TalkCSI: RolePlay

Alyssa smiled, "Not your shift?" Chris shook his head.

"I took a break."

"Oh. Alrighty," Alyssa said, turning her attention back to her daughter. "She is beautiful."

Chris and Alyssa sat on the bench, making small talk about the weather, work, movies.. Hannah toddled over to them and pulled on Alyssa's overalls, making her quickly conscious about the way she dressed. She put on an embarassed smile, and pulled Hannah into her lap.

"Hungry?" Hannah shook her right hand, "Thirsty?" She cooed happily. It was almost like a signlanguage the two had worked out. Right hand means no, cooing is usually yes, or she's just happy. When she'd bounce her legs and screw up her nose, she wanted her diaper changed, and clenching her fists, pulling her legs up to her chest was gas.

Chris watched with longing in his eyes as Alyssa gave Hannah the sippycup, letting her hold on to it herself. Alyssa tipped the cup up slightly to start the flow, and Hannah sucked.

"I don't mean to brag," Alyssa said, keeping her attention on Hannah, "But I don't know too many 10-month-olds who can do this." Alyssa indicated to Hannah, who had pushed the juice away and started to toddle back to the sandbox. Chris shook his head. "I mean, usually they don't start walking like that until they're about two."
"You're right. She's very intelligent for her age."

Chris felt his eyes welling up with tears. He felt the tears softly begin sliding down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

He brushed away the tears, not wanting to drag Alyssa into his problems.
Alyssa glanced at Chris as he wiped the tears from his cheek.

"Hey, don't feel bad," Alyssa said, "I know what's wrong. It's Nicole." Chris stared out into the park, his expression blank. "It's alright, I'm here. You can talk, you know."

Chris continued to look away.

"Okay, it's akward talking to a woman. I know," Alyssa said, touching Chris's shoulder. "But Nicole called me the other day. You'll be glad to know she's happy with Josh. She misses you, and the rest of us, but her life's going good. She finally has those twins she wanted."
Sara laughed and squirmed as Adam tickled her. She tried running away, but he chased after her and after a while put his arms around Sara. She started to trip, and Adam attempted to stop her, but instead fell down with her, ending up beside the giggling brunette. Adam looked at her for a moment, giving her a chance to breathe, then started to tickle her again. Sara was VERY ticklish, and Adam had found that out the third day they were dating. Sara started to squirm again, laughing the whole time.

The park wasn't really full, but there was still a fair bit of people in it. And Sara and Adam were drawing attention to themselves.
Chris looked at Sara, fire in his eyes.

"Those were supposed to be my twins too. But...she leads me along like I matter, and then goes on and breaks my heart. If I wasn't so sure that the perfect crime doesn't exist, I'd kill Josh for what he did to me. All I wanted in life was a good job, a good wife, and a few good children, and I thought I finally had that, but she ripped it all away from me. Every single bit. When she left, she took my heart with her. I have nothing left of me. I'm just a sad sad man, who has nothing left to live for."

He feels the tears start to fall down his cheeks.

"I hate her for what she's done to me."
NikkyJamez said:
She instinctly ran her hand down towards her stomach, to find it flat. She was shocked and paniced. "Chris!" She yelled over and over again, tears swarming her eyes. "Chris! What happened?"

"Chris went to get something to eat, you ok, darlin'?" She knew that voice.

"Josh, what happened?"

"You fainted at the studio when Chris had brought me over to meet, uh, see you."

"What about the babies?"

Josh sighed, "You lost them."

But anyways, I just think you've made it seem like I just ran off and let Josh raise Chris' children, that's not what I attended to do, but I guess it's a nice twist. Better get to bed now, I have to be in Austin tomorrow morning.
Alyssa sat there not knowing what to say. Nicole, she knew, had lost her first twins. Now, happily married with Josh Lucas, her dream husband, and two beautiful twins. And Chris was jealous.

