Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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How great that I won! For the new theme, I'd like to see pictures of Nick and Greg together. I think they have great chemistry, maybe not per se in a romantic way, but as friends. Maybe Nick sees Greg like a little brother or something. Anyway, there are some cute scenes with them, and I think Nick smiles more when around him.
I might have to announce the winner a bit early though, cause I'm going away for the weekend and will be on my way very early tomorrow morning. It's 9.30 am here now, so this time tomorrow I'll be away. So I'll have to announce late tonight, if that's ok ... :)
Wow I love the pics guys!! Congrats all that won the themes! I would just like to say in a couple of the pics that you guys have posted GE looks soooo much like one of my mates tis scary! lol not that im complaining! :p Loving the pics and I will start tunneling through my GE pics to get ya guys some to drool at!

Question: Where do you guys find all these caps? I've looked and looked. I use Beyond Imagination, but not all the episodes are there. Thanks!
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