Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Haha yeah, I have never even seen a Smallville episode, but I still noticed! :lol:

Yeah, I miss Supernatural, too.. I watched Scarecrow this morning, just because Dean is so funny in that ep! 'Dude, I hope your apple pie is freakin' WORTH IT!' and 'Dude, you're fugly.'. :lol:
Yeah, that was a good episode. Still, every time I watch it I find myself thinking, "Wow, Jensen actually dated that girl in the episode... Trippy."
Yeah, I've been watching all my dvd's :lol: I've made it to the Hollywood Babylon episode, I crack up more than I should when it gets to this part:

"Now, to the right, here is Stars Hollow. It’s the setting for the television series, Gilmore Girls. And if we’re lucky, we might even catch one of the show’s stars."

"Come on!" the look on Sam/Jared's face :lol:


Misha totally cracks me up :lol:

So are we going to get to see your wings? Not just the shadow of them?

Collins: I have a suspicion that the wings, ... there is no way that they would fail to disappoint. And, you know, since we've just seen them as shadows, no one knows what they really look like. Maybe they're actually only 3 inches tall [laughs].

Now, you don't want people to think you have small wings ...

Collins: No, no.

That would be embarrassing.

Collins: I would be trying to find wing enlargement.


Hahaha yeah Misha always cracks me up! When I read his.. things on Twitter, too. :lol:

Wing enlargement :lol:
I'd love to see everyone else's reactions on set when he does his screaming. I bet they all wet themselves at first! :lol:
You know Jensen could make anything sexy :evil: I mean he pulled a kilt off with a Mohawk :lol: :shifty: I need to watch that movie :p

Anyways, video of him dancing can be seen > Here and and Here at the very end but the whole video is hilarious!

LOL Misha you have made me giggle again :D


Is he wearing a dress :wtf: :lol:

anyone else follow Misha's Twitter :lol:

i see hundreds of posts and now i think, "this is stupid," how the ---- do i respond to 400 posts? It takes me 3 days to email my mother.

I've been told if you follow LilMissX on twitter, good things will come to you in the afterlife. (I should also tell you she gave me $1)

Some minions have questioned my authenticity. This no-shirt photo should be proof enough

And hello all from australia, brazil, china, UK, venezuela, New Jersey and elsewhere. :lol: So New Jersey is now another country ... lol

Jim Beaver is doing a book signing in Calabasas on Sunday. I haven't read it, but i've ordered it and i can't wait. He is a great human. :lol: Human

No. I refuse to say hello to Canada, Germany or Cleveland. I'm sorry folks, but i'm not going to mention you.

yes, that is me canoeing down the LA river. I was actually the first person to solo kayak down the LA river. This photo is from my 2nd trip :lol: click the link above he's clearly got someone else in the canoe

IL is in canada so i'm not mentioning it. & New Zealand and Italy are in Australia, which i already mentioned. Pay attention people.

Hungary, France, Iceland, this is starting to feel like geography class. I quit. I'm going to buy a car. Have fun watching tonight. Bye.

Seriously, no more place names! in fact, no more proper names, period. Actually, nouns are out too. (That means you Brazil and Sweden).

I'm trying to find a vehicle that gets good fuel economy. So far, this is the best model i've found for MPG

But i'm also looking at this commuter vehicle:

By popular vote, i'm going for the pony. Alright, gotta go. I'm putting in an offer on a submarine and a chain of islands in the s. pacific

From the enthusiasm 4 the pony, I'd guess you were a bunch of ranch hands. Great! Ive got hillbilly minions. I knew they're be a catch.

U realize, to eat that cake ur going to have to dismember me. even so, it's still flattering.

I would like to formally apologize for the typos (past and future)... I'm sorrie.

But I'm gonna have to take a hard line from here on out. Anyone (Bsides me) using badly grammar, abr. or mispelin' is gonna be perm. removed

Ok, guys. Gotta run. Obama has asked me to advise the Joint Chiefs on the mid east in a closed-door meeting tonght. I've gotta prep.

We had an earthquake this morning. Fortunately, i live in a windowless underground bunker, so i am fine.

However, my periscope isn't working so i can't tell whether the rest of los angeles is still standing or not.

I'm glad you all think it's so funny. I'm 120' underground with nothing but my laptop and stacks of gold bullion waiting out aftershocks

Right, yes. I'm down here with my computer and my gold and my pony. And i'm tweeting and cleaning my guns.

The laptop is powered by the pony on a treadmill. I planned it all out very carefully.

Minions, the pony gave out. I consumed the haunches while still warm. very little power left on my laptop. Very little oxygen. I'm so weak.

I'm back out. i was turning the doorknob the wrong way. Now i see... i left the lens cap on the periscope. Man, i'm covered in pony blood.

Minions (Mignions in France), 1 of you must have ratted me out on the Pony sushi--2500 PETA protesters are holding vigil in my front yard. :wtf:

I see some of these "mishap-preciation#" posts. I would like to correct a few historical inaccuracies...

1) i did not invent the internet. what i invented was a game calld "gash" where you bounce large glass marbles off your baby brother's skull

2) i did not "build rome in a day". This is a common retelling. I merely hid in a roman sewer with my great dane, Rupert, for a day.

No. I did not "eat Rupert." Get your mind out the gutters. He was far too lean. I made his hide into a raft & escaped thru the aqueducts.

not really spoilers ... just didn't want to stretch the screen :lol:

"Our favorite TV casting rumor of the summer has been debunked by all parties...

Wentworth Miller will not be appearing as Lucifer on season five of Supernatural. At least that's not the plan right now, but it should become the plan, because, well...can you imagine?"
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