TalkCSI: RolePlay

Nicole never let go of his hand, "Come on Chris, you've got to save your strength. The guy who raped me snuck into the morgue and knocked you out with ether the same way he did me. He's in police custody now."
Krystal resorted to wandering the halls of the crime lab since she heard that someone was in the hospital and that Nicole had left. She wondered what would become of her first day on the job now that the person she was supposed to be shadowing was not there anymore.
Nicole looked on with tears in her eyes as Chris flatlined. What seemed like dozens of doctors rushed into his room to try to reveive him, after what seemed like hours, but was nothing more but a couple minutes, Chris' vitals returned to normal and one of his doctors told her that all of the poison was out of his system and that he would recover a hundred percent.
The doctor also said he either needed to stay in the hospital or needed someone to be at his bedside nonstop as he needed lots of rest and was still at risk of passing out as the poisons harmed his brain and could knock him out at times. If he was out for over an hour, he needed to be brought to the hospital.

Chris woke up.

"Nicole...Sweetheart...Where are you?"
Sara walked into the crime lab wearing a big black sweater and a pair of jeans. She looked around for Alyssa, she knew she was late, and needed to apologize and get a case assigned to her. Sara looked in Alyssa's office, but she wasn't there. 'She could already be out at another crime scene,' Sara thought. She thought for a moment, then tried Alyssa's cell. Sara dialed her number, and waited for Alyssa to pick up.
Nicole sat down beside him in their bed. She gave him a small smile, "How are you feeling sweetie? Do you need anything and don't worry, I'll be right here by your side, I've asked for some time off."

- - - - -

Alyssa's Role

Alyssa picked up her cell phone at the lab, it was Sara.

"Hea Sara, I don't really have much time to talk, but you'll have to take over shadowing Kyrstal, since Nicole needs to be with Chris. You have a murder-suicide at 1661 Dalmor Road."
Nicole smiled back.

"I love you too, Puddin' Pop!"

Nicole gave Chris a quick kiss on the lips, before going to get him his medicine and something to drink.
Chris lay back and smiled to himself knowing that he had someone who loved him and who he loved. He felt the prescence of someone behind him.


"No. You got my brother killed. I am now your worst nightmare."

The figure picked up a scalpel and stabbed Chris with it, but heard Nicole come back and ran away before he could get caught. Chris screamed out in pain.
"Okay, uhm, sorry I'm late," Sara said quickly. "Do you know where Krystal is?" she asked. "Or do you have her number, if you do, could you give it to me real quick, since you're busy." Sara was standing outside Alyssa's office, glancing around at certain people walking by, hopeful to see Krystal and allow Alyssa to go back to work.
Nicole entered his room, just in time to see a man running out. As she got closer to his bed, she saw a bloody scalpel on the floor. She rushed over to Chris' side and saw him holding his hand over a bloody sheet.

- - - - -

Nicole sat in the waiting room, a doctor came out and sat down next to her. "He's going to be just fine, no major arteries were cut, I think it just looked a lot worse because he was in shock. We just put a couple stitches in and he'll be fine, trust me. And don't worry Adam died a couple hours ago down at the station and our guards locked his brother, Jason up a few minutes ago. He's gonna be away for a long time. The officer that came to take him to the station said that they had been looking for him, because he is the suspect for a dozen rape cases and a possible double homicide from a couple years ago. With his cost of bail, there's no way he's getting out.

- - - - -
Alyssa looked up to see her friend and coworker standing against her door. She gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks for coming on on such short notice. We're really swammped right now, the assistant coroner is backed up with Chris being out, did you hear about Chris being stabbed at the hospital? Well anyway, Krystal's in the break room."

- - - - -
Nicole sat beside Chris' bed and held onto his hand. His eyes fluttered open, he looked like he felt a whole lot better. "Chris, a nurse told me that you can go home today. That is if you want to go home? I was thinking that we could take a vacation, together. Maybe go to Texas, Vegas, anywhere but here. I have a summer home in Texas that I use on vacations, what do you think?" Deep down Nicole wanted to go to Vegas, she'd been thinking the sooner they got married the better, for them both.
Chris felt so weak. He felt his eyes wanting to close but fought it.

"I wanna go to Vegas baby."

He smiled and then closed his eyes falling asleep. Just then Nicole's phone rang. On the other line was a frantic voice.

"Jason escaped. We can't locate him."
** Hey guys, I'm back. Thanks, NikkiJamez for filling in for me. Speaking of filling in, anyone want to tell me what's going on? Nicole and Hibatchi are together, and who's Krystal? A newbie? **