TalkCSI: RolePlay

((I'm back guys! Thank you Comte for helping me!))

A while later at the hospital...

Evan pulled into the parking area for the hospital and sighed, shifting the gear into park. His grip slackening from the wheel, he sighed, felt like kicking himself in the head again and again for not getting to PD fast enough. If he didn't return the evidence, he wouldn've been at PD and left right for Nicole, and she wouldn't be as bad. He had practically raced over to the scene and stood in horrified disgust as he caught a glimpse of her being loaded into the ambulance. Shaking the memory from his head, he locked up his truck and walked solemnly towards Nicole.
Evan walked up to the floor nurse's station and opened his mouth to speak. "CSI? Room 321." He nodded, not able to find his voice as he turned towards her room. He saw her name written neatly on a piece of paper in the patients list for the room and sucked in a great breath of air, just telling himself it could've been worse. Knocking lightly, he pushed the door open farther to see the coroner standing at the foot of Nicole's bed.

"Oh, sorry, I - I was just coming to make sure you were all right. I feel responsible..."
Hibachi turned to Evan, his voice raspy from the tears that streaked his face.

"Please. Come in."

He didn't dare turn back to Nicole as he didn't want her to see how vulnerable he was. This would only make himself feel worse.
Nicole looked up at the two men in her room. She knew she couldn't talk, so she tore the page off of her notebook and sat up in the bed. First, she motioned for Hibachi. She grabbed the pen.

'It's not your fault, you're the reason I'm probably alive right now. If it wasn't for you coming to the warehouse, who knows what would have happened to me.'

Nicole gave Hibachi a smile, this time, a lot more genuine than the one she gave him when he entered.

Nicole handed the note that she had written all of the things she remembered doing to her attacker to Evan.

'Get this to one of the CSIs, and don't blame yourself either, I'm the only one to blame. I should have been more alert.'
Hibachi nodded and smiled at her weakly. Tears were still in his eyes, but he was trying to clear them up.

"Thanks. But, I just wish I had gotten there sooner. I wish you didn't have to have gone through this ordeal. But most of all, I wish that I knew who this guy was."
Evan noticed the glassy cover over the coroner's eyes before quickly taking the note softly from Nicole's grasp. 'I strached him on the face and other parts of his body, I slid the gun under my jacket, that is with personal effects, and he spit on my face.' He nodded, hair swinging with his head, but stopped when he reached the second part. This time, he only began to shake his head back and forth furiously, sighing after Hibachi finished.

"No, Nicole, you were doing your job, there's just a miserable bastard out there that doesn't give a crap at who he hurts. I guess no one is to blame but him, especially not you. Get some rest, and I'll take this back to the lab, submit it as a statement, okay? I really hope you get well soon, besides, I'll have to work if I don't have a distraction." His face split into a small smile as he patted her hand resting on the covers.
Nicole gave Evan another smile before he left. The door opened before he had a chance to exit, it was the nurse bringing Nicole something to drink.

"Here you go Nicole, and there's one of your collegues outside waiting to administer a rape test."

Nicole watched as everyone started to leave. Then her head filled with various thoughts of what if I was raped.
Hibachi gives Nicole a quick smile and then exits the room.

"God, I want nothing more than that rape test to come up negative."

He puts his head in his hands, obviously worried.
I guess I could try to take Alyssa's place, though It will feel strange.

_ _ _ _ _

Nicole looked to the right, to see Alyssa entering with her CSI kit in hand. She gave Nicole a weak smile.

'Hi Nicole, I'm sorry for what happened and I guess you know why I'm here. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.'

Nicole nodded and grabbed her notebook, and wrote in big letters, 'Just get it over with!'

Alyssa sighed and admistered the rape test and headed back to the lab.

_ _ _ _ _

Alyssa headed back to the lab and ran the swabs for any kind of semen samples, she placed the results in the machine and kind of dozed off. Jumping slightly when the machine beeped, she grabbed the paper. This couldn't be right, Nicole had been raped.

Alyssa ran the results through CODIS, and to her suprise got a hit, a guy named Adam Williams. Alyssa printed out the sheet, which said he had been charged for rape in the past, and sent the results to Evan.
Hibachi walked back into Nicole's room and smiled at her.

"That must've been really hard for you. If you were raped, which I am sure you weren't, and we catch the guy, I'll kill him with my bare hands."

Hibachi was trying to make himself sound sure, but it wasn't exactly working out too well.
Nicole smiled, but then looked towards the wall, when she turned back towards Hibachi, there were tears in her eyes.

She wrote on her notebook, 'I think I was raped, I keep having flashbacks of it.
Hibachi hugs Nicole.

"I'm so sorry. If there is anything I can do for you, anything at all, tell me. I'm here for you."

He weakly smiled at her, trying to stay strong, even though seeing her cry tore him apart inside.
Alyssa headed back to the hospital, this part of the job was never easy, especially when you had to tell one of your friends and collegues that they were raped. She opened the door to find Hibachi hugging Nicole. She gave Hibachi a sad smile, one that told everything.
Sara was sitting in her apartment, still shaken up about what happened at the crime-scene. She had no clue what was going on at the lab, no clue about what had happened to Nicole.

She was sitting on her couch, in a big black sweater and some old jeans. It wasn't the fact that she was attacked, what made her feel the way she did was because the attack had reminded her of what happened in her childhood. Something, that she never wanted to remember.
Hibachi noticed the gesture and looked back to Nicole, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

He hugged her and tried to hold back the tears as long as he could.