Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

my grandparents were visiting this weekend, so that meant i had to go to church. i havent been since christmas, and before that it had probably been a year (since the christmas before) church just doesnt do anything for me. needless to say, im a bit of a pill at church, good thing my momma puts up with me.
the opening hymn had something about easter in the title, so i asked my mom 'its still easter season' she said it was probably pentacostal sunday. so i asked 'oh, is that when they all speak in tongues?' and after a pause i say 'i wish i could speak parseltongue' i knew my mom wanted to laugh but wouldnt let herself. either that or slap me upside the head gibbs style.
later in the mass when the priest says 'let us now show each other a sign of peace' and the whole church is silent, i sneeze. now, i have a huge sneeze, i kind of scream at the end. so in a quiet church made of marble there was just a teensy bit of an echo. i thought the priest might say something, but he didnt.
i dont think momma will be taking me back there for a while. :D thats just a small example of everything i did on sunday. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Yesterday, my best friend walked into the MENS bathroom in Wal-Mart. She just stood there looking at the men that were in there, and laughed and told them that they were in the wrong bathroom. I can't even describe the look and color on her face after she figured it out. lol :lol: :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Ah, you sould see what I once did in a local grocerystore, the mens and womens bathrooms are identical there, so I switched the signs when it was busy. After that, I just stood at a near rack of cereal and watched the show.
hilarious but mean...
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

My mom knows This Lady online. So the Woman who my mom talks to said that she was walking around the House in her bra and panties, and She went into her daughter's Room. And Her Daughter was Talking to People On WebCam on MSN. XD
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

grissoms_gurl said:
Yesterday, my best friend walked into the MENS bathroom in Wal-Mart. She just stood there looking at the men that were in there, and laughed and told them that they were in the wrong bathroom. I can't even describe the look and color on her face after she figured it out. lol :lol: :lol:

:eek: So what? we always go into mensroom when in the bar :lol:

Have I told the story? There was like 15m long line to ladies room (outside it) and I was so frustrated and look back and OH! It's my old schoolmate. We chat a bit and then both are like "gosh, this line isn't moving" then both happen to look at men's room and when someone comes out, we notice it's almost empty, so I go first and my friend comes after me. We greet the guys who are peeing there and I go first to that.. booth..or whatever it is and my friend stays there waiting and talks to the guys. When I get out, there's like 20 women in a queue and guys are like "they take over the world!" and just laugh and greet us :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

More than one woman in my workout group has admitted to putting her thong on backwards and not noticing until later in the day.

I was telling my sister-in-law about the most recent reverse-thong incident, when she got all red in the face adn admitted she'd put hers on backwards that morning and didn't realize it until she got to work and went to the restroom.

I don't know how you could put one on backwards and not notice it. I mean, it's really hard to mistake front for back. And it'd have to be really really uncomfortable backwads.

And I mean backwards, not inside out which is what I originally thought these ladies were talking about.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Last night I was in the pub with a friend. And she was talking to a friend of hers.. and everytime she introduces me to someone she says: "this is Jayne, she's a lesbian" but in a funny way, I'm not annoyed with it or anything.. but she's probably the only one who's allowed saying it like that.. but this time, the music was really loud.. so she started yelling.. and of course.. the music ended just at the moment she yelled: "Steven, this is Jayne! SHE'S A LESBIAN!!!!" :lol: Half of the pub turned around to look at me.. hey it did something good, got talking to this really nice girl :lol: but then I was in the way of some guy playing pool, so he said: "uhm.. nice lesbian girl, could you please move over a bit, thanks!" and my friend: "yeah yeah.. if that was me, you'd grabbed my arse and pushed me away!" :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

A friend just phoned me, asking me if I had the homenumber of some other friend, so I looked it up in my phonebook and it said "Marije - Home" so obviously that was her homenumber. So I gave it to my friend.. several minutes she phones me back and she's just cracking up on the other side of the line, and I'm like "ehm, what's up?" and she's like: "you gave me the phonenumber of the local supermarket" :lol: I don't know why I saved that nr under "Marije - Home" :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

This happened about lunch time. I was over at my parents helping Mom dust and one of my older brothers is out there with his kids. He decides he's going to clean the swimming pool up because his wife is always complaining about letting the kids play in the pond, there being snakes, turtles, seamonsters, etc. The pool is just as bad. It's two pools that my dad made, one shallow, one deep. Nothing fancy.

So Ryan decides to start by dumping chlorine in the shallow pool & see if he can get the filters running, and all of a sudden tadpoles start coming to the surface. He forgot all about the tadpoles and how his youngest girl was looking forward to visiting them later and seeing if any had more than four legs growing. We had an emergency tadpole relocation to get all the tadpoles we could into the deep pool, and dispose of the bodies before his little girl came up and saw it. She got hysterical when she caught the dogs splashing around catching tadpoles. Imagine if she found out her dad had murdered hundreds of them.

