TalkCSI: RolePlay

Alyssa picked up her cellphone.

"Hmm, I haven't seen Nicole or Doc. in a while. Where'd they go, silly lovebirds," she said to herself, and dialed Hibachi's number.

"Hey, Chris, where are you," she mumbled through a mouthful of coffee.
Chris answered his phone and sniffled.

"I'm in the emergency room. Nicole collapsed at home. I'm worried about her Alyssa. I'm so...worried."

He broke down and started to cry on the phone.
** Guys, sorry to have to say this, but I don't know if people here were giving the go-ahead to some of the people who dropped by to join in. We already have SOO many people, I'd appriciate if the people who did ask to join would PM me before adding their bio's and everything, just to avoid confusion as to who's playing and who's not. That's all I had to say.**

Alyssa sighed and layed her head in her hand.

"Do you need me to come over? I'm not busy, no cases tonight. I can put Evan or Sara on supervisor for the night," Alyssa said, not waiting for a response "I'll be over in 15. You're at the Grace, right? I'll come in and ask for your room. And I'll pick up some chips and stuff for you. See yah in a few."

Alyssa ended the call and dialed Evan's number. After 6 rings she got his voicemail.

"Hey, Ev," she said after the beep, "It's Alyssa. I need you to do me a favour, act supervisor for the night. I'm off to attend to some personal buisness which needs to be done. Any cases that come in, gimmie a ring and let me know. I'll give you the pairings and everything. And I have DNA in the lab with Mia. If she's looking for me, give her my cell. Thanks Buddy, you're the best."


Alyssa hummed as she strolled through the isles at the local 7-11 with a jumbo bag of plain chips, dip and 2 cans of Coke in her basket. She browsed along the card counter for a nice "Get well soon" card and a "So, you're having a baby" type thing. She also grabbed a pink balloon that read "Bummer" and layed her findings on the counter.

"Twenty fourteen," weezed the slimy looking teenager who's tag read, 'Adam.' Alyssa paied for her stuff and turned to the kid behind the counter.

"What's your last name?"

"Williams, why," he countered, staring her down.

"Just wondering. You know a girl named Nicole Gosnell," she asked again. Adam Williams smirked.

"Yeah, she's pretty hot shit," he spat at her, leaving a trail of spit from the counter to Alyssa's bag. She grabbed a tissue from the counter and wiped at the corners of his lips, trying her best to act seductive and not repulsed as she winked, secretly retriving a DNA sample.

"I'll see you around, Adam Williams," she said in a low, sexy voice and pranced out of the store.


25 minutes later, Alyssa ran into the room where Nicole and Chris were. She tossed Chris the bag of chips, the dip and a coke, and hung the balloon off Nicole's bed. She stood the two cards she had signed Love Alyssa, Dan and Hannah-bear on the bedside table, and sat down next to a sleeping Nicole.

"You really love her, don't you," Alyssa stated, and Hibachi nodded with tears in his eyes. "Well, I think I may have found the guy who attacked her. Evan found black hairs covered in some sort of gel on Nicole, and DNA, seman, on her as well. The guy at the 7-11 I stopped at was a greasyhaired sleezeball by the name of.."

"Adam Williams," Chris finished for her. Alyssa nodded.

"I took a DNA sample," she said, hauling the tissue out of her bag and laying it inside a plastic zip-up bag from the counter in the room. She sat back down and took the bag of chips from Chris and tore them open, helping herself then sipping on her coke.
Nicole heard the conversation surrounding her, but didn't have the strength to fully wake up.

What was all of this talk about Adam Williams, she had thought he had died in Police Custody. Then she remembered that she had read that he did have three brothers, one being a twin. Well, two were gone and from what she heard, they had more than enough evidence to put the real Adam away for a long time.

Nicole heard more footsteps entering her room.

"Hello Mr. Hibachi, I'm Nicole's doctor, Dr. Austin. We ran all kinds of tests on Nicole and the only thing we can find wrong is that she has some type of a stomach virus, which can explain all of the vomiting. Don't worry, there's been no harm to the baby. I believe that Nicole hasn't ate anything in a while, because she thought that she couldn't keep it down. It also seems to me that she's under a lot of stress. I reccomend you two doing something that will get her mind off of work and the recent events in her life." The doctor finished by shaking Chris' hand and exited the room, to go tend to another patient.

