Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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^ Haha! Yeah I knew Misha was in CSI.. he's kinda cute in that ep.

Since it's been so quiet around here, I thought I'd post some random Jensen:
Mr. Cool

Maybe some Misha, too. :)
Eeeeh?! :lol:

Hehe... that one of Misha... is that Jens with him? He's got his head tilted up and mouth open wide which makes me think of a children's song: "If all of the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream oh what a sun that would be... standing outside with your mouth open wide: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..." :guffaw:

:wtf: I totally remember that song ... from Barney :eek: now there's something Supernatural right there ... if they hunt down a suicidal teddy bear ... how about hunting down a talking dinosaur ... it's playing out in my head right now LOL

That song was addicting when I was a kid :rolleyes:

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milk shakes,
Oh, what a snow that would be.
Standing outside, with my mouth opened wide,
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
:eek: Awesome episode, and awesome preview for next week! But what I really want to know is what happened to Cas while he was 'away'? I wonder if we'll find out.

Will the episode next week be the season finale?
Next week is number 21. We have one more after that. TV GUIDE says that it's going to be very VERY good.

Last night was great. I liked Jimmy. He was awesome. And Castiel! I can't believe that he's.. back to his Monotone one vision self. We worked so hard to loosen him up *sigh*

I'm glad Dean found out about Sam. It's too bad he found out in a... gruesome way.
^ Haha! Yeah I knew Misha was in CSI.. he's kinda cute in that ep.

Since it's been so quiet around here, I thought I'd post some random Jensen:
Mr. Cool

Maybe some Misha, too. :)
Eeeeh?! :lol:

Hehe... that one of Misha... is that Jens with him? He's got his head tilted up and mouth open wide which makes me think of a children's song: "If all of the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream oh what a sun that would be... standing outside with your mouth open wide: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..." :guffaw:

:wtf: I totally remember that song ... from Barney :eek: now there's something Supernatural right there ... if they hunt down a suicidal teddy bear ... how about hunting down a talking dinosaur ... it's playing out in my head right now LOL

That song was addicting when I was a kid :rolleyes:

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milk shakes,
Oh, what a snow that would be.
Standing outside, with my mouth opened wide,
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

That song was from Barney? Aww... man, don't make me hate the song now. :( :lol: I first heard it on this karaoke disc thing that came with one of the computers I used to have. :lol:
Hehe... that one of Misha... is that Jens with him? He's got his head tilted up and mouth open wide which makes me think of a children's song: "If all of the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream oh what a sun that would be... standing outside with your mouth open wide: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..." :guffaw:

:wtf: I totally remember that song ... from Barney :eek: now there's something Supernatural right there ... if they hunt down a suicidal teddy bear ... how about hunting down a talking dinosaur ... it's playing out in my head right now LOL

That song was addicting when I was a kid :rolleyes:

If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milk shakes,
Oh, what a snow that would be.
Standing outside, with my mouth opened wide,
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

That song was from Barney? Aww... man, don't make me hate the song now. :( :lol: I first heard it on this karaoke disc thing that came with one of the computers I used to have. :lol:

:lol: Yep ... I used to watch Barney :shifty: as much as I hate to admit it :lol:

And yeah, there's two more episodes ... I have a feeling we're going to get a cliffhanger, I hate those kinds of season finales :lol: probably just me though ;)

The next two titles are going to be:
4-21 "When the Levee Breaks"
4-22 "Lucifer Rising" :eek:

Looking at the episode titles, I just realized that a lot of episodes are also titles of songs :lol: I'm SLOW! seems that most of them are by Zeppelin

Season 2:

In My Time of Dying - Led Zeppelin

Houses of the Holy - Led Zeppelin

What Is and What Should Never Be - Led Zeppelin

and now a episode coming up in season 4, if you want to see the title click the spoiler :)


