Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Oh I totally forgot about an episode, another one that I like for different reasons would have to be In the Beginning. It wasn't because it was a Dean centered episode by any means, I just loved how we learned more of Mary and John's back story and the exact reason everything has happened up to that point.

:guffaw: This man is a trip * shakes head *
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I just watched the first episode last night when they aired it on the CW and I gotta say, that was another great one too!

Just reading Misha's twitter- oh man, it's like he's inside my brain. We have the same sense of humour exactly! lol. I'll have to read up more on this guy... I like him but I haven't paid that much attention to him other than the show. They seem to get a lot of cool secondary actors on their for Dean and Jensen to "play" with. When Jeffrey Dean Morgan was on there, it sounds like a lot of comic mayhem ensued! :)
*silent yay*
i hope they go longer, as long as it doesn't start to suck i'm all for it staying around as long as it can.

and my fave episode...geez there were so many this season but the finale was almost perfect, and i also really liked family remains. i liked how it wasn't a typical storyline for them.
*silent yay*
i hope they go longer, as long as it doesn't start to suck i'm all for it staying around as long as it can.

I know how a show can go on for * too * long let's hope that it doesn't run as long as Smallville. That show is getting to the point where even I have second thoughts about watching. If I wasn't a fan of Tom Welling ... I probably would have stopped watching around season 6.
I just hate the fact that they are going against TPTB's wishes and continuing past five. I mean, I love the show, and I think it would be great if it continued. If anyone read the EW magazine that had the SPN article, then you know that the guys are physically exhausted. It's hard to run a two person show. It's demanding of time, energy, and everything else. I would hate for them to get burnt out. I will stick around as long as they do, but if they plan on continuing the show without JP and JA then I'm out! I just can't see the show without them.
I just hate the fact that they are going against TPTB's wishes and continuing past five. I mean, I love the show, and I think it would be great if it continued. If anyone read the EW magazine that had the SPN article, then you know that the guys are physically exhausted. It's hard to run a two person show. It's demanding of time, energy, and everything else. I would hate for them to get burnt out. I will stick around as long as they do, but if they plan on continuing the show without JP and JA then I'm out! I just can't see the show without them.

I know, it would be hard to find anyone else that I think are as close as those two have grown. They have an almost brotherly bond and I think the show will lose that aspect if someone else comes in besides Jared and Jensen. Also if the show goes on too long ... we don't want to see Sam and Dean traveling with walkers in the back of the Impala :p
wasnt there also something a while ago that said the boys both wanted to be done after 5 seasons? or am i making something up? i thought i remembered seeing that and thinking there was no hope of tptb changing their minds on the 5 season thing.

it really must be hard for those two, getting their butts kicked around every week. i had forgiven them doing only 22 episodes this season, when other shows did 25/26, because i feel like supernatural takes more time to shoot and do post production etc. i shall cross my fingers but not hold my breath!

the only thing is, if the spend season 5 going after lucifer and finally get him in the finale, how are they going to top that for season 6? :lol:
I think if they do anything that Kripke doesn't want, then they are doomed. He's got the thing ready to play out in 5, so anything after that will just be fluff, I'm betting. And Kripke has said vehemently that he will not go past 5 seasons. The studio execs are obviously trying to convince him otherwise, since they've clearly finally realized how good the show is... Dummehs!
^ I agree.

Okay so I'm now following Misha Collins on Twitter. :lol: That guy is hilarious, indeed! :lol:
:sigh: So, I was watching the ep (last night) on the tape I recorded it on and the tape was all jittery. I kept trying to fix the tracking, but that didn't work. so, I took the tape and tried it in a different vcr and it still didn't play right. It was making a weird noise too. The tape inside at the ends of it had jagged edges, so I guess that was the problem. I had to throw the tape away.

So, I had to watch the whole ep online.

:lol: at Bobby calling Dean "princess" and then saying he sounded like a whiny brat. But, then he said he's a better man than John.

Suite Life of Zack and Cas. :guffaw:

Bail on the holo-deck. :lol:

I wish the recorder hadn't cut off Dean's message to Sam.

Ruby's joke about the nuns was so not funny.

"What are you a 12 yr old girl? Just answer it already." :lol:

Who changed Dean's message to Sam? Zach or Ruby?

I thought Cas was gonna have Dean drink his blood for a minute there. :lol:

I'm glad Sam held Ruby while Dean killed her.

I still don't understand why Zach wanted Lucifer risen just so Dean could turn around and stop Lucifer?

I thought Dean was supposed to get Angel powers in this ep.
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So I totally just stumbled onto something :D time for our fangirl squee ... ready :p

According to the most popular TV Shows:

1 - American Idol
2 - One Tree Hill :wtf: so not better than Supernatural and once Chad Michael Murray leaves :shifty:
3 - House
4 - Supernatural :D
5 - Grey's Anatomy
6 - Dancing With the Stars
7 - America's Next Top Model :wtf:
8 - 90210 :shifty:
9 - Gossip Girl
10 - CSI O_O seriously CSI after Gossip Girl and not to mention America's Next Top Model
18 - CSI Miami
30 - Smallville ...
54 - CSI NY * should really be higher up ... and is better than Miami. I lost all interest in Miami after Speed died.

I included the other shows just in case anyone was intrested :)
whoo hoo!! #4 is not too bad considering the rest of the list is full of some pretty popular show.
and yeah i so agree with your comments.
well...except maybe the one tree hill one. i kinda like that one a little...i can't help it its a guilty pleasure ha.
I just realized that I forgot to mention something a friend brought up... What if Lucifer was a woman? That'd be totally trippy, and I SO wouldn't put it past Kripke! :lol:

And then me and my dental hygienist discussed how much we hoped it was a hot, dangerous actor playing Lucifer. She wanted another "scary" voice like Alistair- she found that voice (done by both actors who played Alistair) extra creepy!
whoo hoo!! #4 is not too bad considering the rest of the list is full of some pretty popular show.
and yeah i so agree with your comments.
well...except maybe the one tree hill one. i kinda like that one a little...i can't help it its a guilty pleasure ha.

:lol: I saw the list and saw Supernatural way up there ... especially seeing the CSI's farther down in the list, I enjoy One Tree Hill ... but as hot as Chad is, he has nothing on our cute Padackles :lol: and I admit he's probably the only reason I watch, not really a fan of James * cough *

I just realized that I forgot to mention something a friend brought up... What if Lucifer was a woman? That'd be totally trippy, and I SO wouldn't put it past Kripke! :lol:

And then me and my dental hygienist discussed how much we hoped it was a hot, dangerous actor playing Lucifer. She wanted another "scary" voice like Alistair- she found that voice (done by both actors who played Alistair) extra creepy!

:lol: I so wouldn't put it past him either ... :lol: and why oh why is Paris Hilton popping in my head :p Paris Hilton is not Lucifer :rolleyes:

So umm, yeah I agree needs to be someone with a really strong voice. I'd like someone that sounds like Alastair as well, he sort of had a "Hannibal" tone to his voice. It should be someone with a tone like that.
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