TalkCSI: RolePlay

Sara closed her cell phone. She figured Alyssa was at her house, since she heard a baby, probably Hannah, crying in the background.

"She said to go to her office and get a case off her bulletin board, just something simple like a B&E," Sara explained to Krystal as they were walking towards Alyssa's office.

Sara opened the door and saw a figure, most likely a man, shuffling through one of Alyssa's drawers in her desk. She turned her head quickly to Krystal and whispered, "Go get police." Then turned back towards the guy, he hadn't seemed to notice that Sara opened the door. "Hey! Get away from there!" Sara yelled. She took a step into the office and the figure made no hesitation in standing up straight and pointing a gun at her.

"Hey, hey, hey, easy now," Sara said, this guy seemed tough, and not afraid to pull the trigger, but he also could just be a good actress, kind of the way Sara was acting not to be scared for her life rght now. "We don't want anybody getting hurt, do we?"

"That's your problem, not mine, lady," The guy said in a husky, spine-chilling voice.

((Yeah, so i'm an angst-whore, deal with it. :p))
Krystal's jaw dropped when she saw the man and she looked to Sara, she was scared out of her mind. She quickly turned and ran out the door, looking for someone in uniform to help. She didnt want Sara to get hurt. She rounded a corner and spotted a cop standing by the reception area. She sprinted over to him, completely out of breath. Her heart was pounding with fear.
"" she pointed in the direction of Alyssa's office. "Someone...with a gun..." The officer's eyes turned toward the office and Krystal tried to calm down as she led him to the office where someone was holding Sara hostage.
Nicole smiled down to the sleeping baby, maybe she would make a better mother than she first thought she would. Nicole looked over at Chris, who gave her a sweet smile and then squeezed her hand.

"What happened to Adam?"
Nicole smiled up at her boyfriend, she really did love him. "Do you want to hold Hannah?" Hannah had just woke up and wasn't doing anything but looking up at Nicole's face. Chris nodded and Nicole placed Hannah into Chris' arms, at first the baby squirmed a little, but then she looked into Chris' eyes, smiled and started making baby cooing noises.

Nicole smiled up at Chris again, "And you'll make a wonderful father."
Chris smiled down at the baby and felt a tear fall down his face.

"She's absolutely beautiful. I can only hope our child will be this beautiful if not more."

He gently rocked the little girl to comfort her.
"Are you looking for something, I might be able to tell you where it is," Sara said, she was trying to keep talking to him, to stall time.

"You can't help me, no one can!" He yelled. Sara smiled, Good, she thought, Keep yelling so the lab can hear you.

Sara noticed the guy's finger twitch, moving to the trigger now, she saw it twitch again, and knew he wasn't going to hesitate when pulling that trigger. She saw his hand move to make his hand more comfortable holding the gun, he needed more finger strength, so he moved his hand. Sara stared, he was really going to pull the trigger.

She ducked down as fast as she could. Once down on the ground, she heard a click, and a shot. It passed by her, and probably went into the wall across the hall. The guy hadn't planned on shooting two bullets, so the bullet missing Sara wasn't in the plan. She crawled out of the office before the guy realized he hadn't shot her. Sara thought he would have shot by now, maybe he thought he did shoot her.

Once out into the hall, she got up and ran. She ran to the fire alarm and pulled it. "Everybody out," she yelled. Sara turned to the police officer, "Don't go in alone, get back up. Just make sure he doesn't leave that room."
Nicole was finally released from the hospital and her and Chris had decided to take that trip to Vegas and Texas. They went home and packed all of their stuff and headed to the airport.

"Flight 143 to Texas now boarding." The intercom said.

"Well, this is the beginning of the rest of our lives." Nicole thought grabbing her carry on, gettting into the boarding line.
(I'm just so warm and fuzzy. You two are so cute. :D)

Alyssa rocked Hannah back to sleep in the front of her car. When she pulled into the Crime Lab parking lot in her spiffy red jeep, everyone was standing outside in a crowd, looking scared. She pulled the diaper bag onto her shoulder from the back seat and tripped over to the crowd with Hannah resting her little head in the crook of Alyssa's neck. She looked around for Sara, and spotted her standing with an Officer near the front.

"Hey, Sara," Alyssa called as she neared the two, "What's going on?" Alyssa bounced Hannah, adjusting her weight to be more comfrotable. "Did something explode," she joked, seeing Sara's less-than amused face. "Oh my God, not something serious."

"I'm afraid so," said the Officer, "We have a man inside with a gun, who shot at CSI Scarlett."

Alyssa gasped and hugged Hannah closer to her body as the baby yawned loudly in her ear and started to make uncomfortable mumbling sounds. Alyssa pulled the baby off her shoulder and placed her on her hip, bouncing her whole body as Hannah cooed with glee.

