Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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Jacquie_Sawyer said:
blackflag loved your theme #9. Nice to see someone post it. I had to work today so I have just got back to the ward.

Either the first or second theme that I was 'it' for was designed just so I could get that pic. I thought it fit. A close-up is not always of the head or face!

blackflag said:
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
blackflag loved your theme #9. Nice to see someone post it. I had to work today so I have just got back to the ward.

Either the first or second theme that I was 'it' for was designed just so I could get that pic. I thought it fit. A close-up is not always of the head or face!

LOL - that's why I said "usually the head" when I described the theme :p

Jacquie_Sawyer said:
a sideways closeup I know it shouldn't seem like a soothing pic but something about it does seem soothing and peaceful. I love it
Jacquie, that's a really cool pic and I agree that it feels peaceful, even knowing the circumstances.
Hello girls,

I'm back for 3 weeks. I lost all my nick pictures in a major computer failure so I have to search and dig again. I'll be back in the game soon.

GE shaved his head again. I'm so happy... we'll have many new buzz cut pictures!!!!!!! I'm already drooling
Veze said:
Hello girls,

I'm back for 3 weeks. I lost all my nick pictures in a major computer failure so I have to search and dig again. I'll be back in the game soon.

Veze!! Welcome back. The current theme is "close-ups" and I'll be picking the winner sometime later morning/early afternoon (U.S. EST) tomorrow (Sunday)!
oh ladies!
im on my way back to canadialand, and am currently in louisville. i am far too lazy to look over almost two weeks of posts, so tell me, did i miss anything good? any new george public sightings? photoshoots? anything?? or is our elusive texan remaining in hiding for the summer?
well its bedtime, my dad and brother have this crazy idea were leaving at 6am tomorrow. only 10 more hours in a car!
nighty night :D
I loved his stash, they want to knock a stash they should knock that guy from 'My Name Is Earl' ewww, now GE's stash is hot!!! :D

ok congrats Onlytruth i love his close ups, now I hope none of nine have been posted, but if so, tiss ok ;)






I'll be back to post some more in a sec, I have to go out with the family and watch a meteor shower :D
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