Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Wow , wow *still totally hyped up* how will I survive till next season ???

Hehe got suspicious again of Ruby with her odd behavior the last times and now it's out - bye bye Ruby *eg* ,but I have to give it to her :well planed.

Oh thanx Bobby's still alive :D least for now ...
Dean and Sam were just awesome and Chuck *g* *pets our little prophet*
Loved the Dean/Cas scenes ^^ and Zach ,well it's not the first time I have the urge to cut his feathers....somehow missed Uriel ,hehe..

Won't get more coherent than that *still babbling*... evil cliffy !!...
Seriously, that was a stellar episode from start to finish. In fact, my only complaint is that I would have at least liked to see Lucifer before they faded out... I wonder how long Kripke and co wrestled with the idea of "should we show him to give a quick teaser for next year or not..." Sadly, the bastards went with "no". :lol: Oh well- you can freaking bet I will be tuned in first thing next season. Oh crap... that just reminded me that I now have months and months of waiting... GASP!!!

I was actually wondering if Bobby was going to be alive at the end of the episode, that was one thing I was dreading. When he survived that was awesome :D But the thought of thinking about the cliffhanger is causing me to go insane knowing I will have absolutely nothing to look forward to on Thursdays :shifty:
wow, my mind was completely blown last night. I tried to tell my friend what happened last night but I couldn't even wrap my head around it. I was a little confused as to how Kripke was going to tie everything from the season into the finale but it was Emmy worthy!!!!:hugegrin: And it think I speak for all female fans when i say i was more then overjoyed to see Ruby bite the dust.
hehe. I didn't care about Ruby one way or the other. My brother said he's glad now that they changed Ruby's since she died. He likes Katie Cassidy, but doesn't care much for the other girl. :lol: I haven't watched the ep yet. I asked my bro if they killed Bobby and he said "not yet". And I was like "good" now I don't have to be nervous... cause you know they wouldn't kill Dean again. :lol:
This Ruby definitely didn't impress me as much as Katie Cassidy did. Ironically, Katie's pretty boring on Harper's Island. Oh well. ;)

I am glad that the boys "got back together" at the end though. At least when the war between heaven and hell starts next season, they'll be fighting together again. Good stuff.
This Ruby definitely didn't impress me as much as Katie Cassidy did. Ironically, Katie's pretty boring on Harper's Island. Oh well. ;)

Yeah I was thinking the same :lol: she's not badass like she was as Ruby on SPN. And I'm also just realized that David Cassidy is her father ... I know I'm slow but I never really googled her or anything and saw it. And for some reason when I did, I imagined Sam/Dean/Ruby busting out in song singing

Hello world here's a song that we're singing
Come on get happy
A whole lotta lovin is what we'll be bringing
We'll make you happy

Travelin along there's a song that we're singin
Come on get happy
A whole lotta lovin is what we'll be bringin
We'll make you happy
We'll make you happy

:wtf: Me and my random random thoughts :lol:
Or maybe...

"I think I love you
but what am I so afraid of...?"

Ah, David. He was a cutie. A bit before my time though- I was more into Katie's uncle Shawn. sigh.

Sadly, I don't think The Partridge Family classifies as old rock per the Kripke style. :lol: Still, it would be amusing to see it added to Jensen's Supernatural singing repertoire. :)
Or maybe...

"I think I love you
but what am I so afraid of...?"

:lol: Why did I just get a flash of Dean singing that after him and Jo have a fight :rolleyes: Most people didn't like her character but to me she had some good parts/lines. I still crack up every time I"m watching No Exit and she says,

So, are you gonna buy me dinner?
What are you talking about?
It’s just, if you’re gonna ride me this close, it’s only decent if you buy me dinner.

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I liked Jo and i really hope her and Ellen are in the next season. I love the chemistry between her and dean. The back and forth they had was cute.
I doubt they will bring Jo or Ellen back, it would be cool if they did though. You know I wish they didn't kill Ash off ... it would have been so cool to see him on the episode Are You There God, It's Me Dean Winchester :lol: I watched that episode and thought the cowboy who looked a lot like he came straight out of the movie Brokeback Mountain was the one who blew the place up :lol:
oh my goodness...the finale was full of so much OMG i couldn't believe it.
the whole episode was simply amazing, i really loved the whole thing.
am i the only one sad to see this season end? :( not just because we have to wait forever and a day for new episodes but because it was soooo good.
can't wait for next season.
am i the only one sad to see this season end? :( not just because we have to wait forever and a day for new episodes but because it was soooo good.
can't wait for next season.

Yeah, I can't believe this season is already over. I wish there could be more episodes :( but the thing that has me the saddest besides having to wait until September or so for new episodes is that next season is the last :(
In fact, my only complaint is that I would have at least liked to see Lucifer before they faded out... I wonder how long Kripke and co wrestled with the idea of "should we show him to give a quick teaser for next year or not..." Sadly, the bastards went with "no". :lol:

as soon as the bright light went over the screen i yelled "i hate you kripke!!!" because i knew that would be the end of the season :lol: they are definitely bringing out the big guns for the next ( and final! :() season.

that was like the greatest finale ever! so much planning must have gone into this story, over two years in the making! makes you feel good that the crew of you fav show put so much effort into it.

figured out something was up with ruby and that it wasnt going to end well. was kind of glad that the worst acting to ever appear on supernatural is now over.

makes you wonder how they are going to deal with next season though. theyve built their storyline up so big now, how are they going to go back to the occasional urban legend or myth show? cuz you know stopping lucifer is going to take the whole season and be the series finale.

again i say, i hate you kripke! how am i supposed to wait until the fall???
Next season being the final season, they better end it more like Buffy (or Charmed) ended (except without any good characters being killed- leave Bobby alive! as well as the boys) rather than like Xena ended. :lol:
Xena died? :wtf: :lol:

I'm still in denial about the fact that this was the last ep of the season :shifty:
I want my weekly dose of supernatural hotness, damnit!

Last ep:
Did I ever mention how much I love Castiel? He totally stood up for Dean, believing in him. I hope he's alright after the arch-angel-attack.

Ruby. I knew it :shifty:

Oh Sammy. Always trying to do the right thing. But now you've set Lucifer free, moron. It does give a pretty good storyline for next season, though. :)

And Dean... :adore: Do I need to say more? :D

And Bobby! I heart you, my friend! I love how he gave Dean a piece of his mind, and getting his head straight. Thank god I'm getting a weekly Bobby dosage on Harper's Island, or there's no way I'll survive this hiatus. :rolleyes:

What? Hiatus? There's no hiatus. There can not be a hiatus :shifty:
Did you hear this, Kripke?:scream:

(Am I the only one who had a tendency to nickname Lucifer Lucy? Which is, ironically, the Messer's baby's name :p)
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