"Well, what's going on, why is everyone outside. Just arrest him, for God sakes," Alyssa glared at the Officer who shuddered.

"Well, it's not that easy, ma'am. You see, he's making quite a ruccus, running about in your office."

"In my office," she questioned. The officer nodded. She handed the baby and diaper bag to the gruff looking man in uniform and rolled up her sleaves, walking with determination, hearing the cries from the officer holding Hannah to stop. She ignored them and continued to walk.

Arriving at her office, she saw two officers and the madman with the gun dancing around her desk, both afraid to run one way or shoot. Alyssa walked in, drew her gun and stepped up to the firmilliar looking man.

"Get the hell out of my office," she growled, glaring at the man who pointed his gun right back at her. "Now, working with what I do, how many times do you think I've had one of those pointed in my face. I'm going to give you 3 seconds to hightail it out of here, drop your weapon and put your hands on the wall outside before I shoot. Do we understand eachother," she said in a fake poilet tone. The man shook his head no, so she started to count, "1, 2, 2 and a half," and tightened her grip on the trigger, "half a second to get the hell out of my office," and she looked to the officer. He nodded and she pulled off a shot, hitting the guy's hand with a close range .9 shot. He whimpered and scurried out of the office, laying his gun on the ground and hands on the wall.

Alyssa holstered her gun and walked out of the office, stepping up behind the guy.

"You won't come back, will you, Jerry," she said scathingly, remembering her brother's friend's girlfriend's brother who had always had it in for her and the cops. He again shook his head 'no', and she walked away, lifting her foot and kicking him in the back of the leg as she did.
Hibachi picked Nicole up into his arms, again, trying, but placing her down again.

"I'll get it baby. I promise I will."

He walked onto the plane once more and sat in a seat next to the window.
Krystal breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the man had been arrested. She approached Alyssa. "Wow, how'd you get so..fearless? I mean, I couldve never drawn a gun on that guy!" She was amazed at how strong and sure of herself Alyssa seemed. She hoped she could be that confident someday.
Nicole and Chris left their hotel room at The Tangiers and headed to a local chapel, one that did weddings the traditional way. Of course you could have the wacky far out weddings, but Nicole didn't want one of those kinds. They had even gotten the rings already.

Look Nikky, you can have a That 70's Show wedding!

"That's not funny, Chris, I want ours to be romantic and special. Look the preist is dressed like Steven Hyde, holy crap that is Steven Hyde, I mean Danny Masterson!" Nicole ran over to Danny, she's met other stars from the cast like Ashton Kutcher, Wilmer Valderrama and Topher Grace, but she had never met her favorite, and now he was standing here in front of her. "I have one thing to ask, can I feel your hair?"

"Wow, no one's ever asked that before, but go ahead, I won't object if a pretty lady wants to run her hands through my hair." Nicole blushed at first and then ran her fingers through his hair.

Chris watched amused. "Oh, I'd like for you to meet my Fiance." They shook hands. Danny let her have her picture taken with him in That 70's Show Wedding Room. He told her about him not knowing about the room, he was in Vegas filming a movie and had to see it. They said their goodbyes and Chris and Nicole headed to their wedding room. They went in and took a seat, eventually they were called, it was a good thing that they're were others in the room, that way it wouldn't seem weird when they were saying their vows.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man, and this woman, in Holy Matrimony. They are united here today, under god, infront of loved ones as they begin their journey together. So much love is shared on this world, that it's trly a miracle when two people, any two people, find the one they want to share their lives with. They would now like to read their vows they have written for each other."

"I'm standing here and I still can't believe that I deserve you. I wouldn't be the man I am right now if it wasn't for you. I thought I was brave, but I found out that it takes more courage to open up to another person. I thought I was strong, but you showed me that it takes more strength to let people see your feelings. And I thought I knew how to love, but now I know that it's much harder to let someone love me. That someone is you. You saw into my heart when no one else could and you believed in me. So I'm gonna' spend the rest of my life livin' up to the faith you have in me. I don't have much baby, but what I have is your's. I'm your's. I love you Nikky."

"When I was a little girl, I dreamed of loving a man who was brave and strong and true. I never told that secret dream to anyone, but some how you found out. You gave me that dream. You made it come true. There's just one thing that's different; it's far more wonderful than I ever imagined. I dreamed of being in love, I never dreamed of sharing my soul. I dreamed of sharing my thoughts, but I never dreamed that someone could hear me without words. In my darkest trouble, in my coldest silence; I looked for you and you were there. I am yours forever. I love you."

"Do you Chris, take this woman Nicole to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Nicole, take this man Chris to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

May I please have the rings?

