Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

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Misha's funny... especially in the last part of the interview. :lol:

I cracked up when Bobby called Dean "princess", but I don't think he should have said what he said about John.

that third video: The angel (forgot his name) told Dean to obey. Hehe... Dean's not really good at following orders.

When are they gonna give him the angel powers?
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Incidentally, last night when they were talking about Lucifer's right-hand-man, and how it was a human converted, did anyone else immediately think of Sam- before they said it was Lillith?

I still have a sneaking suspicion it's going to mean Sam... :eek:
Misha's funny... especially in the last part of the interview. :lol:

I cracked up when Bobby called Dean "princess", but I don't think he should have said what he said about John.

that third video: The angel (forgot his name) told Dean to obey. Hehe... Dean's not really good at following orders.

When are they gonna give him the angel powers?

You know a lot of my friends are wondering which Angel(s) will give Dean powers. For some reason I had the image that Anna is the one who does it ... and ends up dying, actually I don't mind if both Anna/Ruby bite the dust in this episode.

I thought they were going to talk about Sam too :shifty: so did you see
when Sam's eyes turned black, I'm wondering if the tattoo is 100 percent safe in actually protecting Sam with not getting possessed. Wouldn't it be like the seal thing on the floor, when the paint is chipped Demons can get in and out. Wonder if that goes the same way with the tattoos ... if the skin where the tattoo gets cut, who's to say he can't get possessed. I'm just wondering if something like that happens ... or maybe Sam consumes enough blood ... and he turns :eek:
I loved this episode! I think it was amazing! I was watching intently the entire time. I even convinced my sister ot come in and watch! She loved the boys fighting, and quite frankly, so did I! I love dark Sam. It's different then the nice, cuddly Sam. This finale is going to be awesome. WHoe evr the make-up artist was did a good job of making Sam look like a junkie!
I loved this episode! I think it was amazing! I was watching intently the entire time. I even convinced my sister ot come in and watch! She loved the boys fighting, and quite frankly, so did I! I love dark Sam. It's different then the nice, cuddly Sam. This finale is going to be awesome. WHoe evr the make-up artist was did a good job of making Sam look like a junkie!

Oh ... I loved the episode from season 2 "Born Under a Bad Sign" though that possessed Sam, since he was possessed by Meg was kind of funny :lol: :rolleyes: "My daddy shot your daddy in the head" :guffaw: and Dean's line at the end, "Dude you... You like full on had a girl inside you for like a whole week. It's pretty naughty," :lol: "Dean... back from the dead. Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a cockroach," :lol:

Anyways :lol:

I'll leave with this image:

All of the lines you just posted were hilarious! I loved "Born Under A Bad Sign". Totally awesome episode. And Evil Sam is hot. The character Sam can be so dosile sometimes that making him evil is way different then the usual Sammy. And I like it!
All of the lines you just posted were hilarious! I loved "Born Under A Bad Sign". Totally awesome episode. And Evil Sam is hot. The character Sam can be so dosile sometimes that making him evil is way different then the usual Sammy. And I like it!

Yeah ... I have no idea why I like this cap from the last episode, but I just do :lol:

Oh and Evil Dean was hot too :lol:

omg ...
Well in the promo ... it sort of looks like Ruby is playing Sam ... that is all :lol: That's not the promo that was sent to me but it does show part of it when she causes the door to close. But of course you know how sometimes these are edited to trick you :lol:
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so i finally caught up, and all i can say is OH MY GOODNESS.
so amazing, and fricken epic especially 'when the leeve's break' and i agree i totally thought she was talking about sammy when ruby told him about lucifers 1st or whatever she called it. i still think its sammy. the setting for next week is going to be huge, i just really hope they don't leave it off on a giant cliffhanger...but let face it they probably will.
so i finally caught up, and all i can say is OH MY GOODNESS.
so amazing, and fricken epic especially 'when the leeve's break' and i agree i totally thought she was talking about sammy when ruby told him about lucifers 1st or whatever she called it. i still think its sammy. the setting for next week is going to be huge, i just really hope they don't leave it off on a giant cliffhanger...but let face it they probably will.

As I've posted before, the next episode is not only being directed by Kripke, but is also going to be written by him as well :shifty: so yeah ... we are so screwed when it comes to being tortured, he does know how to do it :guffaw:
Big! preview! Several clips right here :D

Bobby calling Dean a princess :p


I saw that the day after the last episode, and seriously laughed my butt off at Bobby. One of the greatest moments he's had so far, up there with the 'awww' 'he's adorable' from Yellow Fever. I just HOPE hope hope that it isn't Bobby that's drying on the season finale :(
Finally watched the episode. I loved Bobby's lines:

"I love that boy like a son."
"Maybe he's here right now instead of on the battlefield because we love him too much." Aww :adore:

"You willingly signed up to the be the Angels' b*tch? I'm sorry. Do you prefer sucker?" :guffaw:

Someone's dying in the finale? It better not be Bobby! Maybe it's Lilith and Ruby. Unless its Rufus (the dude who called Bobby).

About Dean and the angel powers: I paused the preview and played it in slow-mo and the hand on Dean's forehead when Dean was surrounded by the "angelic glow" was Cas' hand. At least I don't know of any other angel that wears a tan jacket. :lol: Plus, Anna gotten taken away by other angels, so I doubt she's allowed to be anywhere near Dean now.
Holy crap. It doesn't seem like tonight can really be the season finale already! We must all be mistaken. There has to be another new episode next week... there HAS to be! :eek:

What the hell am I going to do with myself? Seriously. Then again, I guess I could, like read or something. Maybe go outside and do stuff, I guess.

Bleh. I blame Supernatural for creating holes in my weekly schedule and therefore making me have to be creative!
Wow ... awesome episode! Totally loved it :D

Yay for Wayward Song in the review!

May be me, but how can a demon even get into a church of any sorts ... seems like that just should not happen.

"Shut your freaking piehole," sounds like a Dean line :lol:

Oh wow, a yellow eyed demon.

"I've changed for good," :eek:

"I'm not even sure he's even my brother anymore, if he was ever my brother,"

"Well boo hoo, I"m sorry your feelings are hurt princess," :guffaw:

"your dad was a coward you are a better man than your daddy ever was,"

"absolutely scrumptious," lol reminded me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory :shifty:

:lol: "The Suite Life of Zach and Cas .. it's a ... nevermind,"

"We'll throw in Mary Ann for free," :lol:

"It's like A-Rod and Madonna" :wtf: didn't really get that :lol:

Dean's phone call :(

Ilchester Maryland .... sounded like Hellchester to me. Hellchester ... Winchester :confused:

I was wondering how the heck the yellow eyed demon made it back and it was a flashback :shifty: that totally had me freaking confused. Figuring Dean killed him with the colt.

lol at Dean breaking things.

"Howler Monkey,"

"the apocalypse is coming kiddo to a theater near you,"

"planentary enemia,"

"Sam Sam Sam, Marcia Marcia Marcia,"

Dean is going to stop Lucifer O_O

"your our own little Russel Crowe," :lol:

"Howdy," :lol:

\o/ Dean punching Castiel :guffaw:

:eek: when Sam heard Dean's messsage.

Castiel always coming through to help Dean \o/

If Lilith dies ... that's the final seal :shifty:

\o/ Chuck lol buying girls :lol:

lol when Castiel looked at Chuck when he put his hand on his shoulder.

Aww Sam having second thoughts hearing Dean.

Double O_O Sam's eyes ... is he turning Demon :shifty:

So Ruby knew all along ... she used Sam totally loved when Sammy proclaimed "Bitch,"

Yeah totally loved how Sam held Ruby while Dean used the knife! :D :D :D Finally! I so wanted Dean to be the one to kill Ruby :D :D :D

"Let's go Sammy," AWWWWWWWWWW hearing Dean say Sammy makes me all teary eyed :( :(

Damn Eric Kripke ... that is too much of a cliffhanger! I'm going to go crazy until the show starts back up!
OK, I'm a whole 17 minutes in and I'm totally loving it so far. Man, that nurse/demon was an excellent screamer. She's got mad screaming skills! :lol:

Anyway, first thought... did anyone else get a feeling of foreshadowing when Ruby says to the other demon "You can't trust anyone these days." :eek: I got a bad feeling.

OK, I'm editing because it's over now and HOLY CRAP!!!! That was fan-freaking-tastic! WOW. That was the best finale I've seen so far this year by far. I thought the 2 hour LOST finale was something, but man! INSANE!

And oh yeah... the foreshadowing came true. Damn you Ruby! Even though when Sam held her as Dean stabbed her, I might have kavelched a little. :lol:

Seriously, that was a stellar episode from start to finish. In fact, my only complaint is that I would have at least liked to see Lucifer before they faded out... I wonder how long Kripke and co wrestled with the idea of "should we show him to give a quick teaser for next year or not..." Sadly, the bastards went with "no". :lol: Oh well- you can freaking bet I will be tuned in first thing next season. Oh crap... that just reminded me that I now have months and months of waiting... GASP!!!
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