TalkCSI: RolePlay

If it is not to late:

Kim Hoover
age: 24
look: long black hair with high lights, 5'8, thin
personality: some what a little dark, she was an emo when she was in high school but kinda of grew out of it, but is still consirded a goth with her dark clothes and other things

I would like to be a CSI but if you need a labbie more taht is okay

I can also be two characters if you would like
Hibachi lied down and let the events of the day weigh down on him, before turning off the light and going to sleep.

He woke up next morning and realized that it was his day off. He got up and started to make pancakes with bacon and eggs.
Nicole awoke the next morning, she didn't feel like she had gotten that much sleep at all. She entered the restroom, locking the door behind her, took a look in the mirror, noticing the bags under her eyes. She was glad she they have given her a couple days off of work. She took a quick shower, dried her hair, pulled it into a cute pony tail and exeted the room. When she entered the kitchen, there was Hibachi setting the table. He had fixed her a plate of food.

"Thanks, Hibachi." She said as she sat down on the table, wearing her tight Led Zeppelin tank top, one that she had gotten in Texas last Christmas while visiting her mother. Nicole took a bite of the pancake and smiled.

"This is really, good Hibachi." She put the bacon back on the plate. "I guess you didn't know that I'm a vegeratian, but that's my fault for never telling anyone that. Well you don't really know that much about me anyway, so I'll tell you. My favorite food is Macaroni, I like to listen to Southern Rock, and my favorite televison show is That Seventies Show." They finished eating and Nicole volunteered to do the dishes, well put them into the Dish washer. As she bent down, her Led Zeppelin tattoo on her back was revealed from under her tank top.
Hibachi inwardly kicked himself for the non-vegetarian meal.

"My favorite food is wheat bread, yes it may be unorthodox, but I love the taste of it. I listen to almost any music. And my favorite tv show is Family Guy."

He smiles at Nicole and notices her bend over. Seeing the tattoo he looks away.


He said it a little louder than he wanted to.

"I mean, nice tattoo."

He nervously smiled at her.
She returned another smile, one that probably looked seductive, she felt the way her lips were positioned, it was usually the way her lips were positoned when she was flirting with someone, which she hasn't done in a long time.

"Thanks for the comment on my hot, nice, tattoo." She smiled again. "At least we have one little thing in common, we both enjoy a show starring Mila Kunis. She plays Jackie Burkhart on That Seventies Show and does the voice for Meg on Family Guy." Nicole sent another smile Hibachi's way.
Hibachi licked his lips subconsciusly when he saw her seductive smile.

"Umm...No problem. And yeah. I just realized they do. Plus they are both comedies."

He smiled at her in the most seductive way.
Nicole blushed, smiled seductively at Hibachi and headed back to her room. She pushed play on her cd player and sat down on the bed and pulled out her Notebook, she had to work on one of her That Seventies Show Fan Fics (don't laugh)! She again started to sing along with the theme song, she always listened to the song when she was writing the stories.

Hangin' out
Down the street
The same old thing
We did last week.
Not a thing to do
But talk to you
Hangin' out
Down the street
The same old thing
We did last week.
Not a thing to do
But talk to you
We're all alright, We're all alright, We're all alright, Whoa...yeah.

She felt eyes watching her and turned to see Hibachi, he was listening to her sing.

She saw that look in his eyes, that What are you doing, well in her case, What are you writing look. She smiled up at him.

"I'm working on one of my That Seventies Show Fan Fics, I've been doing them since I was 18. I've never really let anyone read any of them, but I'm kinda stuck, tell me how this sounds." She handed him the notebook.

He left you. I heard he dumped you this morning, walked out without a word to explain his actions, though I can formulate my own conclusion. You didn’t put out. You should’ve known his attraction to you was purely physical, that there was no way he was going to stick around if he got nothing but kisses and hugs out of it. I suppose it could be worse, though. You could’ve had sex with him just to get him to stay, because you were too afraid of being alone. You’ve been alone enough, now, I guess, what with Kelso running off to California, and me running off to Vegas (and marrying someone else), and you can handle it.

