TalkCSI: RolePlay

Nicole smiled up to Chris, happy tears forming in her eyes, the feeling of a baby moving inside of her making her the happiest she's ever been. She motioned for Chris to set down beside her, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach and at that instant, as if right on cue, the baby kicked.
Chris gasped and instantly, his face lit up.

"Oh baby."

He kissed her and pulled her closer to him, just wanting to feel her in his arms. He loved the feel of her next to him. Her heart beating next to his. Chris was a true romantic at heart. He would gladly take a romantic date over just sex any day.
The assistant coroner popped into the break room, "Hea guys, just ran a pregancy test on Amy Jacobs, came back positive, it was not that far along, she probably didn't know."

"Thanks." Nicole turned to Chris. "Now all we need to know is who is her baby's daddy." Chris smiled hearing Nicole talking like that. Nicole lightly frogged him in the arm. Her cell phone rang. "Gosnell," she answered, "Ok, we'll be right there." She turned to Chris, "They found Mark Jacobs."

Nicole looked into the window of the car, Mark's brother had come by to return something that he had borrowed and had found him sitting in his car, as he walked closer to him, he found that he had been shot in the head. Nicole looked up to Chris, placing her sunglasses on top of her head and sighed, "Where does this take us now?"

She began processing the car and the body while Chris looked around the outside of the house. She found a bloody fingerprint on the doorhandle and the gun was dropped into the car, up under the seat. "Well I'll tell you this much, if he killed himself, how'd he put the gun under the seat?" Other than that the car was clean. Chris hadn't found anything unusual, so they headed back to the lab, Chris went to the coroner, while Nicole went to the dna lab. She put the victims dna on first and compared it to the second semen sample, the one found in her hair, and it had 13 markers in common. Mark's brother was now suspect number 1.
Chris wasn't sure why he was obsessing over such a small thing, but it really bothered him that she answered "Gosnell" instead of "Hibachi." But still, he conducted himself professionally and moved on.

"What've we got."

"Definitely a murder. No way he could've shot himself with this trajectory. Plus, he only has GSR on his forearm, as if he was trying to push away the gun. If he shot himself it'd be on the back of his arm. Here's the bullet too. And I also found some saliva on his shirt. You can take that too."

Chris tracked Nicole down the DNA Lab and handed over the bullet and the saliva sample to her and told her what he had learned.
Sara closed the notebook she was writing in and set it on her lap protectively. She looked up at Alyssa, hearing what Krystal had asked and waited for her to answer. Sara decided to not be the social outcast in the room anymore, which was what she had been for most of her life. Some of her elementary years, her high school years and her university years had been spent writing in notebooks, making a few friends here and there along the way.

Songs, books, stories, poems, you name it, Sara wrote it.
Nicole looked back at Chris as he entered. He brifed her in on what he had found out. Nicole smiled, "Well this is what I think happend. I was sent in a couple receits from Mark's credit card, they were last used in a baby store. I think they had sat up a romantic night, with Mark taking a day off to come visit his girlfriend, after she had told him that she was pregnant. Mark's brother came by later," she handed him a letter from Mark's brother Glen to Amy, "They were having an affair and Glen wanted Amy to break it off with Mark and when she told him that she wouldn't do it and about the pregancy, he killed Amy and his brother. And the sad thing," she pulled the DNA reports off of the desk. "DNA from the semen found in Amy's hair, is a match to Glen. Either he raped her and then stabbed her to death or they had sex and he killed her afterwards." She sighed. "I ran the DNA from the semen in her hair against the fetal swab and it was a match, he killed his own baby, Chris, about earlier, I'm sorry, I've been a Gosnell for 25 years," She stood up to reveal her new vest with Hibachi written on the front. "They just sent this in."
Chris looked at it and his face lit up. He picked her up, kissing her.

"That is definitely something I love seeing you wearing."

He kissed her again and then sat down, putting him in his lap.

"God, I just can't explain this feeling that I get when I am around you. It's just so...good."
Nicole smiled, "I know that feeling. It's called love." She kissed him on the lips. "And that's something that I love to say, I love you Chris." She heard a cough at the door, a detective was there.

"We brought Glen Jacobs in for questioning."

"Chris, I'll let you do the questioning, but I'll be in there to watch, if you need me."
"Ok hun. Thanks."

He kisses her one last time and then goes to interrogation. He opens the door and sees Jacobs sitting there. He closed the door and sat down putting his feet on the table.

"So which part was more satisfying to you? The rape or the murder?"
Glen looks up at Chris, pure evil look in his eye and then looks over towards Nicole and gives her an disgusting evil smile. "To tell you the truth, I got off during the murder. I told that bitch to drop Mark to be with me, but no. She had to stay with that sorry good for nothing prick. I flipped when she told me that she was carrying his child, so I just stabbed her, plan and simple, I killed her.

Nicole had to speak up, "She's not the only one you killed, you know. The baby she was carrying, wasn't Mark's it was yours. You killed your own baby." Glen's look changed from crazy to sad, now he was crying. The guard took him away, leaving Nicole and Chris alone in the room.
"Good riddance."

Chris stood up and hugged Nicole.

"How about we go out for a romantic date tonight? I had it set for tomorrow, when we both have off, but I can easily change that around. ;)"
Nicole smiled up at Chris, "that would be great Mr. Hibachi." They exited the police station and headed over to Chris's SUV and headed to go on their date.
"This is just beautiful," Nicole smiled giving Chris a quick kiss. "The whole time I've been living up here, I've been so consumed with the job that I haven't noticed just how beautiful the scenary is up here. And it makes it so much more special, that you're here wit me."