TalkCSI: RolePlay

Sara stopped laughing after a while. "Can I interrogate too?" Sara asked excitedly. She thought for a moment. "I think it would be good for Krystal if she watched too," she suggested then looked over at the brunette standing beside her. Sara still couldn't beieve how much Krystal reflected Sara and how she probably would have felt if a gun was drawn in her face on her first day. Sara knew that the experience in the long run would be good for Krystal, it would probably make her stronger and more brave.
Nicole kissed Chris fully on the lips and snuggled closer to him. "I love you too, Chris, really. We've had such a great time, haven't we? What perfect timing did we have, huh? I mean I met Danny Masterson!" Chris looked down at her. "And we got married of course, gosh I was just kidding." Nicole laughed at loud and then crawled on top of him. "How about a round two?" Nicole said with a wink. "You know pretty soon, we won't be able to do it anymore," she said pointing at her stomach.
"Sure, you can interrogate," Alyssa said, irritation in her voice, "But no questions." Sara looked confused - "I'm just joking, Sara," she said, laughing. Alyssa's cellphone started rining - Detective Trevor was at P.D and they were holding Jeff Gulliver.

"Let's go," Alyssa said, carrying Hannah towards her Jeep.
Chris hugged Nicole close and whispered:

"I want 3 rounds minimum. And I'll find my ways when you're pregnant."

He winked at her.
Nicole and Chris were up and packing their bags, as good as their vacation time was and as much time that they had, they knew that it would have to come to an end. They were headed back to Canada, they had to go back to work.
Krystal followed Sara, she was still in a mild state of shock. It was only her first day and already she had been witness to a potential homicide. She was glad they would let her observe the interrogation; she needed the experience. She turned to Sara as they headed to the interrogation room. "Hey, so that guy that tried to hurt you, what did he want?" she asked. She was eager to learn more about the suspect and she couldnt wait to see him be thrown in jail.
"We're about to find out," Sara said as they reached PD. They were guided by Detective Trevor to where they were keeping Jeff Gulliver. Sara peered into the interrogation room, he was sitting, at the table, fiddling with his thumbs. He looked completely innocent, as if he had done absolutely nothing wrong. Well, he must be good at acting, Sara figured he must have fooled police at least once in the past.

Sara pointed to the side room, "You can watch from in there," she said to Krystal. Then she turned to Alyssa, "You ready?"
On the way to the airport, Chris saw a crime scene and in the light of his headlights, saw someone he knew. "Oh my God!"

He slammed on the brakes and pulled over. "I'll be right back. Come with me if you wish."

He jumped out of the car and ran up to the Hummer in front of him. "Sara!"

He ran up to her and tapped her on her shoulder. "It's me. Chris. Hibachi. From San Fran."

Sara's eyes grew wide. "Oh my- Chris!" She hugged him. "How have you been?"

"I've been so well. I see you've come out here from San Fran."

Sara looked at his finger. "Who's the lucky lady."

He gestured to Nicole. "Nicole Hibachi. My one true love. The one I will spend my life with."
"More than ready, baby," Alyssa said, handing the sleeping babygirl over to Krystal who took her with open arms. Alyssa and Sara headed out to the room on the other side of the mirror.

"Hey there, Jeff, old buddy," she smiled synically. Jeff looked up with heavy eyelids, his stone cold grey eyes the same as always. Jeff smirked and continued to twiddle with his thumbs, his feet swinging absantly.

"So, Jeff, let's not beat around the bush, eh," she said, false sweetness riddling her voice, "What the hell were you doing in my office," Alyssa growled, placing her hands on the table and getting in Jeff's face.

He lifted the gritty plam of his hand and laid a smart slap across Alyssa's face, causing her to reel backwards. She touched her fingertips to her right cheek, and her eyes started to water. The officer in the corner jumped, but Alyssa held up a hand. She saw Sara's back arch with anger.

"Okay, so now we're even, huh, Jeffy," she said, resuming her earlier position, just not so close to his face.
The slap startled Sara. It wasn't quite something you'd expect from a criminal who was being interrogated in a police station. She noticed Alyssa hold up her hand to the officer, so Sara figured it was best if she didn't intervene either.

"Want to answer the question now?" Sara asked Jeff. She turned to him, staring at him with her green eyes that at this point were showing comfort, but were actually angry.
Krystal cuddled the baby, she noticed how much she looked like her mother. In between cuddling the baby she peered into the interrogation room, watching everything that was going on. She saw the suspect hit her co worker, and she was outraged. It took all her strength not to burst into the room and slap the guy silly.
Nicole smiled from Chris' side. "Hi," she said extending her hand. Sara shook it.

Grissom walked over towards them, "Sara, we need to get the evidence back to the lab, Nicole is that you, Nick told me that he had seen you, how are you doing?" He gave her a hug :).

"Hea Grissom, I'm fine, I'm still working in Canada. I came to Vegas to get married, I'm pregnant too." Nicole added her face glowing with happiness.
Chris smiles and then continues talking to Sara. "I haven't seen you since I was...fired."

"Sorry bout that." She blushed.

"It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was. I was the one who shot first, you just followed suit."

"Sara. I killed him. I killed an innocent man." A tear fell down his cheek and Sara hugged him.

"It wasn't your fault. I ever should've shot."

"You didn't put the bullet through his skull. I did."
Nicole stood and let him talk to Sara she walked back towards their rental, Nick who was also at the scene had also walked over towards Nicole.

"Hea you!"

Nicole smiled, "Hea Nick."

What happened next shocked Nicole, Nick had grabbed her face and had kissed her. Nicole quickly pushed him away and slapped him, she looked towards Chris, who was still in a deep conversation with Sara, good thing he didn't see. He would probably kill Nick.

"How dare you! You see that I'm finally happy with some one, and it makes you so mad that it's not you!"

"Nicole, I'm sorry."

"Nick, save it for someone who cares."

Nicole walked back over to the car and got back in.

Nick could've kicked himself, he walked to his car and drove away to the lab.

Chris must have finished speaking to Sara, because he was back on his way back to the car.
"We'll talk later Sara."

He walked back to the car and saw that she was a bit flustered.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

He grabbed her chin and looked her in the eye.