"Chris, this may sound harsh," Alyssa said carefully, "But you can't be jealous of Nicole. You two had a beautiful marriage, and it just didn't work out. Now, you can't stay like this forever. It's been two full months. I'm sorry." She concluded her little speech and went to grab Hannah, and noticed a brunette lying on the grass with a tall man next to her.

'I know that head,' Alyssa thought to herself. She pulled Hannah along with her, the stroller dragging behind them. Hannah squealed when she heard the fimilliar voice, and crawled over to the two bodies lying next to eachother. Sara sat up, pulled Hannah into her arms and smiled in Alyssa's direction. Alyssa sat next to the couple.

"Hey Sar," she said, smiling. "Who's this?"
"Hey Lyss, this is Adam," Sara answered looking over at Adam's direction. He was speaking in baby language to Hannah, ignoring the two girls. "Adam, this is my boss," she said, "and friend, of course."

She looked at Hannah, "Wow, she's gotten so big!" Hannah got up from Sara's arms and plopped herself on Adam's lap and giggled. Sara was stunned. "She can walk?"

Adam started playing a little game with Hannah. He moved his hands around in front of her and she tried to catch them. Hannah kept winning when he was only using one hand, then she got a little confused when he used two. She got used to it and started catching his hands more fequently. After a while, Hannah got bored and clapped her hands together for her own amusement.

Adam looked up from her, "How old is she?"
((I knew that. I meant that the twins were supposed to be Mine and Nicole's not Josh' and Nicole's. That still came out wrong. I meant, Nicole should've been having my kids, not his. There. :lol:))

Chris thought for a moment.

"She's right. Time to do what I know needs to be done."

He gets up and goes to the lab to do some "research."
(Hea guys, maybe I can still squeeze some time in after work, had to drive from Houston to Austin and back to Houston today and I'm tired! Is it alright if I continue my Josh Lucas story, I really do like being Married to him:D.

Nicole awoke to find her husband feeding Jenna, she just loved the look of it. She went to get up, "Now Nicole, you lay right back down, I can handle it." He gave her that grin that she loved so much. JJ (Josh Junior) started to cry, so Nicole got up, not paying attention to Josh's stare. "I thought I told you to stay in the bed." Josh said with another one of those grins.

"Oh shut up, Josh." Nicole said with a grin of her own, she went to get JJ out of the crib, she wasn't ready to have them out of their room, it was just easier that way. She carried JJ over to the changing table and changed his diaper, she carried him back to the bed with a bottle in the other hand. She placed the bottle in his mouth, he sucked it for a like a minute and then spit it out. She laid him down on the bed and began tickling him all over and started blowing on his stomach, he loved that. Josh had left with Jenna Nicole picked JJ up and held him close, she looked deep into his eyes, he had his dad's eyes. Well he really was a spitting image of his dad. "You know what, you're gonna be a handful when you grow up. You're gonna break a lot of little girls hearts." He smiled. "Just like your daddy." She added. It's scary at how much you look like Josh. Nicole looked down in her arms and noticed that JJ had fallen back asleep, she got up slowly and placed him back in the crib, and as if right on cue, Josh re-entered the room with a sleeping Jenna. Josh placed her on the other end of the crib and they stood looking at them together.

"It's amazing." Josh said. "That we could bring something that beautiful into the world."

"Yeah, it is isn't it." Josh noticed Nicole was looking a bit off. "What's on your mind?"

"I was just thinking, what if Josh? What if I hadn't have lost Chris' twins? What if you weren't in Toronto filming that movie? What would life be like now?" Nicole smiled up at Josh, "But I feel as if it was God, I feel as God got us together. You know, I loved Chris, but my feelings for him never filled what I felt for you. It may be a mean thing to say, but I feel that God knew what would truly make me happy and so he had to get rid of something, to give me what I truly wanted." Tears were now rolling down Nicole's cheeks.

Josh grabbed Nicole's face and placed a powerful, but romantic kiss on her lips. "I know what you're saying, honey, I've thought about you everyday after our divorce, and I knew that deep inside, you felt the same way I did about it. I prayed that I'd find my way back to you, God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?"