Misha on ER ... hmm :lol: talk about weird

He's talking about Robert Johnson, the guy who wrote Crossroad Blues about the guy who sold his soul in order to make great music :wtf: I think that's a little weird considering he's on Supernatural now :lol:
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Man, I'm so upset... when I had my harddrive re-formatted, my cuz saved my folders and stuff, but for some reason on my The Movies game, it didn't save all my info, so now I have to remake all the characters again and I don't know if I can (I also have to start the game completely from scratch :sigh: ). I had one character patterned after Jensen (I think I posted the caps of him on here either a few pages back in this thread or somewhere in the last thread, most likely the earlier thread). :lol: His name was Jensen Collins oddly enough and that was way before I ever really knew who Misha was and certainly before Castiel lol. How funny is that? :lol: Even odder, I just noticed that like two seconds ago. :lol: It never even dawned on me before. :lol:

I still have to watch Thursday's episode. Bro said the station messed up for a bit, so I'm sure I'll end up missing something. :lol: I may need someone to fill me in on what I missed. :lol:
Man, I'm so upset... when I had my harddrive re-formatted, my cuz saved my folders and stuff, but for some reason on my The Movies game, it didn't save all my info, so now I have to remake all the characters again and I don't know if I can (I also have to start the game completely from scratch :sigh: ). I had one character patterned after Jensen (I think I posted the caps of him on here either a few pages back in this thread or somewhere in the last thread, most likely the earlier thread). :lol: His name was Jensen Collins oddly enough and that was way before I ever really knew who Misha was and certainly before Castiel lol. How funny is that? :lol: Even odder, I just noticed that like two seconds ago. :lol: It never even dawned on me before. :lol:

I still have to watch Thursday's episode. Bro said the station messed up for a bit, so I'm sure I'll end up missing something. :lol: I may need someone to fill me in on what I missed. :lol:

:guffaw: Jensen Collins that certainly gave me the giggles. I have this video game where you can make characters and use them as wrestlers :shifty: made a character who looks like Jared :lol: They call him The Demon when he comes out :shifty:
Man, I'm so upset... when I had my harddrive re-formatted, my cuz saved my folders and stuff, but for some reason on my The Movies game, it didn't save all my info, so now I have to remake all the characters again and I don't know if I can (I also have to start the game completely from scratch :sigh: ). I had one character patterned after Jensen (I think I posted the caps of him on here either a few pages back in this thread or somewhere in the last thread, most likely the earlier thread). :lol: His name was Jensen Collins oddly enough and that was way before I ever really knew who Misha was and certainly before Castiel lol. How funny is that? :lol: Even odder, I just noticed that like two seconds ago. :lol: It never even dawned on me before. :lol:

I still have to watch Thursday's episode. Bro said the station messed up for a bit, so I'm sure I'll end up missing something. :lol: I may need someone to fill me in on what I missed. :lol:

:guffaw: Jensen Collins that certainly gave me the giggles. I have this video game where you can make characters and use them as wrestlers :shifty: made a character who looks like Jared :lol: They call him The Demon when he comes out :shifty:

:lol: I think my bro had that wrestling game at one time. He may still, I don't know. But, I remember he made Ash Williams (Army Of Darkness/Evil Dead), Freddy Kruegar, Jason Voorhies and Michael Myers (possibly leatherface too). :lol: Probably more, but I can't remember them all. :lol:

By the way, your sig banner cracked me up!

I wish they'd make a Supernatural video/pc game. The only one they made is one where you just have to find that hidden symbol. I want one with the guys in it! :lol: They can make it kind of like the CSI game where you have to find clues to find out what kind of creature it is or whatever.

Random: Do you remember that rumor that was going around about a year ago about an ep of Supernatural having Jason Voorhies on it? Not the actor (well yes it would have been Kane Hodder), but the actual character. :lol: That was crazy wild. It might have been funny to see on screen though. :lol:
I agree :p just not like the New York game, that one was kind of boring. I'd like something with a lot of action in it, mixed with something like looking for clues. Hey they made a X-Files game ... why can't we play with Dean and Sam ;)

^^ You remember I play with Sam and Dean on my sims game, I think I've shown pictures on here :lol: well was playing it earlier and Dean just out of the blue kissed the sim I made of Johnny Depp :shifty: then the sim I have of me slaps dean then dean slaps sam ... a lot of action on that game, sort of like a soap opera ... supernatural style :lol:

