TalkCSI: RolePlay

Nicole got tears in her eyes, "No!" She stated with tears in her eyes. She had walked outside, away from Chris' room and was pulled into the elevator and had a gun pushed into her side. "You say one thing and I'll kill you. This really has nothing to do with your precious Chris! I want you dead."

Nicole dried her tears and he walked the both of them out of the hospital. When outside, they were surrounded by a dozen SWAT cops. He stepped up towards them and they raised their guns, Nicole felt the gun being pushed deeper into her side. Without thinking, she did something that probably ended up saving her life, she kicked him in the shin and then dropped for cover. Dozens of guns blared off and Jason dropped to the ground, a SWAT walked over to Nicole and checked on her and then checked on Jason, he was dead. Nicole was informed that they were the only left in their family, that their parents and sister were killed a couple years ago in a house fire.

Nicole went back up to Chris' room and told him about what had just happened.
Chris stood up and hugged and kissed her.

"Let's go home baby."

He picked her up, but put her right back down, feeling pain is his back, and then felt himself start crying sit down.

"What use am I? I can't even be romantic. I'm useless."
Nicole sat down beside Chris and grabbed his hand. "Come on now, you can't expect to do much after your surgery. Go on into the bed room and get comfortable, I'll be in there in a second with something for us to drink." Chris headed into the bedroom. Nicole went into her writing room and opened up a package that she had bought a couple days ago and changed into the contents inside.

The door to the bedroom opened up and Chris looked up from the magazine he was reading. There Nicole stood wearing a red and black teddy. Nicole smiled to him and he licked his lips. "There's over ways to be romantic, you know." Nicole said with a seductive smile on her face.

- - - - -

Nicole snuggled closer into Chris' arms and turned the TV on, just in time to see the ball drop. Nicole looked into Chris' eyes and saw pure love and this time he looked a whole lot relieved :). He moved his head closer to hers and layed a passionate kiss onto her lips. "Chris, you're not useless, you keep me sane every day, If it weren't for you, who knows what would become of me? I love you so much, and I can't wait for us to raise our baby. Speaking of which, have you thought of any good baby names? I was thinking Stephen for a boy, but I'm stuck on a girl name."
"I've always loved the name Jacquelyn."

He kissed her again.

"Enough talk. Time for more action."

He kissed her deeper.....


He rolled over and sighed, feeling content.

"God I love you."

He snuggled up to her and laid his head on her shoulder.
"I love you too, and about Vegas, do you still want to go? I still want to stop by my house in Texas. If you feel better tomorrow, we may try to fly there." Nicole sighed and then yawned, she snuggled closer to Chris and shut her eyes.
"Vegas sounds great."

He kissed her forehead and then put his arm around her, feeling her falling asleep.

"Nite sweetheart."

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
"Night baby, and oh yeah Happy New Year." Nicole closed her eyes once more before finally falling asleep. The whole time thinking about their upcoming trip to Vegas.
"Happy New Year baby."

He fell asleep and dreamt of their trip and then deepened it by thinking of their wedding. He woke up and noticed Nicole wasn't by his side. He looked around and saw she wasn't in the room.

"Wonder where she is..."
Nicole washed her face for at least the fifth time that morning, God I hate morning sickness!

She walked into the den and plopped down on the couch and turned on the televison. She was happy to find a episode of That 70's Show on, that always soothed her nerves and made her feel better when she was sick. This time it was enough to make her fall back asleep.
Hibachi stood up and explored the house and found her in the living room asleep in front of the tv. He quietly walked into the kitchen and got some wheat bread and orange juice. He sat down and started to eat it.
Nicole felt her stomach churning again, and her brain told her to wake up. She took off running towards the restroom, where she found herself hugging the toilet.
Alyssa smiled at Sara again.

"Welcome back, Sar. You've had a rough month, so I hope everything goes back to normal now. We may not have the guy, (DO WE?) but it's alright. We'll get him eventually. So, you can stick around with me for a while until we both stop looking frantically over our shoulders."

Alyssa stood up to leave the breakroom with a paper cup of Starbucks and a filefolder in her hand, brushed past Sara while giving her co-worker's shoulder a tight squeeze. She called back to Sara without turning her head, smiling softly.

"And you're late. Don't forget to punch in," she smirked, and sipped her coffee. "I'll let it slide. But just this once," Alyssa finished, turning around to look at Sara, winking and shaking an accusing finger at her, and Sara smiled. "Just this once, I said, and don't foget it."

Alyssa winked again, and continued down the hall with her coffee and filefolder.
Hibachi hears this and sighs. He hates having her in this pain. He knows that he wants a child, but he would rather that his fiancee didn't have to go through this pain. If he could, he would take up all of the pain on himself, but he knew he couldn't.
Nicole washed her face again and brushed her teeth. She came out of the restroom, heading back into the den. But then she started to get sharp pains in her legs and they moved on up towards her stomach. She began to feel dizzy, when she thought she was having a miscarriage, she needed to have this baby, she had always wanted to be a mother. Everything started to go all dark, Nicole fainted.
Chris heard a thump and bolted to where she was.

"My God...Nicole!"

He picked her up and placed her, in his car rushing her to the hospital.


Now a good couple of hours later, he was sitting in the waiting room, crying, just waiting for an answer on the state of his future wife.