Nicole looked down at the sleeping babies and smiled, "Yes he does." Nicole sighed, "It would just make it a little better if Chris wasn't so Jealous about us, I've actually called him a couple times, he never answers. One time he picked up and just hung up, it makes me feel like he hates me.


Nicole stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash gently down her body.

"Mind if I join you?" Nicole turned around to see Josh, she gave a seductive smile. "Of course not."


"Are you sure, you'll be ok without me?" Nicole asked Josh.

"I'm sure Darlin', now get going, your sister really wants you to be there."

Nicole kissed Josh and then her kids. "Be good." She said.

"Oh they will."

"I was talking to you." She smirked.

Nicole had been driving for a while, she had turned right and was heading onto main street when she saw headlights, there was a car driving erraticly towards her, she tried to swerve out of the way, but it was too late.


Josh picked up the phone in the hospital room. He found a number in Nicole's cellphone phonebook and pushed call, he got a voicemail. He was trying to be a man, and not cry, but it wasn't working. "Umm, Chris, this is Josh. There's been an accident. Nicole was on the way to her sister's house when she was hit by a drunk driver, the doctor's say she has possible brain damage, they're not sure yet. She's in a coma, they don't know if she'll wake up. It'd mean a lot to her, well to us if you'd come and see her. She thinks you hate her. Well, I've got to go." Josh hung up the phone and grabbed a hold of Nicole's limp hand and cried even harder, "You've got to get through this Nicole."
This shattered Chris. He loved her, but he hated Josh. Still, he needed to be with her. He called in for some vacation and took a flight down there. When he got there, he rushed to Nicole's room.

"Oh God. What's happened to you Nicole?"

He began to softly cry and glared at Josh. If looks could kill, Josh would be dead. If Nicole wasn't in such a horrible state, he would've killed him right on the spot.

"Nicole. You've gotta be ok. You've got 2 kids who need you. And...a friend."

The last part shattered him even deeper to say. He never wanted to have to admit his relationship with her was over.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"And...a friend."

Even though her mind was clouded, she heard that clear as day. She still wasn't able to fully wake up, but she had to give Josh and Chris a sign that she would pull through. Even though she was in a coma, she still could sense the tension between Chris and Josh. That was what was hurting her the most. The fact that Chris would kill Josh if he had the chance. Didn't he know how much Josh meant to her? If he really wanted her to come back to them, then he would give Josh a chance. Didn't he see how Josh made her feel? Did he see how happy she was with Josh, she know he saw them on the news and in magazines. She did the only thing she could do, she moved her hand.

"Chris, I know you hate me, ok, I'm not dumb. But thanks for coming, it really means a lot to Nicole, and to me." Josh extened his hand out to Chris, not really knowing what to expect, a punch to the face, or what.
Chris shook his hand. He looked at Nicole and saw her hand move.


Without thinking he grabbed the hand, hoping for her to squeeze it.
Even though she wasn't completly there physically, she sensed that Josh and Chris were getting along. If she was able to smile, she would have. She did the only thing she could do, she squeezed the person's hand.

The doctor entered the room, "Hea Doctor Scott, Nicole's moved her hand, is that a good sign?" Josh asked. He looked down at Chris holding Nicole's hand, feeling a little jealous, but he knew how much Nicole thought of Chris, and it appeared that the feeling was mutual.

"That's a good sign, we got the tests back, there's no brain damage. This is a sign that her brain is aware enough for her to move her hand. You can use that as a kind of communication. Try asking her a question, use one squeeze for yes and two squeezes for no. Nicole, this is Doctor Scott, can you hear me?" Nicole squeezed Chris' hand once. "I'll leave you three alone."
Chris looked at Nicole longingly.

"Do you know who this is?"

Chris hoped she did. He wanted to get to the hard questions, but didn't want to rush in too quickly.