Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

At work yesterday I was bored and didn't want to be doing something so I started chasing my friend Sam with a price sticker gun. Then she got one on my forhead and I was running and I ran into a shelf and fell on the floor laughing. And then a little kid came by and was like "you're like that idiot girl from Sisterhood of traveling pants" and I was what if I am and you just called me an idiot? And then he's like uhh and ran away. Then my boss came up to me and stuck a price tag on my arm and told me to go work.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I love funny stories about work - it's nice to know that people have fun there :)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time! But anyways, one time I was in my friend's garage just hanging out and watching their band fool around and then we started getting into weird little contests like "who can do the best guitar riff" and "the best dancer." Well, during the "best dancer" contest we put on that song "I like to move it move it" and I was getting so into the music that I tripped over a mic chord and toppled into the drum set! Everyone that was outside came running over because of the noise! :lol:

Also, today my friend told me about her day today, which I found hilarious. At first, she went to take a drink from a water fountain and when she pressed the button and put her face down to drink the water SQUIRTED straight up and nailed her in the face! I wish I would've been there!!!
And then she said something about at lunch and she was eating those flaming hot cheetos. Well, she has a guy friend that comes and sits everyday at a table full of girls. Today, he brought another guy with him. So then he starts speaking with a gay lisp and she's like "The cheetos aren't the only thing that's flaming!" :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I just remembered some stupid things we used to do when I worked at the casino.

I used to be a slot attendant, and there were certain slot machine (touch screen ones) where you could touch certain things on the screen and it'd do or say something. So when we were bored we'd 'play' with them. There was this one machine called "Fortune Cookie" with a symbol for "MSG" and when you pressed it, a stereotypical Asian voice would say "No MSG!" and the symbol would change to "MSG" with a slash through it. :lol: Then we had "I Dream of Jeannie" machines where if you touched Jeannie she would make, uhm...suggestive noises. :lol:

There were more, but I have the feeling I'm either boring you guys or really confusing you. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Cant believe I havent found this thread sooner, Lord knows I've got enough to fill three pages of this thread :lol:

For starters...

My sister and I are 10yrs apart which basically put me more in the position of caretaker than sibling. Well one jolly Saturday afternoon when I was 12, I had finished making lunch for she and I. I walked out of the kitchen, back to my room after cleaning up lunch.

Upon coming to my room door, I noticed all these little round balls in the door way to my room. I figured my sister must've gotten candy from somewhere, specifically a bag of chocolate balls. So I thought, 'Cool! Chocolate balls' and bent down to pick them up.

Well, thank God a 2yr old makes waste similar to that of an adult. BEFORE I grabbed a 'chocolate ball' the smell alerted me that this wasnt chocolate.

My lazy sister didnt like the toilet (my bedroom was the room right next to the bathroom) so she pulled the side of her diaper and emptied its contents in my doorway. :rolleyes:

Moral: Things arent always what they appear to be.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Golden_Smile said:

No you're not boring us Sirea - please go on! :D

:lol: Oh boy, let's see...

There was one called "Phone Tag" or something like that with a little crow in the corner of the screen, and when you poke him he jumps and says "Ouch!" There's also another machine called "Money Storm" with a rooster on it. He would do a few different things: scratch his feet on the ground, pull back his arm feathers and make a muscle. :D
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

further proof that i dont think things through before i saw them:
when i got my job at this wholesale grocery store i was leaving one night in my first week and one of the guys says 'you didnt say goodbye to me' so i say to him 'im sorry, how can i make it up to you?' he says 'you could give me a hug' and i blurt out 'but i dont know where youve been'
hes only been in canada for about 4 years i think (came from poland) so he hadnt really grasped the concept of sarcasm. he thought i meant he was dirty and i didnt want to touch him :lol:
and then last year when he asked for a ride home i said 'whats in it for me?' it led to some, erm, interesting times. luckily im leaving that job. i cannot survive another summer there!!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

hehehe :D Sounds like you had a great time working in the casino place Sirea, I would love to see all those machines. Did you actually do any work? :p :D
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

maple, are you leaving the job because you hate it, or because of that guy? ;)

Golden, yeah, I can honestly say it's the best job I've ever had. It was just a blast. :D

Work? What work? :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

the guy was fun for a while, but then no more *shrugs* no one there is fun anymore, i think the manager has a stick up his bum or something. im trying to get into something with hospital or research experience.
heres something stupid my friend (who also worked there) is doing: shes just not going to call to say shes not coming back this summer. shes just hoping theyll get the idea. :lol: unfortunately i already phoned to say i was going back, cuz i didnt know how much help id have finding something else. now, with my flair for words i wonder what itll be like telling the manager 'oops, sorry, not coming back anymore' :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

I take French lessons at the school of languages and in my class there are from teenagers to people on their forties or more.
One day the teacher was asking where was the weirdest place we fell asleep,and there was this serious guy on his forties that answered:"the weirdest place I fell asleep was a striptease". :lol: