TalkCSI: RolePlay

"Why, he's going to jail," Alyssa countered defensivley. "You don't think he'll go looking for it when he gets out, do you?" She looked around, worried.

Alyssa sighed and headed out to the room on the other side of the mirror, and took Hannah from Krystal's arms. She snuggled the baby close to her chest and yawned tiredly.
Krystal smiled at Alyssa as she watched Hannah cuddle into her mother's arms. "Wow, its like she already knows who's holding her. What's it like being a mom with a job like this?" she asked. She wondered how Alyssa could balance work and a baby so well.
Nicole pulled their car into the lab to go to work they had just gotten back from vacation. As they entered the lab, they were told that they were short a CSI, for Nicole to use for the case she was given. And since the assistant coroner was already there, Chris had offered to go with her.

They arrived to the scene, where they found a woman bound to the bed, naked, with what seemed like hundreds of knife wounds all over her body.
"Good Lord. What happened to this poor woman?"

He couldn't help putting Nicole's face on the victim's body and he cringed, thinking about her in the embarrassing, and horrifying state.
Alyssa sighed, tired.

"To tell you the truth, Krystal, it's hard. I'm always watching her - I'm so paranoid. It's like if I let her out of my sight, someone's going to come around and shove her in a plastic bag, never to be seen again." Alyssa laid her head lightly on Hannah's, smiling, "You know, she's everything to me. She makes me so happy, and she really knows who I am. I just want to protect her," she finished as the baby stirred in her arms.

"She's getting so big," Alyssa smiled, "Sorry about that - I'm so emotional lately, I don't know why." She placed the hand not supporting the baby's bottom on her stomach, "And I actually feel sick all the time, and bloated. These jeans are so tight today, not usually," Alyssa's face exploded with realization, "Maybe I'm pregnant."
Krystal sighed. "Well, your a wonderful mother, Alyssa."
Then she gave Alyssa a curious look. "...maybe you should take a test to make sure. And you know you can call me if you ever need a babysitter." She smiled at her co worker, she was anxious to know if Alyssa was expecting.
Alyssa smiled at Krystal, "You'll be first on my list."


The three women walked out of the room side by side, Krystal with Hannah in her arms again.

"She likes you," Alyssa said, turning to the brunette on the right of her. Krystal smiled happily. "Uhm, ladies, I'll be right back. Running to the Pharmacy, I have to pick up something."


"You read it," Alyssa cried, passing the small strip out the bathroom door in her house.

"Did you pee on it?" Screeched the teenager on the other side of the door.

"Yes, Chels, that's how it works," replied Alyssa, closing the door, "Just tell me what it says."

"A plus sign?" Chelsea, her best friends daughter replied, holding the strip away from her face.

"Oh, okay," Alyssa said, coming out of the bathroom, "Oh my."

"What does that mean," Chelsea asked, handing Alyssa back the small strip.

"It means I'm preg.. Pre.. Per.. P.. Pregnant," Alyssa stuttered. "Oh my goshhh, I have to call Dan!"


"Aww, honey, that's great!"

"I know, I'm so excited!" Alyssa squealed, holding the phone to her ear, "I'm going to be a mother all over again. But Dan," the excitment drained from her voice, "Hannah's still in diapers. She still can't walk. How will we do it?"

"In 9 months, Hannah will be 16 months, it won't be that hard. She'll be over a year, it'll be fine."

"Alrighty," Alyssa said, sighing, "I have to go back to work. I love you."

"I love you too," Dan said before he hung up.


"SARA, KRYSTAL!" Alyssa squealed, running towards the breakroom where Hannah sat playing with Kyrstal and a few plastic cups on the floor, Sara above them writing in a notebook. "I'M PREGNANT!"
Nicole started to process the scene, first noticing a used condom in the ashtray beside the bed, she placed the condom in a baggie. She found the woman's purse opening it up. She pulled out her wallet, "Two hundred dollars, rules out robbery." She looked under the bed with her flashlight and noticed the knife, "Victim must've dropped it on his way out." Chris had offered to examine the body.
Krystal looked up and as soon as she heard Alyssa, her jaw dropped. She shot up to her feet and hugged Alyssa. "CONGRATULATIONS!" she cried. She had only just met Alyssa, but it felt like she had known her forever. She was like the sister Krystal never had. "I'm so happy for you!" Krystal bent down and picked up Hannah and kissed her head. "You're gonna be a big sister, pretty girl!" she cooed to the baby who smiled and reached out to Alyssa.
Sara looked up from what she was writing in her notebook, a song, at Alyssa who had just ran into the room. She got up and left her notebook at the table. Her jaw was dropped, she wasn't able to believe it. Sara hugged Alyssa tight, then when she pulled back she jumped up and down excitedly.

"Wow, how much more random can you get?" Sara asked. It was funny, one moment they were interrogating someone, then taking a break, then Alyssa was pregneant.
Chris inspected the body.

"Knife wounds to the back of the head look like the COD. She has DNA under her fingernails. Looks like she fought back. Sticky fluid in her hair. Either honey know."
Nicole bagged the knife and took out a swab from her kit, "Only one way to find out."

She swabbed the sticky substance and placed the swab in a bag as well, when they finished, they headed back to the lab, where Nicole ran the samples through the computer. The computer beeped letting her know that the first sample, the one from the condom, had went through, "The semen from the condom matches a Mark Jacobs, his DNA is in the system, because he's a CSI from Toronto."

She put the second sample through the computer, it beeped. "Second match is not a match to Mark Jacobs, no match in the database either. Chris, do you mind going to talk to the assistant coroner to see what he's got for us? I'm not feeling very well." He gave her a look. "I'm fine, just haven't ate much today, I'm just going to go to the break room and eat something, I'll be fine." She handed him the victim's wallet, "Let's find out who killed Amy Jacobs, wonder if she's married to Mark?" They walked out of the room and both headed different directions. Nicole ate one of her salads and laid down on the couch, her hand resting on her stomach, she was now 4 months pregnant, so she was showing pretty well, and that's when she felt something moving, the baby had kicked. It was one of the best feelings in the world.
Chris was worried about Nicole, but went to talk to the assistant coroner anyways.

"What've we got?"

"The COD is these knife wounds. They penetrated and caused massive hemmhoraging (sp.) and her death. I collected the DNA from under her fingernails, but I also found something odd. There is a piece of glass in her throat. He may've tried to keep her quiet by stabbing through her vocal cords or something else."


"I'd say about 2 AM last night according to liver temp, which is staying pretty constant as there was no big temperature transitioning."


Chris walked into the break room and saw Nicole.

"You ok hun?"
Alyssa beamed and sat down again, watching Hannah and Krystal interact.

"Hey, Sar," Alyssa said, licking her lips, "What'cha writin'?"

Sara hid the paper with her arm and mumbled "nothing," keeping her work private. Alyssa shrugged and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, sticking 25 cents in the can marked "drinks".

Alyssa sat back down, and she called to Hannah, who scuttled over towards her. Alyssa pulled the infant on her lap, sticking the waterbottle to her lips. Hannah drank greedily, then yawned and lay her head on Alyssa's shoulder. She patted the baby's back, and soon, she was asleep.