Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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*tries not to read thread*
ok so i am hella behind, i missed the last 2 episodes when i was out of town, all i want to know is how awesome were the episodes i missed, becuase from what i've heard they were epic. am i going to be stoked??
*tries not to read thread*
ok so i am hella behind, i missed the last 2 episodes when i was out of town, all i want to know is how awesome were the episodes i missed, becuase from what i've heard they were epic. am i going to be stoked??

Ashley, the last episode was as awesome as hanging out with Adam and Danny on the fourth of July ... ok that's just a dream I had this morning, so :lol: The episode was great, had a lot of good parts and was lovely since it's very Misha centered ;)

The one before this one, didn't like it as much. I'm probably the only one that didn't like it and while it had some great emotional parts, I just didn't like it :)
^Heck yeah was it Misha centered! I bet us Mishaholics all couldn't help but love that episode, I know I enjoyed it! :lol:
Yeah, I preferred this last episode to the one the week before. The one before was OK, but not as great as most of the rest of the season, I think.

Still, even average Supernatural is better than pretty much everything else on TV these days! :lol:
Totally agreed ^ Seems that I only find myself watching Supernatural, Smallville and TruTV :lol: Forensic Files and Repo fill my nights when I'm not kicking back on the couch catching the Welling Padackles hours :rolleyes:

I'm a little out of it ... a bit loopy from pain meds :lol: so don't mind me

Just maybe Look at this ;) That's making me more loopy :D
I have plenty more caps where those came from :lol: I saw that and my arm started to hurt even more :lol: think my heart more than likely skipped a beat or two * grr * Is it May 19th yet ... I want more I demand more :lol:

Wow is all I can say about one of the clips I saw on tv earlier about the next episode :shifty: :wtf: it has me a little worried ... :eek:


Any of you guys ever watch the convention videos, I went to the last Comic Cons ... they're awesome and I've never laughed so hard in my laugh. I've been watching the videos of the last one in LA :lol: Misha is a blast, he tells the fans how he named his turtle Drydraluxalow :wtf:

Check these out

Especially this one cracks me up for some reason :lol: Video "Is that a cat?" :guffaw:
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Wow ... the recent episode was simply wonderful and next week's looks even better. Not too many funny parts, but I do love how they used the hallucinations and especially how they fit in young Sam and Mary. And I finally fit together why she said sorry to Sam in Home ... took me long enough too :lol:

I certainly wasn't expecting for Castiel to be the one to let Sam out of the room, especially following his comment to Dean from last week's episode. The episode was a good serious episode with plenty of action and I loved it!
I haven't watched that ep yep. But, that cat video was funny. I like when Jared goes "duh". :lol: I think I would have known it was a baby. But, if I heard a cat I might think for a bit that it was a baby. But for some reason I know a baby when I hear an actual baby. :lol:
Wow. Just watched. I couldn't believe when it ended. It didn't feel like it had been long enough. Simply amazing episode. I didn't get to see the preview for next week, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Whoh man, that was a dark one. The boys are worrying me! I'll just keep up the mantra, "It's always darkest before the dawn... It's always darkest before the dawn... It's always darkest before the dawn..." :eek:


Great episode, and jeeze, I cannot imagine how this season is going to end. I have a bad feeling we're going to be hanging again. D'OH! :eek:

Aw the Hey Baby vid is really cute. :D

Yeesh that episode was good, indeed. :p

The part that cracks me up is:

How olds the baby?
9 months
When was the baby born?
9 months ago...
so how old that make her?... Duh!
I mean... when 9 months ago?... What was the date?...crickets..
What was the date of the babys birn-born date?
June 27th
June 27th.. How old is she?... its a good day.

and the end :guffaw:

Jared: I-I think sam- hey baby! - I think uh, thats a good question,
I havent think about that, that's a bad acto-where you taking baby?... come back here... seize her!

Whoh man, that was a dark one. The boys are worrying me! I'll just keep up the mantra, "It's always darkest before the dawn... It's always darkest before the dawn... It's always darkest before the dawn..." :eek:


Great episode, and jeeze, I cannot imagine how this season is going to end. I have a bad feeling we're going to be hanging again. D'OH! :eek:


Exactly ... you know how Kripke loves to leave us hanging, sort of like he left Dean hanging in the last episode. Only hope it's nothing like that for this season. I don't particuarlly care for cliffhangers, but it's just me :lol:
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:lol: Of course he loves babies, he hangs around Jensen too much :p :guffaw: Ok couldn't help myself hee hee.


Re-watched the episode ... :( I miss the way they used to be and so wanted Dean to:

Hard to believe, but there's already clips for the season finalie. If anyone wants to see them check out:

I only watched the first :lol: made me giggle.

Just something else I found that makes the episode sound even better ;)

I’d brace for something extra-special, as far as Supernatural goes, seeing as this is only the second time series creator Erik Kripke has directed an episode — and the very first time he has worked off one of his own scripts * squees * So yeah ... we're going to get tortured :guffaw:

Oh and a couple of interviews I just found featuring Jim Beaver and Misha Collins:

On Supernatural, do Jared and Jensen treat you as an uncle figure offscreen as well as on, or do they prank you as they apparently do everyone else?
Those aren’t exactly oppositional questions! But, no, they don’t treat me like an uncle. They treat me like a friend. I never get any sense that they think I’m older and wiser. [Laughs.] We’re just three guys doing a job that we love and we enjoy each other’s company. They haven’t pranked me much, just once maybe twice, and I don’t know if that’s because they’re scared of me, but I don’t think that’s true. Maybe I just don’t give them enough reaction, but I will say, oh my gosh, I love working with Jared and Jensen! They’re just absolute hoots to be with, and we get along great. They’re sweet, smart guys and they’re good at what they do and that’s what I look for in a colleague.

