Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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Yay!!! thread #11, this is great!!!

Ah dancing with Nick/GE, I know how to belly dance, you think he's belly dance with me? :D

cause I'd belly dance for him any day!! ;)

ok here are the theme pics:

and you ever noticed how Nick always looks confused :lol:


those are my first 6, he's really cute, I hope there is enough of him next season, I don't watch the episodes Nicky isn't in :rolleyes:

what can I say, I only watch CSI for George :D
Belly dancing Nick? *starts to giggle* Well, I adore his belly....
What's not to love about that!

There's obviously a lot of cat-lovers around here, I have to exclude myself. I'm totally a guinea-pig-person :D I have three of them: Gulliver, Gismo and Gandalf (who was supposed to be called "George", but a friend of mine insisted he'd look like Gandalf the White from LORT). Don't want to have them in bed with me and George though, they might get crushed :rolleyes:
Talking about bed, I'm off now - it's midnight in Germany...
Sleep tight, ladies, don't let the bed bugs bite you :D
allmaple your gibbs is gladly accepted and I will post and new pic here

Babs here is a replacement for my confuzzed at night pic in my second set of theme prints
Now I'm really confuzzed

LaRoseNoir I hope your new kitten will be feeling better soon.
Jacquie I think you duplicated one of your own pictures in your second post. :)

I hope the kitty gets better, LaRoseNoir! I can't really say I'm a cat person, but I do love dogs.

Way to go on the 29 maple! You'll probably do even better on the real thing too :D

Nick does look confused a lot, I guess that goes along with investigating things. Here are my first 6, sorry if there are duplicates.
Confused 1 What is going on here?
Confused 2 Those don't look like mosquito bites ;)
Confused 3
Confused 4
Confused 5
Confused 6
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
LaRoseNoir I hope your new kitten will be feeling better soon.

Thanks everyone for the support. I think Luna(I just named her today) appreciates it too...her appetite is increased and she now has the energy to play with some string! :)

I'll take pictures of the tiny tyke this weekend. She is literally the size of a soda can.

And she's perching on my shoulder right now, watching my fingers as they type. :lol:
Man, I'm melting with "ooohs" and "ahhhhs". Baby animals are just the best.

Again, something tells me George is not a cat person. I don't know why I think that; he just seems to be that sort of personality from the little that I know of him.
yeah i miss having a kitten :( love pixie but shes too old to play. if i try to play with a string or feather she just looks at it as if shes saying 'what do you expect me to do with that?' :lol:
george strikes me as a dog person too. i dont know what would make me decide that but he is. if it means sharing a bed with george ill share a bed with maverick too :D

now im the one whos confused, forgot to post pictures!
what?? stand next to eric??
im confused, i dont know why they want me over here
ok why am i hugging another guy instead of the girl?
what? i was supposed to meet you a half hour ago?? but im not even dressed! and the problem is... :devil:
colour me confused, why am i in this tub alone maple? he wont be for long! :p

you can fight over nicky for tomorrow, but i call him on sunday. were having a barbeque with the best pulled pork outside of the south :D aiming to break 30 on tomorrows practise test! wish me luck!!
Aw he's on your shoulder, that's to cute :D and I hope the Kittie gets better soon, I've never had a pet with a cold, but it must be similar to a baby with a cold, poor thing :(
bit I can tell he's in good hands, by the way LRN what do you do that you have a sick Kittie to take care of? is he yours, or do you work at a vet? just curious :D

and yeah I don't take George as the cat having kind, I can tell he likes all creatures, but he likes dogs the most :D
Yeah, I'm a cat person, but I truly love all animals. I think GE is the same way. He might have a special love for dogs, but I think he loves all animals too...those pics of him with a koala make me melt every time I see them. :)

edit-- and to answer the question, I found her abandoned in my neighborhood. Poor thing. I felt compelled to help, and then I just fell in love. And Luna is a she, btw. ;)
km444 thanks for the help. I told you guys I was confuzzed.
I agree on George being a dog person. When he held the cat in $35k O.B.O. he looked like he didn't know how to hold it. I love dogs and some times wish I had one but our house is a cat house and we don't really lead a dog lifestyle. I wouldn't be in the pet food business if I didn't like animals.
Jacquie_Sawyer said:

I agree on George being a dog person. When he held the cat in $35k O.B.O. he looked like he didn't know how to hold it.

Yeah, I remembered watching that episode for the first time, and thinking, "Nicky honey, at least pretend to hold the cat nicely!" :p

And when he put the cat down, the look on his face is like "Ewww..." as he tries to flick cat hair off his fingers! :lol:
Thanks km444...and congrats on your promotion, too.

I think he's playing Nick as an animal lover, but not pet owner, because even in Burked when he was petting the dog, he shook off the hair like it was a bad thing. Silly Nick, doesn't he know that animals and loose hair go hand in hand? :lol:

But honestly, I think he held the cat that way so he didn't get any of his DNA/fibers on the cat and contaminate the crime scene. Think about it, if he cuddled it, his skin and hair would be all over the cat, and then the cat would spread it all over the house. Definitely a bad thing.

And slightly off the subject, I hope Nick gets a pet bird for his apartment this season. :)

Oh, and you guys can call me Lily if LaRoseNoir is too long. ;)
Oke going to look at your pics. Be back soon with the winner.

Okay back again :). It was a tough one to choose Nicky just look so adorable when he's confused :)

Here are the pic in ransom order

NickSarafan He is just so sweet here.
Allmaple I saw this pic for the first time.
KM444 This is a real WFTlook :) Looks so cute
Jacqi What can I say, Stalker is one off my fave epi's. Really great acting from George.
Blackflag Just cute.

And the winner is:
ALLMAPLE I just can't resist those cowboy eyes :) Congratz Allmaple
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