TalkCSI: RolePlay

Nicole let the tears roll down her face, with Hibachi hugging her, it felt nice that she had someone there to comfort her, someone to tell her she'd be alright. As she cried, she wrapped her arms around Hibachi and whispered, 'Thank You.'

She could be strong through this, long enough to make that bastard pay. She had to be strong, she just had to.
"No problem Nicole. I'm here for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm right here. We'll make this bastard pay. I'll guarantee it"

He smiled weakly at her again.
The time had come for Nicole to check out of the hospital, by this time she had regained most of her voice. She was becoming terroized of men that looked at her on her way, though she hid it.

Once home, she had laid down, only to wake a couple hours later after having a terrible dream, one from her past, one of an ex boyfriend attacking her. She didn't know what to do, she grabbed the phone hands shaking, called Hibachi, and got his answering machine.

"I can't stay here by myself! I'm going crazy, everytime I close my eyes, I see him, I see my exboyfriend. I need someone!'
Hibachi had just gotten home from work and heard this message.


He grabbed his car keys and rushed over to her house, knocking on the door, trying not to alarm her.

"Nicole, It's me...Hibachi."
Nicole opened the door, tears on her face, in her favorite Spongebob Pjs. She literally ran into Hibachi's arms, it seemed to her like he was the only man she could trust, and not get hurt in the long run. Every relationship she had been in had failed, there was no trust, or she was abused. Nicole had been treated like crap all of her life and she wished it would get better. That's why she had went off to Harvard and got a law degree, but she wanted to be the one who found the reasons to put the people behind bars, so she stuided Forensic Sciene as well, she saw Hibachi looking at her degrees. And then to a picture of her father. She broke the silence.

"He's the reason I wanted to get into Forensics, he was murdered when I was 14, the suspect was never caught, and I've done my job of speaking for the dead, so their family doesn't have to suffer the way I have.
Hibachi hugged her.

"I'm so sorry. I...I just came over here to offer my house to you...or my company here. Or not, it's your choice. I mean, I'm not gonna force you, I just got your message and thought you could use someone for support. And I thought maybe I could be that pers...on."

He realized he was rambling and decided to just stop talking.
Nicole smiled at Hibachi, 'Would it be okay for me to stay at your place, I'd just have to grab some clothes and stuff.' Hibachi nodded. Nicole gathered up her things and they left to go back to Hibachi's house. Hibachi showed her to the guest room, where Nicole stopped Hibachi before he could make it out the door, with a hug. 'Thank you so much, it seems like your the only person I can turn to.'
"Nicole, I will always be here. If you feel frightened or need anything, my room is right down the hall. Don't take a second thought before going down there. Just do it. I'm here for you."

He gave her a hug, then got her a couple pillows and blankets.

"Need anything else?"
'No, thanks for everyhing.' She settled herself into the bed, but first she sat up and gave Hibachi a kiss on the cheek. Then blushed afterwards, 'Sorry, just thanks for everything.'

Hibachi smiled down to Nicole, blushing a little as well and then turned to leave.
He went and sat on his bed, thinking about everything that had happened. Eventually, he got up and decided to take a shower. He hopped in and started to rinse his hair.

"God. I love warm water."
Hey, sorry to interrupt guys, just posting a bio, like a good lil' girl!!

Name: Detective Jean Strawson
Age: 28
Hair: Waist Length, Flame Red
Eyes: Green
D/O/B: 29th December 1978
P/O/B: Austin Texas
Religion: Borderline, hovering on Atheist and Catholic (Mom was Catholic, Dad was Atheist)
TV Shows: Crime Shows
Music: Rock, Pop, alternate, anything that takes her fancy really
Personality: She's athletic and works out, she keeps to herself and doesn't like to share problems and emotions, preferring to work them out herself, she's serious, yet can be playful and flirty.
History: Had a relatively quiet childhood, up until the age of 7, when she found out her Grandfather was not her real grandfather, and he was also a paedophile and a drunk, That’s when all her problems started.
Her mom and dad were killed by her Grandfather, by being shot multiply times so she made it her goal to look after her brother, who was 6, she was 12. They were bounced from one foster home to the next, they ended up in one home, where she was raped on a daily basis, and ended up getting pregnant at 16.
Her baby died because she was born 3 months prematurely and she was still being raped by her foster father and that is when she shut off from the world and went into law enforcement.
Because of her temper, she was bounced around from various precincts, until she decided to stop in Canada. Here she finally found a group of people she could feel at home with, and she has known been with them for 5 years.
She still has a lot of painful secrets to reveal, and a lot of hurt to deal with, and she hasn’t ever been able to really trust someone, as she is afraid of the hurt if that person leaves or dies.

Nicole laid in bed thinking. She wasn't really able to sleep. Why had she kissed Hibachi? Her mind had been going through so many emotions at that very moment, that she really didn't know why she had done it. Was she having some kind of feelings for him? She just didn't know, and if she was, he probably wouldn't want her. Nobody else did.

(If you don't like where I'm going with this, just tell me.)
(No. Not at all. In fact, I was very much liking where you were going with it. :))

Hibachi finished getting showered up and then got dressed in a pair of loose pants. He walked past Nicole's room and made his way to his room. When he got there, he sat down on his bed and thought.

"Surely that kiss was a mistake. She couldn't have feelings for me. I mean, if she does, it would be too good to be true."

Hibachi had had feelings for Nicole since the first day she arrived at the lab, but he never tried to explore those feelings.
Nicole, still lay in bed, hugging up to her pillow that she had brought from home. She got out of the bed and looked for her portable cd player and hooked up her small computer speakers that she had brought with her, she turned the volume where is was loud enough for her to hear it, but not loud enough to disturb Hibachi. Music always eased Nicole when she was feeling down, she switched it to one of her favorite songs, the theme song for That Seventies Show and quietly began to sing along with it.

Hangin' out
Down the street
The same old thing
We did last week.
Not a thing to do
But talk to you
Hangin' out
Down the street
The same old thing
We did last week.
Not a thing to do
But talk to you
We're all alright, We're all alright, We're all alright,
Then she added
I'm all alright
She hugged her pillow even tighter and closed her eyes as the tears fell, in the end, she told herself, she'd be all alright.