Nicole opened her eyes, blinking a couple times at first, she never understood why the lights in a hospital had to be so bright.
saraXsullivan said:
"Okay, uhm, sorry I'm late," Sara said quickly. "Do you know where Krystal is?" she asked. "Or do you have her number, if you do, could you give it to me real quick, since you're busy." Sara was standing outside Alyssa's office, glancing around at certain people walking by, hopeful to see Krystal and allow Alyssa to go back to work.

Krystal was walking down the hall when she passed Sara. She was pretty sure the womans name was Sara because she had heard Nicole talking to her. She greeted Sara warmly and asked her about other co workers.
Alyssa noticed Nicole's eyes shoot open a few times, and she then squinted.

"Morning, sunshine," Alyssa called and ran over to the bed, plopping herself down. "Now, what's this you were mumbling about Adam Williams dying in police custody? (I'M SORRY IF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED AND I MISSED IT} Because I'm sure I was talking to him today. Or.. He had a twin brother, Adrine, right? Could he be posing as.." Alyssa's voice trailed off and she stood up, starting to pace.

"Maybe," she mumbled to herself, "Nicole, he said he knew Nicole.. Ahh, I have an idea," Alyssa bubbled, "I'm going to get Dan to bring Hannah in to see you, if that's okay. You know, she's almost talking now, I'm positive she's the brightest 7-month old I've ever seen!" Alyssa beamed at Nicole, who lay in bed with an expression that clearly said "Stop. Talking. Now. Just bring in the damn baby." Alyssa smiled again and pulled out her cellphone.

"Hey Dan, honey."

"Hey baby, Hannah just woke up."

"Thanks for staying home for me today, I really appriciate it, you know."

"No prob, love."

Alyssa beamed again, "Want to bring Hannah to room 598 at the Grace? Nicole's here, with a little stomach virus. It's not contagious, and she hasn't seen Auntie Nikky in a long time. Please," she whined as she heard Dan sigh.

"Fine, we'll be there soon."

Alyssa furrowed her brow at Dan's attitude, "What's your problem," she said angrily.

"Nothing," Dan kicked back.

"I'm sure. You have an attitude today or something?"

"No, I'm just stuck here with the baby all day and I've been called into work. I have a case to work today," he said sighing again. "It's another investigation. They need me."

"Well, bring me the baby and a diaperbag, and go to work. I'll just carry her around all day, again," Alyssa snarked.

"Alright. I'll see you soon." And with that Dan hung up.

Alyssa turned back to see Chris and Nicole staring at her with strange expressions on their faces. She just gave them a half smile and plopped herself down on a chair across the room, all her pep and spark burnt out like an old fuse. She blew her bangs out of her eyes and crossed her arms, obviously upset.
Chris stood up and walked over to Alyssa.

"Watch her for me. I have to go do something."

He kissed Nicole on the forehead.

"I'm glad you're alright."

He smiled and then left. He headed over to the 7-11 and then saw the man. He pulled up his hood and put on sunglasses.

"Hey man. Can I get a pack of smokes...Mr..."

"Williams. Adam Williams. And sure. Here."

He handed over the pack and Hibachi grabbed his arm throwing him over the counter and putting a knee in his throat. He took off his hood and glasses.

"Remember me?"
"Sure I remember you, you're the reason my brothers are dead, all because I put that bitch in her place. Maybe after I raped her I should've finished the job." Adam was reaching for a gun, until he heard someone yelling. "Adam Williams, drop your weapon! You're under arrest." Adam dropped the gun and placed his hands on his head. "I won't put up a fight, I have nothing to live for anymore. I have no family at all and it's all your fault." He picked the gun back up and shot himself in the head with it. Chris watched in shock as he saw Adam drop dead in front of him.
Chris gasped and stood up.

"I've gotta go be with my fiancee."

He left the store and headed back to the hospital. He got there and walked over to Alyssa forgetting the blood spatter on his clothes.

"How is she?"
"She's been worried about you. She knew where you were going," Alyssa said, eyeing Chris suspiciously. "Did you kill him," she shreiked, and Chris shook his head no. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Nicole. They murmered to eachother as he lovinly stroked her hair.

Alyssa sat in the hard chair for what seemed like hours before Dan arrived with Hannah, all bundeled up in her pink fleece footie pajamas and her red fleece hoodie. He had the diaperbag that Alyssa had packed last night before she left for work in his other arm. Hannah cooed and gurgled at the site of her mother. Alyssa walked over to them, took Hannah in her arms and kissed Dan on the lips.

