What exactly don't you understand? I'm sure we can help you out.
OK, so as I mentioned, I loved this episode. I'm coming to the conclusion that Dean is somewhat like a cop- he uses humour to deflect the horrors of what he sees "on the job"... and in his case, what he's dealing with regarding his brother.
Anyway, the whole intro with the "Are you guys antiquers?" and "King bed?" questions had me in stitches. As soon as she said "antiquers" I knew where it was all heading! :lol: The whole thing was hilarious. Not to mention later when Dean was questioning why everyone thinks they're gay and Sam makes the comment about him being "butch"! Too funny!
The part where Dean goes on about Sam and his love of dolls was hilarious as well. I giggled through the whole thing. Too funny.
Then, that weird flash to Sam getting all emotional freaked me out at first; I thought he was possessed or something! :lol: It was funny how he said Dean was short and then started laughing though. :lol: And does anybody else hope to see some outtakes of that scene in the gag reel? I'm betting Jared probably went in for the joke kiss while they were sort of embracing there at the end! And then Jensen will be pushing him off and spitting distastefully saying something like, "Get off me man!" I'm betting even money on that one! :lol:
Anyway, I think Dean was just telling Sam what he wanted to hear. I don't think he'd ever be able to kill Sam, even if he turned into a monster. As much as he wants to be, he's not like their father that way. He isn't ready to sacrifice anything necessary to fight/kill the demon. I really don't think he would be able to bring himself to do it. I've sort of been thinking about that, and going back to Croatoan. When Dean sent the others away and stayed with Sam, what would he have done if Sam "turned"? Would he have killed him, or simply let Sam change him too? I have a hard time deciding on that one.
Lastly, after Sam's little breakdown about not being able to save that guy, I think that, not only is Sam given a reprieve when he gets to save that little girl, I think it's also a hint to us that Sam's never going to go darkside. At least not without some sort of serious supernatural intervention.
In fact, I mentioned this previously- how I think the demon messed with those 4 specific families so that the "special" kids would have screwed up upbringings, and would therefore make it more likely that they could be turned to the darkside. (Sorry if I keep using the Star Wars terminology, but it fits so well! :lol: ) It's like the whole nature vs nurture argument. Are you born bad or does your environment while you grow to maturity make you bad?
Bottom line: Sam's obviously a good, moral person, so if he did become a monster, it would have to be due to some demonic influence or something. I don't think psychic abilities alone would turn him evil; I just think that the demon wants these kids
because of their abilities- he wants to turn them to his side. I don't think he gave them the abilities. I think he can just sense the potential in the babies, and the 4 where he killed their mothers and burned the homes were just 4 that he found.
I don't know... I'm just thinking out loud here.