Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

Re: Canadian Thread #5

Well, I'm not saying it wasn't nice to have the day off, it was, but I had actually managed to psych myself up to go back for one more semester, and now I have to do it all over again! :rolleyes: On the other hand, I've always thought it's stupid to start school on a Friday, so it eliminates that problem....

I hope those of you that were crazy enough to go out on Friday managed to stay safe!
Re: Canadian Thread #5

We actually had to go into work on Friday. The store is about 25km from home and it took us about an hour. It usually takes 45 minutes. Traffic was moving steadily with no one being a idiot for a change. We normally have Friday mornings off but our Friday morning person is off to sunny Costa Rica for 2 weeks. We did have some people shop but we did about a third of what we normally do on Fridays. It did give us the chance to do some re-merchandising that we have been talking about doing since November. Snowy days can be productive :)
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Looks like us Canadians are in for another storm, where I am, they are calling for freezing rain overnight, turning into snow during the morning, could see anywhere between 5-10cm of the white stuff. :rolleyes:

Such crazy weather, concidering it was so mild here today. :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #5

so last night at work i was bored waiting for intermission to come (i work at the box office of a theater) so i was reading some newspapers that were laying around. there is one called 'the echo' which is a local paper for the guelph/kitchener/waterloo area. its hard to describe this paper, i think its an independent since theres lots of swearing and more, mature, articles.

anyhoo, i read one article that said americans are using the term 'canadian' to replace the n-word when they want to be mean to black people. i didnt believe it, so i looked it up in a slang dictionary online and sure enough it was there. how bad is that?? if it wasnt bad enough that people are still using the n-word in a derogitory way, now they are using a replacement (our nationality!) to make it sound like they arent being racist!

i tell ya, some people... :rolleyes:

eta: waaaah!! they closed the school this evening :( that means i missed band, the greatest two hours of the week! now im in a super lazy mood, and hope the bad weather continues through the night so the school stays closed tomorrow :D
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Ok so I am officially fed up with the month of February! Storm after storm and more storms on there way. The only good thing that can be said for February is Ontario gets it's first official Family Day Holiday on Monday. Now I know not everyone will be off but for those of us that are

Toronto has had so much snow this February that the city is taking extra steps to clean up the city streets. Instead of jsut removing snow on the main streets they are going to be doing the side streets that have street parking also. I just hope we don't get too mcuh more snow as we are running out of room to put it at our store. We have a stand alone store that has 3 customer parking spots and 1 employee spot. The employee spot is in serious danger of becoming a snow mound. Oh well spring starts in about 5 weeks :)
Re: Canadian Thread #5

We have been getting a lot of storms this year, haven't we? But hey, in this country, you just have to deal.

Yay for Family Day. I hear Manitoba is having a new holiday on Monday too, but it's Louis Riel day. I have a feeling that eventually all the provinces will make that February holiday.

allmaple, I heard about that! Isn't it sick? They know nothing about Canadians to begin with, but they have no problem using us as an insult?! Disgusting.

Speaking of disgusting, how about that afrocentered schools nonsense? I can't believe the school board okayed it (of course, the vote was insanely close, 11-9, but nonetheless, it got through). I don't know how you CAN'T see it as segragation. How many non-blacks are going to want to or feel comfortable enough to go to a school like that? And besides, they all seem fine with the system the way it is. The board should be trying to come up with a solution for all the at-risk students. 25% of all students are failing, not just African Canadians. So just because they're the largest chunk of the 25%, we should just ignore everyone else? No, I don't think so. And even when they do open this school, there's no guarantee it will work. One of those two schools in Milwaukee that they're using as a success story and therefore a reason to do it had to CLOSE because of a, "lackluster performance." Hmm, somebody decide to just ignore that fact?

Martin Luther King would be rolling over in his grave. What is the world coming to?
Re: Canadian Thread #5

liberty bell said:
How many non-blacks are going to want to or feel comfortable enough to go to a school like that?

I'm black and that school would make me feel uncomfortable.

As for all the snow we're getting from what I have heard the Toronto area can expect some more this weekend :(
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Well the city finally got around to clearing the snow banks on the street our store is on today. Since the crew that was doing the work weren't City employees the work went very quickly :) Now all we need is another snow storm :lol: So you ask what does the City do after removing the snow they get to fill in the pot holes that have appeared on the roads over the winter.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Or in my neighbourhood, they dump the snow on our driveway. Seriously. One year, everyone was out shovelling the driveways, the plow finally came around, and dumped the snow right on our property, so my parents had to shovel again. Nice, huh? We weren't even the last house on the street, for Christ's sake!

Why is it we have nothing to talk about in here but snow? :lol:

What do we all think about the possibility of a federal election? I think it'll be a waste of money if it happens. Certainly there are people that don't like Harper (myself included) but it doesn't matter because everybody dislikes Dion more. :lol: :rolleyes: There's no way the Liberals will win. They still need to clean up their in-shambles party.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

LibertyBell said:

Why is it we have nothing to talk about in here but snow? :lol:

Because it's a safe subject where we can all agree or disagree on :lol: Religion and politics are too iffy of subjects. And speaking of politics :D I think a federal election would be a waste of time and money. Which ever party forces the election will be a sure loser. I have no use for Dion, Layton or their parties. I think Harper is doing a fine job. I don't necessarily agree with some of his personal beliefs but he is doing a good job for the country. Better than Martin and his minority government. I do agree though LibertyBell that the Liberal Party does need to get their act together before they even think about an election.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

meh, i think if Harper had a majority, it wouldn't be going so great. I don't agree with his crime policies, it is silly to try american style criminology, since they have terrible policies and crime issues. Also his media centre he tried to set up was a disaster. But economically we are doing fine, and they shouldn't have another election yet...not until they do something with Dion.

And i am sick of snow!
Re: Canadian Thread #5

So have you heard that Robert Latimer is being given day parole. Whether you agree or not I think he deserves it. I'm hoping that eventually he and his family will be able to put their lives back together and get on with living their lives.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

i had not heard of that man before (i rarely see the news and never pick up a newspaper) and still after looking it up im not sure why he killed his own daughter. was it supposed to be putting her out of her misery or something? i dont understand the justice system anyway, why do they hand out sentences that are never completely filled? dont even get me started on celebrities that spend 5 seconds in jail... i dont know about this guy, what he did was awful, and he was given a 10 year sentence for a reason.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Hey guy's, Roll up the Rim is back, and so far I've won two donuts, one muffin, and three coffee's. :D It's great to be Canadian, now just to win the big one. :lol:

What has everyone else one so far?

* Runs off to by more coffee *
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Grr I haven't won anything :( I never win anything. I went yesterday with my friend and her boyfriend and she rolled hers up before she finished drinking and we went crazy saying no you can't do that you have to wait until you finish but she ended up winning a free coffee and we didn't win anything. On the cup for the free coffee she won was another free coffee! :(