What’s Bobby’s current feeling about the angels?
Bobby’s got a certain wait and see quality about him. I think probably he doesn’t accept everything at face value but he’s willing to go along until the facts prove him wrong or prove that he should take another look at things. I think he’s kind of willing to accept the angels as allies and make use of them, as long as nothing signals that he should change that opinion.

Lately there’s been a lot of talk about how being close to the Winchesters can be dangerous to one’s health. Is Bobby in especial danger—could he become a target?
I think there’s probably something to that. I hadn’t given much thought to that aspect but the fact is that when you’re a solo hunter all you’ve really got to look out is for yourself. When your job description includes getting two hotheaded young guys out of various situations then regardless of your personal feelings for them, it’s going to be dangerous. You’ve got to have eyes in the back of your head if you’re keeping eyes on the two guys.


First of all, I just want to say how brilliantly you played both Jimmy and Castiel last week. Was that difficult trying to portray two people who are so different from each other?
MC: Well, you know, I think it made it easier that they were so different. I think that if Castiel and Jimmy had been similar characters, it would have been a lot harder to flesh out. Just from the writing [of the episode], it was so clear that they were not at all alike, so that made it easier to make a distinction [between the two] and create a different character. More than anything, it was kind of fun [playing two people]. You don’t get to do that very often. You get to play two sides of one character, but not two sides of two characters. In the flashbacks, I got to play the old Jimmy and the new Jimmy, and the old Castiel and the new Castiel. It was a lot to work with. It certainly kept me busy for the eight days of shooting.

You are one of the few cast members that is already confirmed to be coming back next year. Have they discussed what kind of role Cas or Jimmy might play in season five?
MC: If they have talked about it, they haven’t talked about it with me! So, I don’t know. But I do know that I am going to be back. I just don’t know what my role is going to be. I have a suspicion it’s going to be Castiel and not Jimmy though.

The last episode seemed to indicate that Jimmy was giving himself over to Castiel for good. Is Jimmy gone forever?
MC: I wouldn’t even want to hazard a guess. It seems on “Supernatural,” it doesn’t matter how dead or gone you think someone is, there’s always a chance that they come back. So, I’m sure that holds true for Jimmy as well.

It’s probably best that Castiel will have control over Jimmy’s body since the apocalypse is coming. What can you tell us about these last two episodes?
MC: There’s a lot going on between Sam and Dean. Sam is going through the DTs. He’s been locked up by Bobby and Dean, and they are sort of forcing him to go cold turkey [off of the demon blood]. And not having the demon blood is putting Sam through some serious withdrawal, so he’s not happy with Dean. And that’s driving a bit of a wedge between the two brothers in the next two episodes. That’s putting it mildly. It’s more than a wedge. And then the final battle is boiling down to the final seal and Sam and Dean trying to prevent it from breaking. That’s what they’re after in the end. Beyond that, I don’t know what I should say.

Can you talk about where Castiel fits in with everything? It seems like he’d be vital in trying to prevent the seal from being broken.
MC: I wish I could tell you [where he fits in], but I can’t. I can’t think of anything to say without giving away too much. He’s going to be there. I can tell you that. But that’s not a very good spoiler, is it?

Well, at least we know he’ll be there, and hopefully he can assist the boys. Since Sam is dealing with the demon blood addiction, is there any chance we’ll see Cas interacting more with him in the future?
MC: I think that’s entirely possible. I don’t really know what’s going on in the future. [But] this season, the next couple of episodes, the relationship [that] is going to be more played out [is the one between] Sam and Dean. What happens next season is anyone’s guess. I think it would be interesting to explore [the Sam and Castiel] relationship more.

It would be nice, since Sam was the one who always believed in things like angels, while Dean didn’t.
MC: Yeah. It’s interesting the arc they chose to take with the two brothers because Dean was clearly, well, I don’t know about atheist, but certainly the more agnostic of the two. And for him to be the one who’s primarily interacting with the angels and for the more devout one [to have taken the route Sam did], it’s interesting. And I think it’s more interesting to have the believer be [drinking demon blood]. It just pushes them both. And for the same reason, I think that, as Sam is wrestling with the demon qualities, it’ll be more interesting for him to have interaction with Castiel, the angel, next season.

That influence would be especially important now that Castiel is back in Jimmy’s body and he seems to be back to following the angel rules. Is that correct to assume that Cas has changed back and is no longer questioning authority?
MC: Yeah, that’s definitely what’s] going on with him. My own personal take on what happened [when Castiel left Jimmy’s body] is he was somehow tortured or very seriously rebuked and threatened when he was up in Heaven, and he now is towing the party line again. But I think that he still has some internal conflict about it, I don’t think he’s ever going to be the perfect little soldier [again], and he hasn’t been turned into a [robot] totally. So he still has a lot of the same thoughts that he used to have [before he disappeared], but he’s definitely back to being a good little soldier.

Is there any chance we might get some kind of indication on the show what happened, like a comment or a flashback of sorts?
MC: I don’t know how they would do that, because Castiel — outside of Jimmy’s body — would be an angel, and we know that angels can’t be seen by human beings without their eyes being burned out. So if they did show that, they would have to burn out the entire viewing audience’s eyes. Which I think would be some sort of liability for the CW.

Not to mention that “Supernatural”’s viewership might take a serious hit.
MC: Exactly. Unless they were starting to make a shift to a purely audio version of the show, like a radio play. In which case, it might actually be a good move because it would save a bundle on production costs.

All the fans could just listen to “Supernatural” on their iPod.
MC: Exactly. [Laughs] I don’t know why I’m not a network executive. These are good ideas! :lol:
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