Repeat after me, I Chris take you as my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for pooer, for better or for worse until death do us part.

I Chris take you as my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for pooer, for better or for worse until death do us part.

Place the ring on her finger. With this ring I thee wed.

With this ring I thee wed.

Repeat after me, I Nicole take you as my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for pooer, for better or for worse until death do us part.[/i]

I Nicole take you as my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for pooer, for better or for worse until death do us part.

Place the ring on her finger. With this ring I thee wed.

With this ring I thee wed.

I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.Chris picked Nicole up, this time he had all the strength he needed and then some and kissed her. The crowd of people cheered.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now announce Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hibachi.

Nicole and Chris exited the chapel with huge smiles on their faces.

"How do you feel, Mrs. Hibachi?"

"I like the sound of that, and I feel wonderful."

- -
(I hope this is ok.)

"Nicole, is that you?" Nicole knew that Texas Twang, she had forgotton that he worked in Vegas.

She spun around with a smile on her face. "Nick Stokes, long time no see." He picked her up, in the kind of way a brother would bearhug a sister, without the bearhug though.

"What's got you in Vegas, last time I heard from you, you were in Canada."

"Well we've took some vacation time," Nicole started pointing towards Chris. "We just eloped."

Chris noticed by the look in Nick's face that Nicole and Nick had been involved and that Nick still held some feelings for Nicole. Nick extended his hand and Chris shook it.

"Nick Stokes, glad to meet you."

"Chris Hibachi."

"What you been up to Cole?"

"God, no one's called me that, well since I left Vegas. The lab still the same?"

"Yeah pretty much, Greg's got over his crush with you and is hitting on every other woman that will give him the chance. Grissom talks about you all the time. What's been going on at your job?"

Nick noticed the color in her face go pale, "Well...," she gulped. "I got kidnapped," Nick looked at her with sorrow in her eyes, he knew all too well what that feels like. Laying 6 feet under, not knowing if anyone knows your gone. "Chris found me, even though he's a coroner, he put his life on the line to come and find me. Look, I hate to cut it short but I'm starving. I'm eating for two now."

A smile grew on Nick's face, "Oh my god, congratulations."

- - -

After they ate they were sitting making small talk.

"So you got your start in Vegas?"

Nicole took a sip of her tea. "Yeah, Gil Grissom intrigued me at one of his siminars when I was in college." Nicole noticed another look in Chris' eye. "Me and Nick were involved, but don't worry, if I loved him that much, I would've never left Vegas to go to Canada. And I never would've had the chance to meet you."

- - -

Chris insisted on carrying Nicole to their bed back at the hotel, and by now, he had more than enough strengh to get the job done. He placed Nicole on top of the covers and crawled onto the bed, joining her.
((Thanks for doing the whole wedding. I would've never ever done the vows that well or remembered the ceremony to that extent. Thanks. :)))

Chris smiled, and picked her up.

"See baby. I told you I could do it."

He placed her on the bed and then crawled up next to her.

"Commence the honeymoon."

He lightly kissed her.


He rolled over a few hours later, sighing contentedly.

"God I love you."
Sara ran into the lab to catch up with Alyssa and Krystal. "I would have come in, but the police were using force to hold me back," Sara growled.

They walked out of the lab and stayed near the front as they watched Jerry being dragged into a police car to be hauled down to the station. "Are we going to question him?" Sara asked, "I'd like to know what he was looking for."
"Yeah, me too," Alyssa thought aloud more than said. "I'll get Det. Trevor to call me when he gets him to the lab."

Alyssa left the two girls, gathered her baby from the arms of the officer she had left her with (who was now tickling the little girls cheeks and smiling) and ran up to Det. Trevor.

"Excuse me, Detective?"

"Yes ma'am," she replied in her southern accent.

"Are you going to P.D now?" Alyssa asked, bouncing Hannah, who was protesting to be let down to crawl by screaming with all she could.

"Yes, ma'am," replied the cold-eyed detective.

"Could you call me when Mr. Jerry Gulliver is taken into custody? I'd follow the squadcar now, but I'm a bit busy," she said, indicating the 7 month old baby on her hip. "I'd like to interrogate him."

"Understandable, ma'am. He was in your office, and was your friend's brother."

"Hmm, word travels fast," she glared at the detective. "Thanks, dear," she said, and walked back to Krystal and Sara.

"And Krystal," she said, "To answer your question, years of training, a licenced gun and a 7 month old daughter," she stated seriously. Sara and Krystal broke out into quiet laughter, and Alyssa joined them. Hannah looked around with big eyes and started to laugh too, at what she wasn't sure. Alyssa laughed harder at her daughter's naievity, and kissed her plump pink cheek.