Re: Canadian Thread #5
We have been getting a lot of storms this year, haven't we? But hey, in this country, you just have to deal.
Yay for Family Day. I hear Manitoba is having a new holiday on Monday too, but it's Louis Riel day. I have a feeling that eventually all the provinces will make that February holiday.
allmaple, I heard about that! Isn't it sick? They know nothing about Canadians to begin with, but they have no problem using us as an insult?! Disgusting.
Speaking of disgusting, how about that afrocentered schools nonsense? I can't believe the school board okayed it (of course, the vote was insanely close, 11-9, but nonetheless, it got through). I don't know how you CAN'T see it as segragation. How many non-blacks are going to want to or feel comfortable enough to go to a school like that? And besides, they all seem fine with the system the way it is. The board should be trying to come up with a solution for all the at-risk students. 25% of all students are failing, not just African Canadians. So just because they're the largest chunk of the 25%, we should just ignore everyone else? No, I don't think so. And even when they do open this school, there's no guarantee it will work. One of those two schools in Milwaukee that they're using as a success story and therefore a reason to do it had to CLOSE because of a, "lackluster performance." Hmm, somebody decide to just ignore that fact?
Martin Luther King would be rolling over in his grave. What is the world coming to?