Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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LaRoseNoir said:

Think about it, if he cuddled it, his skin and hair would be all over the cat, and then the cat would spread it all over the house.

Ahhhhh....the thought of George cuddling with a cat! I'd probably explode with happiness! :D :D
Forget cuddling the cat what about cuddling me :devil: Oh yes just the thought. :devil:

Congrats on winning allmaple. Since allmaple is occupied writing her practice mcat we will need to entertain ourselves some how. I wonder when allmaple writes her mcat for real. Good choices Babs. I have always found Stalker to be one of my favourites. George just displays such a range of emotion in the episode

Lily how is Luna doing today?

What are you doing today Jac
oh some housework,
some bonding with the critters
I'll watch some dvds and knit
and best of all
look at some georgeous hunk on the internet :D
Off Allmaple is to busy that maeby someone else can pick a new theme. I probably read over that part that she was busy. Sorry.

I like to Cuddling with him. :devil: So forget the cat/Maverick for a while George and come cuddling with me :)
happy_me_111 said:
Jacquie_Sawyer said:

I agree on George being a dog person. When he held the cat in $35k O.B.O. he looked like he didn't know how to hold it.

Yeah, I remembered watching that episode for the first time, and thinking, "Nicky honey, at least pretend to hold the cat nicely!" :p

And when he put the cat down, the look on his face is like "Ewww..." as he tries to flick cat hair off his fingers! :lol:

It looked as if George was holding the cat the way the cat's trainer told him to. The safest way possible, he probably didn't want the cat to attack his face, so he held it in such a manner that the paws were as far from his face as possible. Plus he used one of his hands to make a seat for the cat to sit in giving the animal a sense of security so it wouldn't squirm so much. The cat was still squirming, but probably not as much as it would if George hadn't held its butt in his hand. ;) :lol:

Some cats are not big on being held, but the trainer was probably on the set to ensure both kitty and George were safe.

Almost holding it properbly, but cat still squirmed.

I mean George probably didn't want to get his georgous face scratched up (or his eyes gouged out for that manner), the cat would probably be quarantined by animal control, and let's face it cat lovers, it hurts to get scratched by a cat.

And I laughed when George started picking the hairs off his shirt, it just kind of emphasized how Nick appears to be fastidous about his appearance. Every hair in place, shirts always pressed and tucked in. Just look at tidy his house was in 'Stalker'? Course being a CSI means not spending a lot of time at home, so he's probably not home enough to make a mess.
Babs I have no problem waiting on allmaple.

I did find it interesting to see George brush the dog hairs off him in Burked. He probably did it and didn't realize it. How many times have we picked up our cats and automaticly brushed the cat hairs off when the cat gets down. Now if we were all like this we wouldn't have to worry about cat and dog hairs :D

eta: For those that are needing food there are Coco Puffs in the discussion thread
never fear, maples here! :lol:

so, since i just wrote an incredibly brutal test (i think they made this one extra hard on purpose! :() i would like for you girlies to find pictures of any george character that fit this quote:
"you have got to be kidding me!"
since thats basically what i said to myself after reading every question today :lol:
to answer your question Jacquie the real mcat is august 19th and there are two more practise tests before then. although i will miss the last one to frollic on the beach in florida :D
maple, that's why you take practice MCATS -- so that by the time you take the real one, you are totally used to the ridiculous questions ;)

I feel like its been weeks since I played a theme :( I'm gonna play this one, tho! :) Here are my first 6. Oh, who am I kidding -- this will probably be my only six, but a girl can dream, can't she.

"you gotta be kidding1
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