Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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^ Really? Lucy? :wtf::lol: That's kinda funny. :p

Yeah, I am really wondering what happened to Castiel..
^ Really? Lucy? :wtf::lol: That's kinda funny. :p

Yeah, I am really wondering what happened to Castiel..

Me too ... we know he's signed up for the next season, but I really hope nothing happens to him. I am wondering, however if the whole Bobby/Dean part was a dream, since it jumps from Bobby's house straight to him being in the place with Zach and Cas :lol: The Suite Life still makes me :guffaw:
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Hahaha that picture made me giggle.

Maybe I should really go after Kripke. :p Nah. :p

Me too. I really do hope nothing happens to him, that but Zachariah archangel thing musn't really like Cas for letting Dean escape..
@something wicked: :guffaw:totally agree with that pic *eg*...

Hehe I sometimes can't stop thinking of scenarios what could happen with Cas ^^° ...*totally needs to do something productive for RL now...*
:lol: I bet you have nicer images than what I do :lol: I always seem to dream of the last things that I watch before bed last night it was Terminator, Marley and Me and the season finale of Supernatural. So :shifty: Arnold and Misha looking for a lost puppy :lol: I so woke up and looked around my room going what the hell :lol:
Hahaha Misha and puppies? Aaaaaaawwww! :lol: Oh man I already miss Supernatural. I don't think I can wait that long for the next season.

By the way, does anyone know when the DVD box of s4 will be released? :wtf: I can't wait!

By the way Nikky, love your icon as always. :p
:lol: For some reason that was my favorite part of the last episode. I've read in some interviews that Misha doesn't like dogs, in fact he has a turtle with a pretty funny name which I posted on here a couple pages back :lol: Drydraluxalow ... I don't even know where to start pronouncing that :lol:

The last I checked the dvds do not have a release date, but it's sure to be sometime in September a look at the cover
:lol: I have a lot of stuff I bought from Cafepress. My favorite shirt says "Property of Dean Winchester" :lol: I like the one that says "Castiel is My Co Pilot" :D


The CW may be the latest network to make a bold move on Thursday.

After days of rumblings, the CW is said to have settled on launching the hot new drama "Vampire Diaries" Thursday 8 p.m., paired with "Supernatural." "Vampire Diaries" would replace the staple in the time slot, departing veteran "Smallville," whose final ninth season would air on Friday, probably at 8 p.m.

The network is set to unveil its fall schedule Thursday in New York.

"Vampire Diaries," about a girl in a love triangle with two vampire brothers, is envisioned as a new tentpole series for Thursday night where the network already has built-in sci-fi audience with "Smallville" and "Supernatural."

:( No more Thursdays filled with Padackles and Tom Welling ... :wtf: Thanks a lot!
So Smallville is going to be moved to Fridays? I thought they had wrestling on Fridays on that channel. :lol:

So, Supernatural is still gonna be on at the same time as CSI? :sigh: Why couldn't they move it to an hour earlier (thought it would be on same time as Bones then, but even still I could watch Supernatural when it airs and record Bones... but as it is now I have to watch CSI first then Supernatural later lol). I record CSI for my dad (he can't get CBS where he is) and cut the commericals out so I can fit more on the tape. :lol: He doesn't like Supernatural, so I only have to record that for myself. :lol:

And Padackles = :guffaw:

Oh and by the way, unless Vampire Diaries has some irresistible actor in it, I will be skipping it. I hate love triangles with a passion. So, basically this new show is just gonna be a vampire soap opera. :rolleyes: Sorry, not interested in Dark Shadows redo. :lol:

I guess they're pairing it with Supernatural to capitalize on Supernatural's popularity, but that's so dumb. People who aren't interested in a show like that will just skip it and not turn on the channel till time for Supernatural. They should have put it on after Supernatural. Then again, if they did that it'd be going up against Grey's Anatomy and CSI, so it would die right there. But now it's going up against Bones and even though Bones' season ended stupidly and the writers/producers lied to the fans big time, I don't think this new show will beat Bones in the ratings. :lol:
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I'm betting they're trying to capitalize on the whole "Twilight" phenomenon... Whatever, I'll just be tuning in for my boys! :)

I didn't realize it was Smallville's last season as well. It's about time though, realistically. I have been enjoying this season though.
Well, I'm kind of glad Smallville is moving to Fridays cause now I can watch it since the only other thing I watch on Fridays is Numbers. :lol: Which is on two hours later than SV. I kind of wish they'd move Supernatural to Tuesdays though cause I don't watch anything on Tuesdays usually. :lol:
Hey guys ... guess who went crazy with two screencaps in photoshop :rolleyes: I was way too bored :lol:

I actually came here to ask a question what was your favorite episode of the season? Mine was Family remains, I just loved that episode.
Family Remains? That one creeped me out with the rats and stuff. Er.. I think I'll go with Yellow Fever. Do I really have to explain why? That episode was just too funny. And The Monster At The End Of This Book. And the season finale. That was great. :D

And Nikky, that art thing looks great! It's awesome! Holy hot tax attorney. :D
Oh, that's always a tough question... But I do agree with both Yellow Fever and Family Remains. And the finale, Lucifer Rising obviously. If I had to prioritize, I'd say Lucifer Rising tops the list. :)
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