Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Lucifer can't be a woman cause that demon that possessed that priest referred to Lucifer as "father". If not for that, then it would have been neat to have the devil be a woman and I would have laughed cause Jensen was in a movie where the devil was a female. :lol:
Oh yeah- I forgot about that movie. That was filmed by where I used to live in North Van, by the way. Trippy.

Yeah, I don't really think Lucifer would be a woman, I just thought it would be totally a Kripke thing to do to us... But in Paradise Lost, Lucifer was the most beautiful of all the angels, so I'm dying to see this dude. Although life being "fallen" can probably wear on you... :lol:

I just hope they find someone with the correct proportion of hotness and evilness. Still to this day, the hottest Satan I ever saw was Viggo Mortensen in The Prophecy. Whoh, he was freaking sexy. It'd be cool if they could trump that one for me; so far nobody else has. And as crappy as End of Days was, I though Gabriel Byrne made a good Lucifer. :)
Honestly as far as this show goes, I'm not sure they can get more beautiful (guy wise) than Dean, John, Sam and Castiel. :lol: I can't decide who is more beautiful, Dean or Castiel. :lol:

I'm honestly expecting him to look more monstery (like that painting on the wall in that "safe house" of an angel slaying Satan) than human though. :lol:
i totally think they are going to make lucifer all dapper and charming. they'd have to right? and he's got to be a smart ass. i'm almost expecting it ha.
i totally think they are going to make lucifer all dapper and charming. they'd have to right? and he's got to be a smart ass. i'm almost expecting it ha.

Of course :lol: I'd love if they got someone funny who could also get away with being creepy at the same time. Someone with a strong demanding voice, would be awesome.
Actually, I remember when they had the main guy from Firefly on Buffy- he played this evil, creepy minister guy who was actually a demon or something- and he was totally awesome. Just the right amount of crazy. Something like that might be cool too.
I actually didn't care much for the Caleb character. I like the actor all right, but the character just didn't creep me out as much as he should have. :lol:

I know who they could get to play Lucifer: James Marsters. :D He's gorgeous, can do sarcasm very well and can be creepy too. :D
Yeah. Spike was a great character. That'd be interesting. I'm not sure if he's as physically captivating as I pictured for Lucifer though, as much as I love Marsters. I think he'd need to be more... I don't know. Something. :lol:
Yeah, maybe. I'm thinking someone who's tall and broad shouldered- he'll have to seem bigger than Sam, I'm thinking.

Then again, smaller but intense would probably work too... gah! I just don't know. They can go in so many directions here. I just hope we're not disappointed with old Luci when he shows up! Talk about a role with some pressure! :lol:
Yeah, maybe. I'm thinking someone who's tall and broad shouldered- he'll have to seem bigger than Sam, I'm thinking.

erm, isnt jared like 6'4"? :lol: not sure how many actors there are bigger than him, unless you are looking for bulkier

i think it will be tricky to get lucifer just right, but i think they can do it. i really like the woman idea (in the movie dogma they referred to god as a man the entire movie, and come time to reveal "him" it was a woman!) but i think charming, handsome, yet evil man is probably the best bet. i honestly cant think of anyone to do it!

been re-watching some of my fav season 3 episodes, and it gave me a new appreciation for just how horrible of an actress new ruby was :( too bad katie had to be a victim of budget cuts
Originally Posted by BabaOReilly
Yeah, maybe. I'm thinking someone who's tall and broad shouldered- he'll have to seem bigger than Sam, I'm thinking.

erm, isnt jared like 6'4"? :lol: not sure how many actors there are bigger than him, unless you are looking for bulkier
I can only think of a couple of actors who may be taller than Jared. Among them are : Vincent Ventresca and Vince Vaughn. :lol: I think they are both 6'5. :lol: They couldn't afford Vince Vaughn (not that he'd do it anyway). Vincent Ventresca however does look good with the black, red or even silver pupils (he wore those contacts in some scenes for "The Invisible Man" which was a show that was on Sci-fi a while back). has his height completely wrong. They have it as 6'2 and he's definitely taller than that. :lol: 6'2 isn't even that tall and when you see Vincent, you can tell he's way taller than 6'2. :lol: imdb is just not always 100% accurate. :lol: The actor himself has said he was taller than that cause he said something about how his older brother is a little taller and gets mad if he says he's 6'6 when he's not that tall. He might possibly be between 6'4 and 6'5, but he's at least that. :lol: He looks taller than Jared to me. :lol:

I am having trouble thinking of any other actors who are taller than Jared. :lol: Anyone know of any others? :lol:
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i just saw the most hilarious thing, wont link to it just in case. i found a website with the most obvious bootleg dvds of supernatural you could imagine! they have "brand new unopened season 4" dvds for sale, i guess they are hoping people wont realize the legit dvds arent even out for like 3 more months :rolleyes:

best part, besides the super ghetto cover art, the lead actors are listed as tom welling and allison mack. seriously! who do these people think they are fooling??
^ Hahaha yeah I just read s4 DVD's are gonna be released September 1st (dunno if that's true though) so.. don't think so. :p

And.. Tom Welling and Allison Mack? True SPN fans would absolutely notice that.
As would Smallville fans! :lol: Dummehs.

Uhhhhhh... missing Supernatural already! Sheesh. I think I'm going to have to keep watching it every week on Space just so I feel normal.
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