Never fear, it looks like the ones we relocated will live.

Jayne, your stories are too funny! Does your friend introduce you as a lesbian to everyone or just potentially hot guys? I have a friend who always introduces me as, "This is Phil. She lives with a guy. It's serious." In high school she introduce me as "This is Phil, she has a million really overprotective brothers."
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

lol this one time i was just siiting outside unpacking my lunch that i was about to eat and then i pulled out a thing of dunkeroos and i was like om DUNKEROOS! omg i scraeamed it sooo loud and my frends were like wtf! and i was like what my frends like never by them!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

*sigh* I don't know why I'm sharing this. ;)

I was in Marine Biology in high school (several years ago, but this still haunts me, so...), and we had to identify different types of shells for a grade. I was going through them really fast, tiger cowry, pear whelk, etc, and then I got to the pink conch shell. There I am, talking out loud for a grade, and damn if I didn't say "pink cock" just as clear as day. My teacher was mortified, and my classmates thought it was frickin' hilarious. :rolleyes: It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if I hadn't been joking 10 minutes earlier with my lab partner about making sure not to call it that. :eek: I think I sealed my fate with that one. ;)

Pink conch, Fay, pink conch. :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Outsider said:
Jayne, your stories are too funny! Does your friend introduce you as a lesbian to everyone or just potentially hot guys?
Well she only heard recently that I'm one, and she thinks it really cool and interesting, so uhm, hah, yeah she introduces me to everyone like that.. and honestly, believe me, that Steven was NOT hot :lol:

Also that same evening I got talking to this very nice guy, just having a nice chat while my friend was getting us some drinks and when she comes back and sees me talking to this guy she grabs me by the arm pulls me away and says to the guy: "I'm sorry but she's gay!" :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Males might not want to read this.

I was on a trip to the ACS meeting, and in my van, I was the only female. In the middle of the trip, I started my period, and I had no pads. We stopped for breakfast at a McDonalds and there was a CVS pharmacy next to it. So after I ate, I said I needed to go over to the CVS and one of the guys said he'd come with me. I'm like, no it's ok, and walked quickly over, but he still followed me. I headed straight to the feminine products aisle, and the guy was looking for me, he found me there. He then looked around and realized where he was, and said he wasn't sure if he wanted to be there. I don't know who was more embarrassed.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

K it goes like this.

Me: AHh I have to go empty the hoover I'll be right back...ahh too late mums doign it.
Lisa: Ah we have one of the old know with the bags.
Me: Oh ours is clear so it must have a clear bag.
Lisa: What type of hoover you got?
Me; A Dyson.
Lisa:...Sammie deeerest...I think you have your wires crossed.

**ten mins later**

Me:..Oh Dysons dont have bags at all do they?

and secondly (this happened in study skills class)

Teacher: What animals did they used to test tobacco on?
Katie (jumping up and down in her seet and waving her hand like a loony.): HEDGEHOGS!
Teacher: No It was beegles.

(*Katie at this point goes on to try and defend her point.)

Katie: but sir sir if you smokeand you leave your cig buts in the garde hedgehogs eat them and becomd addicted to the nicotien.

**class laughs**

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

DaWacko said:
grissoms_gurl said:
Yesterday, my best friend walked into the MENS bathroom in Wal-Mart. She just stood there looking at the men that were in there, and laughed and told them that they were in the wrong bathroom. I can't even describe the look and color on her face after she figured it out. lol :lol: :lol:

:eek: So what? we always go into mensroom when in the bar :lol:

Have I told the story? There was like 15m long line to ladies room (outside it) and I was so frustrated and look back and OH! It's my old schoolmate. We chat a bit and then both are like "gosh, this line isn't moving" then both happen to look at men's room and when someone comes out, we notice it's almost empty, so I go first and my friend comes after me. We greet the guys who are peeing there and I go first to that.. booth..or whatever it is and my friend stays there waiting and talks to the guys. When I get out, there's like 20 women in a queue and guys are like "they take over the world!" and just laugh and greet us :lol:
:lol: yeah I do that all the time too, especially in cinemas.. the women's queue goes on forever and ever cuz seriously some girls just think they need to powder their noses for no reason.. like HELLO!! It's a C I N E M A.. it means it's dark inside and no one will look at ye anyway :rolleyes:.. But there's never a queue at the men's.. so me and my friend always hop over there.. I think the guys are getting used to it.. one of them actually yelled at me once: "put the toilet seat back down when you're done" :lol: like I was one of them!!