Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

My aunt went camping in her senior year w/ her friend, Heather. They were buring wood from the woods, which was not alowed at this place. so the park manager is threatning to throw them out and Heather goes "We'll put it back". (at the time she said this the wood was burning).
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: That had me laughing so hard!

I was babysitting three kids on Tuesday. A 2 year old, 3 year old and a 4 year old. The 3 year old was itching her eyes (Or so I thought) and she had food all over her fingers so I told her, "Jess, get your fingers out of your eyes. There's food all over them, sweetheart." She look at me, furrowed her brows and replied "But my eyes are HUNGEE!!" :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

It's my time to let you know one of the many stupid things I've done...

I'll start saying that I'm a very absentminded person!!! :cool:

One morning, I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I started to pick up the milk box and a plate, then I went looking for the cereal box. When I was about to place the cereals in the plate, something coutch my attention, I didn't knew what it was, but it had something to do with the cat in the cereal box!!! :confused: Two minutes later... I realize that I was holding the cat food!!!
I was very sleepy that day... :D
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^ :lol: I've had days like that.

I think in an earlier post I recounted how I accidentally poured instant oatmeal in the toaster. :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: Yeah, Sirea, that one had me rolling because I can relate to it. One time I was fixing breakfast for my little sister and I accidentially microwaved her cold cereal. Let's just say, I had a big mess to clean up. :lol:

I really hate talking on the phone. I detest it with every fiber of my being. So my grandmother called this afternoon to say she was going to stop by my house. I did the old 'Sorry. The signal's breaking up,' trick and it almost worked. Until I turned around and saw my grandmother was standing at the back door, watching me lie to her. :devil: I really don't think I'm a very good granddaughter.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^Let's just face it, we're not morning people :p

Aww, your poor grandma! Did you tell her the truth that you don't like talking on the phone? BTW, I've used that trick before :p My son is always a good excuse for getting off the phone, too :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Yeah I'm really not a morning person. Never have been, probably never will.

And yeah, I ended up telling her that I hate talking on the phone. She understood, but when she walked back out to her car she CALLED ME to tell me goodbye. :rolleyes:

To prove that I am not a morning person, here's a funny story. Wednesday I got my hair cut, and it's just like Melinda Clarke's. Anyhow, this morning I got up, looked in the mirror and screamed "Who cut my hair in my sleep?!" :lol: My mom thought I had lost my mind!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: Now THAT story kind of reminds me of this time I walked into my mom's kitchen from school one day, looked around and said "Hey Mom, did you paint the kitchen today?"

She gave me the weirdest look and said "The kitchen's been blue for two years!" She wanted to look at my eyes to see if I was high! :lol: (which I wasn't!)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: Sounds hysterical!

There was the time my cousin walked into the apartment she had been living in for five years and said "Hmm, when I did I get carpet in here?" :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

This happened a few years ago to my friend. It was midsummer, we were in one camping area by the beach. Of course during the midsummer, you don't sleep much (and people drink a lot). I have this one friend who goes after every girl. So, in his own words he went on "romatic walk" witha girl to the beach. All sudden a bird (a gull) screamed above him and birdcrap hits his forehead :lol: He just had said to girl "well, lucky us that it didn't hit your forehead"
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^ :lol: I bet that killed the mood. Seems like your friend took it well, though :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

If I was the girl I would have replied "well if I'm as pretty as you say I am then birdcrap on my face shouldn't be too bad a thing!" or something along those lines :)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Uhm...ahh...a stupid story from me..

I was at my new school campus with my parents the other day and we went to buy the uniform. So after all the measuring and the conversation in Chinese, I had to go try on the clothes to make sure they fit. Okay so I did and the restroom was, fortunately, empty at the time I entered. First stupid thing I did, I went into the cubicle which was not well-litted. I didn't bother to go to another one so I started trying on the uniforms. As I was trying on this shorts[supposedly for Physical Education or Gym you may call it..] and my foot got stuck in it. Don't know how! Just DID! So I started hopping and hopping in the small cubicle and made lottsa noises. I didn't hear the restroom door open. So instead of stopping and getting the shorts off calmly, I was banging onto the door, hitting the toilet bowl behind me and getting unnecessary bruises. The next thing I know, someone was shouting at me to be quiet. I did and stopped hopping. Got the pants on in the end and it fits nicely.

:lol: Pretty much in a messy and dishevelled state when I got out.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^ :lol:, changing room stories are good :D I can just imagine you hopping around with your leg stuck, hehe...

I was adjusting a Burger King hat for my nephew last night, trying to get it the right size for his head. So I had changed the size a couple of times and then he goes "I'm a size 6-7!" :lol: I couldn't stop laughing! The fact that he thought a Burger King hat would be in sizes like that! :)