled and smiled angellically. Adam put his arm around her, resting his hand on her shoulder. Sara smiled to herself, finally, somewhere where she could feel safe for once.
((I'll miss you Nicole.))

Chris felt himself break down as he read the article. He needed fresh air and he needed it now. He grabbed his IPod and started jogging. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Alyssa and Hannah. He jogges over and took a seat next to Alyssa.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

He looked towards Hannah.

"She's beautiful."