"Hi, Hannah," Alyssa cooed at the baby, who's eyes were wide open and crystal, icey blue. Her long eyelashes fluttered, and spit dripped down her chin. Alyssa wiped it of with her jacket sleeve, and took the diaperbag from Dan.

"I'll see you around, baby," Dan said to Alyssa and kissed her on the nose and lips. He backed out of the room, keeping his eye on his two girls, and Alyssa lifted one hand to wave good-bye, and then took the arm of the baby on her hip and wiggled it good-bye as well.

Alyssa sat back down in the chair with Hannah's bag next to her on the floor. She pulled out a bottle of formula and layed the baby on her lap, supporting Hannah's head in the crook of her arm. Hannah sucked greedily at the bottle until it was near empty, then Alyssa lifted her to burp her over her shoulder.

Nicole's eyes followed her every move. Alyssa watched her expressions change from glee to worry and back again.

"Do you want to hold her," Alyssa asked, walking towards Nicole with the baby placed back on her hip, stradling under her behind with her arm, and her hand grasping the little girl's side.
Nicole simply nodded, Alyssa placed Hannah into Nicole's arms and the whole room looked on as Nicole's worried expression changed into one of pure happiness, she couldn't wait to have her baby.
Sara smiled at Krystal, the girl whom she had been trying to find for a while now. "Alyssa said to shadow you," she explained. Sara looked down at her watch, then back up at Krystal. "Did she give you a case to work on, or something?" Sara asked, she didn't really know what to do. She had never shadowed anyone before, and when she started, she did a case with at least four CSI's, so she was lucky and got advice from four experts.

Her first case was brutal. Sara had just checked in and got her gear assigned to her, vest, kit, she couldn't have a gun yet, so her belt had an empty holster. She walked into her supervisor's office, at the time it wasn't Alyssa, she was just a CSI level three. They met up in his office, and said that there was a multiple homicide at a small downtown home, it was a fresh crime scene and they needed as much help as they could. Sara's supervisor wasn't sure to put Sara on a murder case already, 'it might be too much for you,' were his exact words. What made him consider it was Alyssa, who had a way with convincing people, she made a point that there would be other CSI's there, more than one shadow, and that somehow, she knew that Sara could handle it.

He agreed to let Sara go to the crime scene, collect evidence, and basically be a lab monkey running around to give evidence to each department while the others attended the autopsy. He strictly refused to not let Sara attend an autopsy on her first case. She was fine with that, there were some pretty nasty wounds anyway that a newbie like Sara would prefer not to see on her first day on the job.

Her supervisor also refused to let Sara attend the interrogation once they finally had their suspect. She was allowed to watch through the mirror, but he wouldn't let her ask questions. They got the guy anyway.

Sara looked at Krystal, there were little similarities that Sara noticed between the two of them. She noticed that Krystal seemed a bit shy, another thing that the two of them had in common. Maybe a bit secretive too? Possibly likes to keep to herself? Sara didn't know, she knew they were characteristics of herself though.
Krystal nodded. "I never got assigned anything, so I guess we'll be working together." Krystal looked back at Sara, she also noticed similarities between them. They were both reserved and shy, cautious of opening themselves up too much. She realized that they were so much alike that they could maybe become friends, but she still decided to act professional, at least until they got to know each other better, maybe outside of work.
Sara chuckled, "I'll call Alyssa then, maybe she just forgot to assign us something."

She dialed Alyssa's cell number, and waited for Alyssa to answer. She looked around briefly, maybe to see her walking by for some reason. Sara turned and squinted her eyes to look in Alyssa's office, but it was empty.

Edited because I did not shuckle, I chuckled.
Alyssa answered her cell over the cries of the now tired and cranky 7month old.

"Talk to me," she yelled into the phone. It was Sara, wondering what her and Krystal were going to do. "Well, go into my office and on the bulliten board there should be some cases left over from days. Just choose something simple, like a B&E, don't go into murder yet. Check yah later, Sar." Click.

Alyssa tried hard to sooth Hannah, and finally gave up, placing her back in Nikky's arms. Hannah laid her head against Nicole's stomach and finally stopped crying, and closed her eyes. Alyssa sighed deep and watched Nicole's glee as the baby fell asleep on her stomach.