Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

haha!! i done that so much times and its like you cant win so may as well give yourself up lol and i always felt stupid afterwards lol!
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

ha ha just imagine what would have happened if he sat down lol
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Here's something.. On several different occasions I have gone out without my keys and mom has left home and locked the door on me. Well, how do I get in? On one occasion, I walked around to my bedroom window (I live in a condo complex) and opened it, thinking; "Thank God I never lock this.". Only problem was, when I crawled through my window, I ripped my curtain rod from my wall and got whacked on the head. That happened a year or two ago. Just recently, I was walking home from school and I forgot my keys on the coffee table in the morning.. Also, I had no clue whether my window was unlocked or not. Needless to say, I've broken into my own house somewhere north of five times on account of forgetting my keys. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: :D

Have you ever thought of leaving a key hidden somewhere outside? I know it isn't the safest thing to do but would definitely stop you from having to break into your own house - or you could just remember your keys :p
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: If I tried, Mom wouldn't let me hear the end of it. "It's already unsafe enough as it is with your window unlocked! We don't need a key floating around and saying 'I'm here! I'm here! Come and get me!'.".. o__o Or something along those lines. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: lmao! I can just imagine my mum standing and saying that to me - with a really strange voice on! :lol: Does she just expect you to hang around outside until she gets home then? Or keep breaking in through the window? x-x-x
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

..o_o I would rather not sit outside on a bad day.. I can get home by 3:30.. Mom comes home at 5:00 or later. I am NOT waiting. :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

:lol: :D

wot does 'o_o' mean?
Also, I see people use 'ETA', what does that mean?

Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

o_o is a face..

ETA, to my understanding is.. Edited to add. You know.. you edit a post and if you add something you can put ETA to let people know you added that ontop of your post.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

Ah, makes a lot of sense! Thank you very much ShuriyuCSI :)

About a year or so ago, my dad, sister and I had just finished watching 'Rainman' and my sister goes "do trains have wheels?!" (in a really shocked voice) and my dad just burst into laughter - he was literally laughing for about 2 hours! I ended up laughing my head of too because my dad was laughing so hard (don't see him laughing that much now-a-days), I think I nearly peed myself :rolleyes: I know it probably doesn't sound that funny now but it is the fact of my dad nearly choking from laughing! :lol:

:) x-x-x :)
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

haha!!thats so funny ! :lol:! i could not believe what this girl in my science class asked me the other day she asked me "Are eskimos real people or are they some kind of animal", :lol: :lol: well you should have seen me i nearly died from laughing so much! :lol: :lol: and she was serious aswell!!i couldent believe it! :lol:
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

OMG! :eek: :lol: My sister is normally the one to ask really stupid questions, but I'm not sure if she would ask that one... well actually she probably would! :lol: I LOVE it when people ask questions that are so obvious! :D x-x-x
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

This is horrible. My friend told this last weekend.
You know how you NEVER should drink if you find a bottle/drink on a table in a bar. Well, doh, my friend and her friend had found opened bottle from one table and it was full. Smart girls, they drank it. My friend drank little less than her friend. So my friend said the next day was plain horrible but Monday was already ok. Her friend was still sick on tuesday and went to see a doc. They took bloodtest and result: rat poison in blood

So just remember not to drink from bottles/glasses that aren't yours in the bar. Or if you leave your drink without anyone looking after it... don't drink it when you come back.
Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d

^^Wow, that's awful, Ducky. :( I'm glad your friends are OK.

I thought of a story today, thought I'd share.

A while back my BF went to Canada on a business trip, and whne he came back he was talking about how beautiful Canada was and how they take so much pride in their country. He said he noticed literally as they went over the border that even the grass was greener.

To which I replied, "Don't they have trees in Canada?" and regretted it immediately. He looked at me like "Here's your sign." (Bill Engvall reference :p But it was a pretty stupid question, so I can't blame him).