You shouldn’t worry about it, don’t waste your tears on him. He doesn’t deserve you, anyways. You’re smart, and you’re strong, and you’re beautiful, and you should have someone who will treat you well. Someone who can give you the life you always dreamed of. Even though your dreams have changed, I guess. You went from dreaming of grand halls and diamond splendours to just having someone to love. I like to think that change came because of me.

I don’t know where he is now. Mourning his loss, maybe. Entertaining thoughts of what could have been. Wondering ‘What if?’. What could have beens, and what ifs don’t matter, though. If he was willing to leave you because you wouldn’t give him sex, your future couldn’t have been very bright. Not like our future could have been.
Hibachi reads it.

"Wow. It's great. Really great. And it kinda reminds me of myself in a way."

Realizing what he just said, he decides to shut up and not say anything else.
"Wow. It's great. Really great. And it kinda reminds me of myself in a way."

Nicole smiled up at Hibachi and her cell phone rang.


Nicole, it's Alyssa. Look, I know you're supposed to have the day off, but we're short CSIs, and I need you to go Petersen Park and investigate a homicide that just got called. I'm about to call in Hibachi, to go with you. We don't want...

"That's ok, he's here with me."

"Ok, thanks."

- - - - -

Nicole looked at the scene, the assistant coroner had already tooken the body back to the lab, after she had collected some trace off of the clothing.

Her and Hibachi had started up a trail, where you had to step up a little to get out of where they were. Nicole tripped and fell backwards, Hibachi caught her. She smiled up at him, blushing a bit. Before either knew what happened, Nicole's lips collapsed onto Hibachi's.

Hopefully that wasn't too fast :)
((Not too fast at all.))

Hibachi was walking up and noticed her fall back. He caught her and then felt her lips clash against his. He melted into her and kissed her back. This made him smile a bit He never wanted this kiss to end.
Nicole pulled away from the kiss blushing, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Only to have Hibachi's lips crash onto hers again, they stood and kissed for a good half a minute the second time, when Nicole stopped it again. "We really need to get this stuff to the lab," then she smiled, "Then maybe we can grab something to eat, see a movie. I guess what I'm meaning to say is, go on a date."
Hibachi was in a state of happiness, pure unobliterated happiness.

"Yeah. Let's do that. :)"

He picked up his stuff and followed her back to the car, and then into the lab.
(I realize i've been away a long time and i'll admit...i did not expect the RP to go this way..Haha...Btw,You're welcome Butter..I'm sorry if i did a sloppy job...)

I'll just jump in...
The previous day was not something any cop would want to go through...Khan's mind was in disarray..The night didn't go too well with him...He had flooded Fulleron Avenue with uniforms but to no avail..No sign of the bast**d who kidnapped Nicole...His only other option was to pull any camera footage he could from the traffic camera there...

Daybreak saw the detective going to the lab with a bunch of tapes in his hands..He passed them off the AV tech and told the tech to call him if anything pops up on the videos..

He now headed back to PD...The guy he had in custody must have had something to do with the kidnapping..Looks like a new ring had formed at St.John's...

--At PD--
Before heading to interrogation,he went to his desk to take the file about the perp..He was dealing with a Rick Johnson(forgive me if that sounds familiar..Only name i could think of atm)..
To summarize,the man was a real piece of work..Assault,GTA,Break-Ins,the works...

He now turned to the nearest officer to him and requested Mr.Rick be brought to interrogation..

--In Interrogation--
Rick was seated and Khan was standing infront of the table..
"All right Rick..I suggest you start telling me why you want to hurt CSI Sara.."
They dropped off the findings, for another CSI to examine. First, Nicole headed back to her house to get something that could be worn on a date and then they drove back. They decided to go to the resturant that was just opened, called O Thai Cuisine, (I think that's an actual resturant). Hibachi stepped into his room, changed into a white dress shirt and put on some bluejean pants. When he stepped out, he was stunned at what he saw. Nicole was wearing a black frilly skirt with a matching black shirt with mesh sleeves, with spike hills, that easily put 4 inches onto her already tall frame.