Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Okay... yikes... scruffy Jared looks a little like my dad when he was younger and looks a little like my brother when he's scruffy, except my brother's hair is never that long. :lol:

I prefer Jens without the scruff, but I don't mind a little five o'clock shadow now and then. :lol:

Haha in that couch photo, I just love how all three guys are in virtually the same pose. Jens and Mischa's heads are both turned the same direction. :lol:
I saw one particular picture of Jared in the post I found those and he reminded me of Charlie Manson :shifty:

I just love that photo of them on the couch, I still want a seat ya know :p
I don't want Jared ... his scruff scares me :lol: maybe Jensen would be kind enough to give us each a knee. I'm a good girl, I'd be willing to share :lol:
:lol: Jared's got a bit of a baby face, so the scruff on him looks kind of out of place. :lol: He's much cuter without it. :lol:

What's your favorite episode title so far?

I gotta say that the "Criss Angel" one is definitely the funniest title ever. :lol:
That was the funniest title I've ever heard. I almost chocked on my water when I first stumbled across that "Criss Angel is a Douchebag" oh Eric you're a big meanie :p

I don't think I can pick one favorite :p

5 Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester.
4 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
3 Malleus Maleficarum :lol: just for the fact that it's fun to say...
2 Folsom Prison Blues
1 Bad Day at Blackrock ... I think of Bedrock :rolleyes:
Oh my goodness, this show has the best episode titles ever! I don't think I could possibly choose a favorite.
But, I do really like "The Monster at the End of This Book". I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with that book, but it's a children's book narrated by Grover from Sesame Street. He spends the whole book warning the reader about the monster that they will find at the end of the book, and how horrible it is. Then he suddenly realizes/remembers that (and the last page reads) "...the monster at the end of this book... is ME!"
And I just think that line is so perfect for Supernatural, especially this season :D
That's my favorite children's book! :D I used to babysit a lot when I was younger, so I have a copy of that book somewhere, but I'm sure it's in the attic. :lol:
What episode was #3? I don't recall that title. :lol:

:lol: That's the title of the episode where a group of ladies in a neighborhood are practicing witchcraft.

Some people in other forums thought the episode wasn't good, it's one of my favorites :) and has one of the lines between Dean/Ruby that cracks me up every time I hear it:

Dean- What was that stuff? God, it was ass. Tasted like ass.
Ruby- It's called witchcraft, short bus.
Dean- ...You're the short bus, short bus...

Also ... the biggest foreshadowing for this season ever ... well to me anyways :)

Sam - We have to start looking at the big picture, Dean. Start thinking in strategies, in moves ahead. It's not so simple, we're not just hunting anymore. We're at war.
Dean - Are you feeling okay?
Sam - Why are you always asking me that?
Dean - Because you're takin' advice from a demon, for starters. And by the way you seem less and less worried about offing people. You know, it used to eat you up inside.
Sam - Yeah, and what has that gotten me?
Dean - Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the friggin' car, and friggin' argue about this stuff. You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that crap...
Sam - Wait, so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you?
Dean - No! I'm not mad, I'm - I'm worried. Sam, I'm worried 'cause you're not actin' like yourself.
Sam - You're right, I'm not. I don't have a choice.
Dean - What is that supposed to mean?
Sam - Look... Dean, you're leaving, right? And I gotta stay here in this crap hole of a world. Alone. So the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war when you're gone... then I gotta change.
Dean - Change into what? :shifty:
Sam - Into you. I've gotta be more like you.

:eek: How come I haven't noticed that Misha was in the episode of CSI, Nesting Dolls until I stuck in the dvd :shifty: * slaps my hand for not paying attention!
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^ Haha! Yeah I knew Misha was in CSI.. he's kinda cute in that ep.

Since it's been so quiet around here, I thought I'd post some random Jensen:
Mr. Cool

Maybe some Misha, too. :)
Eeeeh?! :lol:
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^ Haha! Yeah I knew Misha was in CSI.. he's kinda cute in that ep.

Since it's been so quiet around here, I thought I'd post some random Jensen:
Mr. Cool

Maybe some Misha, too. :)
Eeeeh?! :lol:

Hehe... that one of Misha... is that Jens with him? He's got his head tilted up and mouth open wide which makes me think of a children's song: "If all of the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream oh what a sun that would be... standing outside with your mouth open wide: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..." :guffaw:
I have a request that I'm hoping someone here can help me out with. I'm looking for a screencap of the impala, where the trunk is open and you can see all the weapons. Does anyone have one or know where I can find one?
I have a request that I'm hoping someone here can help me out with. I'm looking for a screencap of the impala, where the trunk is open and you can see all the weapons. Does anyone have one or know where I can find one?

Something like this:

[spoiler="The Rapture" Review]

LOL Dean fishing! :wtf: "I'm dreaming aren't I?" thank god ... :guffaw: I would seriously start to worry, Dean :lol:

"we need to talk somewhere more private,"
"you're in my head,"
"exactly, someone could be listening," :lol:

Jimmy :lol:

LOL poor guy hasn't eaten in months :( Dean and Sam's reactions were priceless ... now Dean knows what Sam has to watch all the time :p

:lol: "Angel Royale," :shifty: sounds like a crazy wrestling match, hmm Angels in Speedos :wtf:

Nice to see they put Cas in somemore clothes :lol:

:lol: Dean with a toothbrush total flash of Mystry Spot. Anyone hear the comment about the prison guard, or was I hearing things?

The part where Anna popped up in the backseat, Dean and Sam screaming at the same time :lol:

Some of these flashbacks confused me :lol:

The parts with Misha/Jimmy with his wife and daughter :(

When the Roger character came into the house, I could sense he was a demon right away, his face looked very demon(y) :lol:

:eek: So when Sam doesn't have the blood, he can't exorcise the demons. Wonder if he's without it for too long ... what might happen :(

Yet again with the mom possessed by the demon slapped the daughter, I had the thought that one of them was possessed.

:shifty: Ruby missing for the episode ... I trust that wench about as much that I trust my ex cheating boyfriend.

:lol: Dean always has a plan ;) even if they don't work all the time :lol:

:lol: Heckal and Jeckal :wtf:

Totally didn't expect for Castiel to possess the daughter.

O_O "I learned my lesson when I was away, Dean. I serve heaven, I don't serve man and I certainly don't serve you,"

O_O Dean's reaction to Sam ... and the act pertaining to the demon blood.

LOL Bobby! Did he just say "shag ass?" :guffaw:

Wow ... the next episode - Awesome!
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Hehe... that one of Misha... is that Jens with him? He's got his head tilted up and mouth open wide which makes me think of a children's song: "If all of the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream oh what a sun that would be... standing outside with your mouth open wide: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..." :guffaw:

Yep, that's Jensen with him. They were laughing about Misha and the white house.. or something. :p
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