TalkCSI: RolePlay

Chris picked her up and kissed her.

"Expect many more of these romantic dates from me. I'll always be in love with you and I want to show it."

He carried her to a moonlit spot on a hill overlooking the lake with the moon reflecting on it in the most beautiful way. He gently placed her down on a large blanket, which was strategically surrounded by candles. On the blanket were two baskets.

"How'd I do?"
Nicole smiled, "Perfect like always, to tell you the truth, you're romanic when you don't even notice it. I could spend the entire day laying in the bed, watching tv with you and that would be just as romantic as this. But I could get used to this," Nicole said taking a bite of a strawberry.
"Good. Because this is going to become a habit."

He pulled out a big bucket of chocolate and dipped a strawberry in it, then offered it to her. He smiled at her softly.
Nicole smiled as Chris gently placed the strawberry in her mouth, she loved him so much. She smiled as she reached over to the bucket and dipped her a strawberry and swirled it lightly in the chocolate and offered it to Chris, a little bit of chocolate dripped on his chin and she inched closer to his face and seductivly licked it off.
This drove Chris wild. Not only was chocolate the aphrodisiac that affected him most, but she just licked his chin, which not only drove him wild, but made him fall even further in love with her. He accepted the strawberry into his mouth, but also took in one of her fingers, gently sucking on it.
Nicole smiled as he removed her finger from his mouth. She leaned closer to him and placed a zealous kiss on his lips. She pulled away slowly, gasping for air, "I think we should go home, if you'd like." Another seductive smile plastered on her face.
"Yes. Lovely idea."

He picks her up and carries her to his car, then drives to their home. He swore he was doing over 80, but the spedometer showed a lot less.
As soon as they entered the door, clothes were being thrown everywhere imaginable, and they just barely made it to the bedroom.

- - - - -

Nicole snuggled into Chris, "Thanks for tonight, it was really really, sweet and fun, wouldn't you agree?"

She took his hand and lightly pulled him closer to her and gave his lips a gentle squeeze before placing her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes.
"I loved tonight. I love you. I would do anything for you."

He settled into her arms and felt something hit his chest.

"Got a soccer player there?"

He chuckles.
Nicole smiles, "That or a future Kick Boxer!" Nicole kisses him once more. "Tell me the truth, I've been thinking about what the baby will be, what do you want. I mean, most men want a son, then they get a daughter. That they want take anything for."
"As long as it's a kid made by me and you both, I'll love it and be happy with it. I'd love a son, but I'd also love a daughter. Really, I'm fine with anything. I love you I'd love our child regardless of whether they are male or female, straight or gay, short or tall, or even bald or hairy."

He snuggles up to her and kisses her softly.
Nicole awoke the next morning and snuggled into Chris. She kissed him on the lips and got up out of bed and headed into their bathroom to take a shower. She got out and got dressed, today she had a doctors appointment, they were going to do a ultrasound, her first one since she found out she was pregnant. Chris couldn't go with her, because the assistant coroner was sick for their shift, she really wished he could of went. She went and kissed him slightly on the lips in the kitchen. "I'll be at the lab later, I explained to Catherine that I'd be a little late."

- - - - -

Nicole laid back on the bed, the cold jelly on her stomach making her a little bit uncomfortable. She had her eyes fixated on the screen. She was now just at 5 months pregnant, right at the time when the ultrasounds could tell the sex of the baby.

"Well, It looks as though we have two heads."

That woke her up out of her daze, "Umm, excuse me?"

"There's two heads, Mrs. Hibachi, here and here. Congratulations, you're having twins. Would you like to know the sex of them?"

Nicole was still in a state of shock, all she could do was nod and stare at the screen.

"Well, the one on the right," the doctor moved the thing around on her stomach, "is a girl."

Nicole grinned to herself, she'd finally get that little girl that she could dress up into little pink dresses with bows in her hair.

"The one on the left, doing all the kicking you've been telling me about, well, that is a boy."

Nicole grinned to herself, deep down inside, she knew all men couldn't wait to have that son that was attached to their father, Chris was going to be happy, or was he?

She entered the lab, and saw Chris sitting in the break room. She sat down. He looked at her, eyes questioning, She whispered, "We're having twins, boy and a girl."
Alyssa hummed lightly as she tucked Hannah into bed 8:30 that night. She kissed the little girl lightly on the head and stroking her cheek as she sighed deeply and closed her eyes. She could kill for that little girl right now.

"I love you," Alyssa whispered, and walked to the door, shutting off the lights. She headed down the hall and into her large bedroom, crossing to the bed and stripping of her clothes. She turned down the covers and took off her socks while sitting on the edge of the bed. How I hate getting into an empty bed she thought, sighing. She shimmied into her side and lay her head on the pillow, her eyes closing immediatly as exhaustion overtook her.


Alyssa woke up, the alarm clock blaring 2:09am as Dan kissed her lightly on the cheek and climbed into bed beside her, touching her neck.

"Mm," she mumbled as he stroked her gently, getting all the right spots.

"I love you," Dan mumbled back, nibbling her ears.

"Not now, Dan," Alyssa sighed, rolling over to look at him, "I'm tired."

"Okay," Dan whispered, embracing her.

"Did you get the guy?"


"Nevermind," Alyssa said softly, nuzzling into Dan's chest and falling asleep again.


Dan eased himself out of bed at 5:45 that morning, and switched off Alyssa's alarm clock. He creeped down over the stairs, not bothering to check on Hannah - She always slept 'til 6. He walked into the contemperary kitchen and reached for the phone mounted on the wall, dailing the lab's number.

"Hi, this is Daniel O'Driscoll. I'm calling for Alyssa Ellsworth, CSI. She's not coming in today, she has a severe flu and is too sick. If you need to reach her, please call 555-4876. Thanks."

He hung the phone back on the wall and tripped up over the stairs, pulled on his uniform that was laying in a heap on the floor, and hurried outside to the garden. Dan clipped a single daisy out of the flowerbed, and ran into the house quickly and quietly. He got a pad of post-it's out of the cupboard and wrote,

"Alyssa -
The lab knows your not coming in. Take the day off and relax with Hannah, enjoy yourself.
Love you forever,
Chris' face lit up instantly. He kissed her deeply.

"That is such great news. We can each have our dream come true. You wanted a little girl, and I wanted a little guy. Ohh..I'm so happy right now. What about names? Got any names?"
Nicole's face lit up, which Chris easily noticed. "I was thinking Jacquelyn Christine for our daughter, since I remember you suggested the name Jacquelyn, maybe, Joshua Lucas for our son?"

Chris gave her a weird look at first, she wanted to name their son after an actor? Nicole noticed this and pulled out a newspaper clipping, it was dated June 13 2004. Sweet Home Alabama Actor, Josh Lucas, saves woman after car wreck. Chris took a look at the woman's picture, it was Nicole.

"I was driving from my sisters to my house in Texas, when a drunk driver ran me off the road. They told me that my car flipped and then hit a tree, trapping me inside the car. I remember the sounds, but I wasn't conscience enough to get out. Then I hear this voice, one that I was familar with. He was asking me my name and if I could move anything. He said that he had smelt gas and that he knew that I should stay in the car, but the car might of blown up, with me in it, if he didn't get me out of there. Well he got me out and carried me to his truck and took me to the hospital. I was in a coma for 4 days when I woke up, he was still there, in the room with me, and that's when I noticed who he was. I've always thought, that not only was he my favorite actor, but my guardian angel as well. The nurses said that he was there the whole time." Nicole trailed off.