TalkCSI: RolePlay

He bent down and kissed her as passionately as he felt about her.

"I'm glad you feel that way. Because I feel like a whole other man when I'm with you. A better man. A man that would be incomplete without someone like you."

He hugged her and smiled.

"Thank you."
(Is it alright to go foward in time, if it's not I can just edit this post.)

A Month Later:

Nicole awoke early, rushing to the bathroom, throwing up, she looked at herself in the mirror, a somewhat natural glow radiating off of her skin. She has been doing this for a couple days now, and today she was off to her doctor, to have that test, the test that some women can't wait to have, but Nicole felt that this test could ruin her life.

- - - - -

She sat on one of the beds in the infirmary waiting for the result, ok so she knew that she was, she had to be. All the signs were there:
Period 2 weeks late
Morning sickness
“Nicole? I have the results.”
“Do I want to know?”
“Yes you do cause your going to have a baby!”

How will Chris take this, maybe I can keep it to myself a little longer. But I can't do that to him, he has the right to know. Nicole got into her car and drove back to her and Chris' house, he had asked her to move in. He even gave Hyde his own room. As she entered the living room, locking the door behind her, he met the gaze of Chris, not an angry gaze, but a worried I've been worried sick about you look. Just seeing his face was enough to bring tears to her eyes. And she started balling. Chris walked over to her, hugged her to bring her closer to him. She buried her head in his shoulder.

"I'm pregnant." She started to cry even harder.
Chris gasped.


He pulled away and gazed at her and then lightly picked her up and twirled her around once, then kissed her passionately.

"This is the best news ever. I'm going to be a father."

He hugged her again and then pulled away, smiling.
Hey guys, Mini_Catherine gave me the okay to join, so here I am:

Name: Krystal B.
Age: ? Real age is 17..but for now 20something
-Short, 5'3ish
-Shoulder length Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes
- Contacts, sometimes dark maroon glasses, average pretty, not knockout but sufficient beauty.

-Shy, bookish and culture savvy, loves her iPod, great personality once you can get her to open up.

Single, but open to a relationship

Occupation: CSI Level 1 who just transferred from the Los Angeles Crime Lab, a little inexperienced but ready to learn
"Of course I'm happy. Did you think I'd be mad? No way. I couldn't be happier. Well actually I could. But you have to answer one question for me."

He got down on one knee.

"Nicole. These 5-6 months have been the best time of my life. I would like to feel this way for my whole lifetime, so I have to ask you. Nicole, will you marry me?"
Nicole gasped, tears feeling her eyes. All she could do was nod at first.

"Yes." She whispered.

Chris smiled down at her, "Yes, I'll marry you." She smiled up at him as he slid a ring onto her finger, he had planned this, but who knows when he was actually going to go through with it.
Krystal was nervous as she walked into the Crime Lab, it was her first day on the job and she was anxious to meet some of her co workers. She decided to go into the breakroom and wait for an assignment.
Nicole and Chris arrived at work ready to start their shift, hand in hand. They really did look like a couple of teenagers. On the way in they were stopped by Alyssa.

"Hea, you guys look cuter than usual. What's going on?

Chris smiled down at Nicole and gripped her hand, "I found out that I'm pregnant and Chris asked me to marry him."


Nicole held up her hand for Alyssa to see. Alyssa gave Nicole a hug.

"Congratulations, Nicole, there's a new CSI, her name's Krystal. I think she's in the breakroom. You're going to be her mentor, to help show her around."

Nicole nodded and headed into the lab and then into the breakroom. She saw a short girl with brown hair up in a ponytail. Chris entered with Nicole, gave her a quick kiss and then whispered something in her ear. "I love you too, Chris." Then he headed over to the morgue. Nicole walked over to Krystal and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Nicole and you'll be my shadow, until you get accustomed."
Krystal stood up to greet Nicole and shook her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you..Shadowing is what I do best!" She smiled, hoping that she made a good first impression.
Chris happily buzzed around his morgue, happy that Nicole said yes. He had a ton of paperwork to do and sat down to do it.

"Finally, I'm almost done."

He felt a hand on his shoulder and a prescence behind him.

"Hey baby. What are you doing he-"

The next thing he knew, there was a rag placed over his face. He fought back, but eventually succumbed to the poison and passed out.
You saved her, and now you'll stay here to die.

Nicole just finished showing Krystal around the lab and then it was time for her break, she headed over to the morgue to see what Chris was up to, when she stuck her head into the morgue, she didn't see anyone. She had turned to leave, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone coming near her with a gun. In one swift movement, she grabbed her gun out of her holster and shot two shots into the man. Then she noticed Chris laid on the floor beside the morgue tables. She rushed over to him, checked his pulse and noticed he wasn't breathing.

"Chris! Come on Chris, you've got to wake up!" She started to perform CPR, she got him breathing. "Help! Someone Help! Chris, you've got to stay with me!" She looked down at her stomach, "We need you." She took ahold of his hand. She noticed the guy behind her hadn't moved, but he was breathing. A police officer had entered and cuffed the man, that's when she noticed the guys face, he was the man who raped her. A couple paramedics had entered the room to load Chris up onto a gurney, they placed him into the ambulance and headed to the hospital.

- - - -
Here Nicole sat beside Chris' bed, sitting up in the chair, asleep.
Nicole heard her name and looked towards the bed, to find Chris awake.

"Oh Chris, you're awake!" She pulled the chair closer to his bed and grabbed his hand. "I've never been so scared in my life."