Oh by the way ... I demand a Supernatural Musical like Buffy had!
I agree :p just not like the New York game, that one was kind of boring. I'd like something with a lot of action in it, mixed with something like looking for clues. Hey they made a X-Files game ... why can't we play with Dean and Sam ;)

^^ You remember I play with Sam and Dean on my sims game, I think I've shown pictures on here :lol: well was playing it earlier and Dean just out of the blue kissed the sim I made of Johnny Depp :shifty: then the sim I have of me slaps dean then dean slaps sam ... a lot of action on that game, sort of like a soap opera ... supernatural style :lol:

Oh by the way ... I demand a Supernatural Musical like Buffy had!

Oh that NY game sucked! I agree about action in the Supernatural games. Maybe they can be like the Resident Evil games and have some scenes acted out by the actual actors when approaching a new scene or something. That'd be very cool. :)

:lol: Your Simms are funny.

And I'd love a musical ep of Supernatural. We know Jens can sing. :) I'd want them to be original songs like the Buffy one though. Maybe we should write Erik and ask him to make a musical ep before the series is over. :lol:

Is the preview for next week's ep up on You Tube yet?
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^ Er, as for the Supernatural musical.. I don't know if it was crazy acting but Jared and singing = not a good mix. :lol: Makes me think of the Bon Jovi scene. :p
^^ That scene was funny. :D

This show is quickly growing on me, because I think the brothers are wicked funny. Can't wait to see this week's episode! :)
^ Er, as for the Supernatural musical.. I don't know if it was crazy acting but Jared and singing = not a good mix. :lol: Makes me think of the Bon Jovi scene. :p

:lol: Jared singing in the Bon Jovi scene ... totally cute if you ask me. I giggle every time I hear that part :lol: It reminds me of a question asked at one of the cons where Eric said that he had to tell Jensen to sing off key because Jared "sucks out loud already" :guffaw:
^ Er, as for the Supernatural musical.. I don't know if it was crazy acting but Jared and singing = not a good mix. :lol: Makes me think of the Bon Jovi scene. :p

:lol: Jared singing in the Bon Jovi scene ... totally cute if you ask me. I giggle every time I hear that part :lol: It reminds me of a question asked at one of the cons where Eric said that he had to tell Jensen to sing off key because Jared "sucks out loud already" :guffaw:

Oh so that's why Jensen didn't sound as good as he usually does. :lol:

Finally watched the episode:

Dean's fishing... un-Dean like. Good thing it was just a dream.

That's a weird meeting place.

Jimmy and the voice change. :lol:

:lol: at him eating.

Dean: Mind slowiing it down? You're gonna give me angina. :guffaw:

Sam's face watching Jimmy eat = :lol:

Angel battle royale. :lol:

Like being chained to a comet. "That doesn't sound pleasant." "understatement"

"You wanna go Guatonamo (sp) on the guy?" :lol:

Heehee Jimmy got his foot stuck in the blankets. I do that all the time.

Crap! The channel messed up right when Jimmy snuck out and didnt' come back till Dean was brushing his teeth. What did I miss?

"Was it a refreshing coke?" :guffaw:

Like the musice when Jimmy's on the train.

:lol: at Dean skidding off the road when Anna appeared.

Gianormo. :lol:

Loving Jimmy in the tee in the flashback.

Him with his daughter... awww.

Uh oh Sam's addicted to demon blood.

I thought that other guy was gonna say he wanted to be with Jimmy's wife, but nope he's a demon.

I think wifey has some apologizing to do. :lol:

Damn, Sam! Did you have to be so blunt?

Calling a girl "bub" just sounds weird to me. :lol:

Sam's mojo is yo-yoing. :giggle:

Okay that was very vampirish of Sam.

Locking Sam up to detox. Good idea? We'll see.

Is it a repeat next week? Cause preview said "soon" rather than normal kind of preview.
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You guys are cracking me up! The promo for "Soon" looks AWESONE! I love the fact that the brothers are going to be against each other! Them fighting is oddly hot? Is it just me?
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