Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

Re: Canadian Thread #5

Well I just read on line on The Toronto Sun that the boy with the blue hair was allowed back in school today :)The principal and the boy came up with some compromise that was not discussed.

When I was going to school back in the good old days :lol: we didn't have any dress code issues that I was aware of. I remember wearing my toque to class in the winter and never being told to take it off.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

i remember we weren't allowed hats in elementary school...and no gum. That is all i remember...

we did have some sort of dress code in high school, but no one enforced it. The younger girls coming in kept getting more and more skanky. I really don't want to see your thongs when you go up stairs with mini skirts.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

we had a 'no beachware' rule at my highschool, but it was probably trying to keep the skanky girls under control (as shorts and tshirts were allowed, thats beachware-ish). they didnt seem to enforce it, as there were some seriously slutty clothes going around.

one of the catholic highschools (they all had uniforms) tried to keep the kids from wearing sandals. i guess showing off your toes is a little too risque... so the kids protested with signs saying 'jesus wore sandals'. quite creative if i do say so myself :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #5

^ That is clever. :lol: After all of that, were they allowed to wear sandals?

My school (one of those french catholic highschools :p) didn't have much of a dress code except nothing too slutty. :lol: We were allowed to pretty much have any hair colour, piercing, style, skin colour, sexual orientation, religious belief etc. I think we were pretty lucky that the school didn't make a big fuss out of such trivial things.

And just to add: BRRR! -47C yesterday with the windchill. Alberta had a bit of a blizzard this week. :eek:
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Speed_Cochrane you can keep your cold and blizzardy conditions :) Wednesday we're suppose to have a windy day with winds being listed at 45k/h. Batten down the hatches for that.

allmaple did the kids that protested the sandals get anywhere with the signs. I think that was a very smart idea :)
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Oh man it sure was cold yesterday. I was waiting for the bus outside school but it was twenty minutes late, being me though I wasn't smart enough to go inside so there I am standing there for twenty minutes in -47. I missed my connecting bus because of it and had to walk home from the bus depot :(
Re: Canadian Thread #5

So I found out yesterday that the black focused school in Toronto is a go. What do you guys think of that? I personally just think it's a step back. I don't think I would ever feel comfortable if I had to go there. It's still segregated despite the fact that they say they allow anyone in.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

i dont remember how the sandal thing worked out at the catholic school, but they probably ended up allowing them (or not banning them, whatever the situation was)

i had not heard about this black focused school, but i just looked it up and it doesnt make sense to me. i didnt feel my education was 'euro-centric' and i dont know how you can teach math or sciences in a 'afro-centric' way. they could introduce african literature into english classes i guess. but with things like history and politics, theres only so much time in high school and they make you do canadian studies. i have no problem with that, since we are in canada. there was room for some electives, they could introduce history, literature, and even music classes. i know i would have taken a music one if it was made available. i feel the problem is probably more complicated than the ciriculum and im not sure if this school is going to help. even if the school is open to all students, it will probably end up segregating the school board.

sometimes i feel like school boards dont really know what they are doing. i actually had a letter published in a newspaper expressing my concern with a school board...but it was the florida school board... :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #5

I don't support the black focused schools that are going to be funded by the Toronto District School Board. If a group of people want to set up a private school for this type of education then that works for me. Lets remember there are lots of children that are in the TDSB that aren't black and that are having as much trouble and there aren't special schools for them. Andy Donato the Toronto Suns editorial cartoonist had a very appropriate cartoon in today's paper

Donato's Editorial Cartoon

Oh and does everyone have the snow shovels ready for Friday's blast :) anywhere from 10-15cm in Toronto and 20-25cm outside of Toronto. Oh fun times for all :lol:
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Oh and does everyone have the snow shovels ready for Friday's blast anywhere from 10-15cm in Toronto and 20-25cm outside of Toronto. Oh fun times for all

Oh yeah!! I live on the outside, and we are expecting the 20/25cm, and as my daughter says...."can't wait mommy, no school tomorrow :p :p
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Well I also live in the 20-25cm range but work in Toronto. My husband and I usually take Friday mornings off and go into the store for around 1pm. Our usually Friday morning person is on vacation so one of us was going to go and work and then the other was going to come in later. It now looks like both of us will be going in in the morning. The only good way of looking at that is we get to use the HOV lane. Mind you with the snow and such it doesn't necessarily mean we will get to the store any faster than those not in the HOV lane.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

Wow...if it does hit, make sure you guys drive careful. I think if it starts early morning, I'll not send my child anyway, as she takes the bus to school, and if they get cancelled, she'd have no way home, as I don't drive, and am a single parent.

As for my eldest son, he has to work tomorrow too, and there's always that worry, of him arriving safely. :)
Re: Canadian Thread #5

I drive an hour to guelph i am hoping for a snow day tomorrow. Unfortunately the university never closes, and they don't seem to care much about the safety of the students! Also i have a biochemistry test tomorrow, and i really don't feel like studying all night, since it might be a snow day! Gah...
Re: Canadian Thread #5

xfcanadian, looks like you may have got your wish, all schools and University's where I am are cacelled. I had a look outside, and where I am, you can't see anything infront of you, it's nasty.

To any other's who have too go out today, please drive careful, and take every care.
Re: Canadian Thread #5

you got your wish xf! guelph is closed! :lol: although i didnt do this the right way, i thought 'i will get up, shower, and then see if the university is open'. so of course now i cant go back to sleep. and i actually got myself up an hour early to go walk my dogs (i walk research and teaching dogs at the university, if you live near guelph two are up for adoption! :p) but now i dont know if the building will be open. i have a key, so ill phone later when the front desk staff are there. if they are there that is.

i had a quiz today that i didnt want to take, so this is good. it doesnt look too bad yet, but if the snow keeps up the way it is now it wont stay ok for long. and i hate when they close the school in the middle of the day, so i guess this is better. except i have a lab at the end of the day that i love (mammology) and i wonder if they will make it up, or just make us learn everything on our own. which would suck...